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BH thoughts


Im liking the season so far and I wouldnt have checked it out if not for Garcelle. So far there arent any storylines which is likely why they put that teaser of Denise's mess in the first episode to keep people hooked.


Garcelle. I thought she was going to be boring but she's a breath of fresh air. She commands presence when she enters the room and isnt afraid to say her opinion. Thats good bc if not she'd be a wallflower like Teddi (Ill get to that later). I was dying when she was hearing about Teddi's event and was like "Thank god I dont have to go to it" And then she told Teddi that she'll go but she doesnt want to be there....SAVAGE! She's good energy and fits in well with this group


Erika. Ive never liked her but she's not so bad this season. I'll keep my eye on her though but her budding friendship with Garcelle is winning her points


Dorit. So she and PK are finally talking about their legal/financial issues. They arent divulging everything but we know they are full of sh-t. She and her changing accent are forever annoying.


Sutton. She is way to pretentious for me. She has a bad body with ill fitted fashions yet she keeps reminding us that her stuff is couture. That dont mean sh-t if you make it look so bad. She is a waste of good money. She is what happens when someone who isnt used to anything gets everything. She forgot her roots in a way that Erika hasnt.




Teddi. Boring. She really needs to get a backbone. Rinnna put a battery in her back and she ran with it. The other women flat out clowned her. I dont get what she does for a living either. I watched a YT video and accountability couch just sounds like a friend. Her event sounds a mess too.


Denise's husband is hot. Best looking husband on this show. Keep showing him bc I am here for it.


Rinna. I hate how she's exploiting her daughter's issues for a story. Granted the daughter put it out there on her social media but Rinna puts a large lens on it by airing it on this show. Her daughter is not that recognizable and most people would not know who she was if it werent for Rinna trying to make her happen and that still hasnt worked



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ITA. I’m all for transparency and addressing things that are public, but she does seem to amplify her daughters’ mental health issues for story. All the while vamping for the camera. She’s not Yolanda, whose children are legitimately significant figures in pop culture.

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BH: It's a shame that Sutton's divorce meant she couldn't show her kids so that some of her stuff had to be removed. If I could stomach the rest of the women, I might watch for Sutton and Garcelle but I don't care one iota about the others.  Sad about the Sutton hate. From the clips I've seen, she seems hilarious and a real character rather than someone dressed and created by a bunch of gay men (to clarify, I am gay so I don't want that to read as a slight). RHOBH needs to clean house in front of and behind the cameras. When you're depending on one story (and a story brought by a "friend of") to make a season, you're in trouble. Did they learn nothing from Puppygate? If you filmed that long, and only have your big story at the end of filming, you need to make big changes. 


ATL: It's time to get rid of Nene. Nene is such albatross on that show, and when Nene leaves, Marlo will have to forge other alliances if she wants to stay on the show which she clearly does. Yet again, Marlo had to start conflict because no one else wanted to. It was a Tamraesque move in its desperation. I have never liked Porsha, and I'm stunned that so many fans forgive her for accusing Kandi of rape.  Porsha has a long history of lying, but since most people find her amusing (I do not), she gets away with it. Boggles my mind. 


NY: I always found Dorinda hateful and vicious. I hope this season is her comeuppance. It must get bad as Sonja is already doing damage control for Dorinda.


I don't know maybe it's me, but I'm just not into the housewives anymore. I feel the way I did about soaps. The execs make one bad decision after another (ex. keeping Teddy, Erika, and Rinna for ex.) and the shows just get worse. I think RHOP is the only one truly working, and I'm hoping the execs don't muck that one up.



Edited by chrisml
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Sutton isn't likable and I'm cool with it.  She's being herself and on a show with phonies..it's refreshing.


Why isnt Teddi a friend of?  She brings nothing..not even annoyance.  At least Erika and Dorit illicit some reaction from people.


