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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nobody can dress for sh!t on this cast! And i love every minute of it! Where to start? Wendy's Project Runway reject gown is literally 3 different outfits in one. Ashley sewed her eazy-wipe kitchen tablecloth onto her swimsuit. Karen had to disentangle herself from a giant spider's web. Candiace is somebody's birthday present.

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The Potomac women (except Monique, Katie and sometimes Karen) always try too hard and look tacky at the reunion. This year Monique is the stand out for me. 

In upcoming news, Dallas should be announced soon and New York is still filming. It’s looking like Bershan may have an Apple, but time will tell. A fan busted her and Eboni arguing in the middle of the street on their recent cast trip, so at least we know they’re bringing it. 






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Edited by Chris B
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I think given the current climate..maybe the women should be dressing more casual instead of over the top.  


I heard either this week or next..we might get some Dallas news.  Andy cohen is excited about season 5...but he is currently singing Leah and Brownie's praises so I don't trust his judgement.




Kelly says stupid things.


Shannon doesn't let things go.


Brownie is draining and her hubby is creepy.


Gina is funny...and at least she owns her own house.


Emily...well...Shane is a saint to put up with her. 


Elizabeth is interesting to me.  @TaoboiI also get Vicki vibes from her..a more low key vicki


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Dang, they're doing it. They're gonna make the OG's stick old like sore thumbs as the musty old broads of the series. LuAnn can make friends with anyone, but I'll be interested in seeing how Ramona really gets along with the younger newbies, as the feelings of being iced off her own show will surely creep in. 


... and no Heather? 

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SLC was once again really entertaining.  There is a pace to this show that makes it really engaging.  It's not too slow or boring, but you still get to know the ladies and their families pretty easily.  Whitney finally had more screen time and I was totally Team Whitney in that argument against Lisa.  Lisa is a bit trashy to me, I think I'll grow tired of her quickly.  Heather and Meredith continue to be my #1s.  Mary continues to entertain me and still reminds me of Kim Richards.  She's kooky and hilarious.


OC - eh, Braunwyn is so exhausting.  While I don't agree with Shannon, at least she amped up the drama towards the end. Otherwise this season is a bit dull.  I did LOL when Shane couldn't open the mustard and asked if they should get room service to come open it, and Emily grabs it and easily opens the jar.  

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Until you pointed it out, I didn’t realize that this is potentially the season 5 reboot with the same three originals and three newbies lol. Heather is only a friend so I don’t expect her to always be around. She didn’t go on the Salem cast trip but I’m hoping she ends up as more than a guest. 

Onto Salt Lake City, episode 3 is on demand if y’all want to watch it early. My guess is they did this because of Thanksgiving next week. I haven’t watched it yet, but did watch episode 2 which was also fantastic. I also noticed we got another flashback, this time from four months ago. I guess the rumors of them getting a new production company mid season was true. 

One unpopular opinion I’ll say is that Jen is the most unlikable HW for me. I tried to give her a shot, but this episode and the preview for episode 3 ruined her for me. I hate a grown woman trying to force people not to film with or be friends with someone because of an issue THEY have. Then to make matters worse, after seeing the end of the party, I’m 100% on Mary’s side about the hospital thing. Jen kept weaponizing her Aunt and making it seem like Mary was making fun of her. Mary didn’t know about her Aunt and clearly said the room smelled like hospital. She explained why multiple times and apologized but Jen wants to have a problem. Jen is trying too hard, fronting in her rented house and is using Mary for a storyline. Mary is kooky, but in this case she didn’t do anything. Jen better be careful before she turns the entire cast against herself. 

A surprise for me was how much I enjoyed Whitney this week. She seems young and sweet but she showed her smarts this week with how she handled Lisa. I think she’ll be a pleasant surprise this season. 

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All right...let's see if I can focus. Coffee and motivation down. 


Two episodes in and I feel SLC is giving us so much. Various feuds (Mary vs Jen, Lisa vs Heather, Lisa vs Whitney). There were definitely real moments going on like Whitney with her father and Meredith's dinner with her husband. The scenery is still divine (pun unintended) and there's even some BTS stuff per @Cat as to the nature of Mary if that TT piece has any truth to it. Because I felt like Heather might have known cuz her look when Mary mentioned Whitney wanted to take her dad to Mary's church said a lot.


And seeing the promo for Episode 4 already online...wooo...things are about to pop. And things were already popping...


JEN. I am agreeing with @Chris B on this one. I do like Jen, but I'm sorry I'm Team Mary on this feud. It does not seem to get that Mary was (at the time) not talking about her aunt, but the smell. And...sincere or not...Mary APOLOGIZE. Personally, it felt like whether Mary understood or not, she felt she hurt her friend and apologize because it was the right thing to do. The fact that Jen not only continued to feel a kinda way about it, but wanted to have her friends choose sides was messy. It also showed she wanted to keep a fight going for the sake of it. Annnnnd no. I would rather have fun Jen...the Jen that had her posse help her clean so her husband doesn't know there was a whole soiree going on while he was out and not '6 friends getting together.' lol. 


LISA. I'll give her this much. Great one liners and respect for having back to back showdowns with cousins...but I was not liking her otherwise. I take that back...ERIKA JAYNE COULD NEVER. LOL!!! THIS is how Erika should be on BH or think she's being. Nope...Lisa has her beat as the ice queen. But I wasn't liking her otherwise this episode. Shame since she was fabulous ice the first episode. But I don't hate her, but love to hate.


MEREDITH. LOOK AT LISA'S TWIN BEING REAL!!!! Judging from her IG picture where she tagged all of her family BUT her husband who she made clear is OFF-LIMITS FOR DMs, it's clear she still cares. And it's clear from the dinner that he still cares. And passionate over it is kinda hot actually. lol. But I felt their dinner was real and who can't relate to the SO who is always busy on their phone. That real petal thing with Brooks takes on a whole different meaning now. I hope they can work it out. 


WHITNEY. Another one being real. It was nice to get to know Whitney this episode. Through her son. Through her dad. Real nice.  Loved her showdown with Lisa. She is smarter than she looks. And she played it right. Lisa just might had decided to either deflect or gone for the jugularglar with the rumor so she focused the fight on what it should have been about. Good call. 


HEATHER. FAVORITE!!! She was a hoot throughout. And I am liking the 'I don't know her' feud with Lisa. Not too toxic like Jen vs Mary has the potential to be. Just petty, messy, and cute. And I hollered at her talking to the producer over what the emoji meant when she was saying different at the showdown with Lisa.


MARY. Continues to give me RHOA Sheree vibes. Have no complaints. But given what I read at TT, I had to sideeye her when Whitney said she and her dad was going to her church. And it sounds like Meredith will be going to. And then camera on Heather. Uh oh.


Great 2nd episode.





I liked. Though I felt this week's SOUTHERN CHARM set up Corona better. It felt like it was dropped in or a case of irony here where SC continued down to it happened, it slowly cropping up, and then...BOOM. 


Still, it was really the first episode that felt OC to me and jell.


SHANNON. Again, she was mixed for me. Yeah, Shannon would be online researching Coronvirus from GO. She is that type of personality. So I giggled cuz it was a Shannon thing to do and I liked her man and Gina ribbing her at the dinner over it. If they only knew what was about to happen...smh.  I didn't like her and Kelly getting into it at the vow renewal. She could have tabled that until after. It was not about her or Kelly.


KELLY. Your man looked hot but STFU. She could have kept that argument from the vow renewal. Just being messy cuz you have nothing going on. I at least respect her opinion to have drinks at the renewal. I wish she was a bit more mindful, but I am the same way BUT MORE MINDFUL to who is not drinking.


ELIZABETH. lol. Good to see @Soaplovers you see the same. She was still giving that Vicki vibe. I don't like the girls will be coming for her next week because it seem like it's about the fact she has Braunwyn's back over her staying sober. She continues to be a good friend to Braunwyn and be herself. And that is a good look on her.


GINA. Not annoying me except for when she was trying to stir the pot with Emily over Elizabeth.


EMILY. Va va voom at the wedding. I liked. Other than that, I was STFU. lol.


BRAUNWYN. It's funny seeing her getting a vow renewal knowing 1)how these ends on HW shows and love the producers pointing it out and 2)how this ends for them (so far) in real life. That said...it was nice and it is really weirding me out that Sean is really looking attractive to me this season when I couldn't be bothered last season. lol.


Good episode. Probably the first one this season that felt OC.

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@Taoboi Great write-up; I agree with all. 


Now that I'm getting a better sense of these women individually, I do think Jen is doing too much and trying to be too much. I'm sure she studied the other Housewives franchises long and hard before coming up with what type of "character" she was going to portray herself to be. Meanwhile, Mary's explanation and apology was enough, and then Jen continued using the same incorrect dialogue "you said I smell like hospital!" "No, I said it smells like hospital." At least it got squashed. Knowing Housewives though, I'm sure it'll be the catalyst for further tension between the two. [Side note: Hubby can't stand Jen.] 


After episode two, I'm finding myself liking Heather, Whitney, and Meredith the most. There was something very endearing about Meredith and her situation with her husband. She also seems pretty level-headed and self-aware. I question her fashion choices, but nobody's perfect. Also, the way she talks reminds me of the late Carrie Fisher, so I like that. 


Like others have said, Whitney is one that comes off as a vapid airhead at first glance, but there's real depth and intelligence to her. She was wise not to bring up the "swingers" rumor with Lisa because the focus of the conversation would turn to that. Smart cookie. And I like that we have a genuine family connection on this show with her and Heather. 


Heather continues to be my favorite. She's not the ice queen, she's not the glam queen, she's not the queen bee, but she's entertaining and real and I love her energy. 


Lisa is icy, but she'll provide a good bitchy dynamic to the group. Mary is kooky and will provide excellent memes and gifs in the social media world. 


And gosh... I don't know what summer is like in SLC, but the wintertime is visual heaven. That view we see outside Meredith's place in her talking head shots. I'm in awe. I'd be in Christmas wonderland this time of year. 


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I get early OC vibes with SLC...with the women in scenes in their day to day lives...plus some fun friend scenes.


Jen: I don't like her.  Money doesn't help with lonliness... and I'm not surprised hubby and kids are not around.  


Heather: baby shower idea was fun, and I like that she's struggling with how she was raised and how she can raise her daughters.  Her hubby did her wrong.


Lisa: I like the family scenes with her and her sons..plus the subtle shade she throws at Whitney.


Meredith: her son was right...Jen was being inappropriate.  She seems nice so far..and I guess she's Switzerland.


Whitney: she seems sweet..not much focus on her tonight.


Mary:  she is interesting..wouldn't say I like her...but her backstory is interesting.


My impressions after a watching episode 3 of SLC.

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