I wouldn't mind Rinna talking of her daughters issues..if it was her daughter talking about it.  Let her daughter control the narrative 

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That ATL reunion setup doesn’t look half bad! I wonder if Marlo and Tanya will still appear considering how difficult it was to set up. 

I can’t STAND you for making me choke with that “Kyle.”

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I actually am looking forward of her return next week. I can see Kyle and even Rinna getting iced out of this group. They bring *nothing* to the show anymore. 

Honestly, what does Kyle bring? Her only close friendship left is Teddi who is annoying as hell. She is just kinda there. I honestly feel she’s only lasted as long as she has because of Kim and LVP. She BETTER NOT be fighting with Kim when she appears either. 

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That’s the thing. At some reunions, you can hear them lowering the sound on certain women (like the argument between Marlo and Kandi a few seasons back - you could hear Kandi still yelling in the background while Nene was trying to speak). You also have those interesting asides between the women we’ll miss (like Phaedra’s “Fix it, Jesus” or Nene’s crude comment to Tanya about “sticking that peach up your p*ssy”). Hopefully they’ll have time to clean up the audio.

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Well, it's disappointing that Potomac is being pushed back, but totally understandable. Might as well let NYC and Beverly Hills be the sole Housewives series airing, and ration out the rest for down the road. Besides, before the additions of Potomac and Dallas, there was usually only two airing consecutively anyhow. 


ATL: The finale was ho-hum. Porsha flip-flopped and was playing both sides of the fence with the two groups of friends, but whatevs.  Nene can go and Bravo can save money. I don't understand why Kandi and Todd wanted another child when they can barely make time for the ones they've got, let alone run all their businesses, but okay. 


BH: Alrighty now, last night's episode was Damage Control City for certain housewives (cough, Dorit, cough Erika). I liked how they aired the producer questions in the talking head shots for Dorit, as it presented awkward moments of her reactions. Thanks to Andy *finally* being transparent at the last reunion, there were lots of mainstream rumors about Dorit and PK's finances and marriage, as well as Erika and Tom's finances and marriage. And so we get generalized answers from Dorit and lovey-dovey crap of Erika/Tom. 


"Everything is settled, that's all behind us, we live together, yada yada yada" ... "I have loved him for 20 years, I tear up just talking about him, we still have decent sex, yada yada yada."  I wasn't buying ANY of the Dorit or Erika scenes. Sorry, no purchase. 


Years from now when Tom passes away, you just KNOW Erika is gonna get her cougar on and f**k as many 25 year olds as possible after all those years of pent up sexual frustration. 


LOL at Rinna being Rinna and goading Teddi into being defensive and paranoid about the housewives not wanting to attend her lame event. 3 years in and Teddi still doesn't know how to play the game in reality TV. The vibe I got from the whole buildup is that none of the other housewives really care about Teddi and only feign interest when OG uncredited producer Kyle is around.  I loved Garcelle's blunt honesty to Teddi. Sutton's reaction was pretty slick too, especially the side dig she gave before she scampered off to berate the West Hollywood mayor about parking tickets. 


+1 to Erika's comment regarding Sutton: doesn't matter if it's couture if you look like [!@#$%^&*] in it. 


The "journey" (© Yolanda) of Denise's surgery was entertaining to watch. Four hernias? Yikes. Still liking her. I'll ignore her behavior towards Camille at last year's reunion for now.

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Ugh at next week's preview with Teddi tearing up and storming out because the world Sutton thinks she's boring. Geez Bravo, this is what you're airing? No wonder rumors were abundant that the new season would be a dud before they brought out their old hag arsenal (Kim, Brandi etc.) 

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Leah's comment about respecting her elders (i.e. Ramona) reminded me of Kristen Taekman saying the same thing back in season 6.  This core group of women are not at the baby-popping stage anymore, so when they bring in the youngsters by comparison, it's usually quite jarring. 


BTW. That episode was a hilarious shi#show and I was rolling with laughter the entire time. I don't know how Sonja's dildo got into the mix of things, but it looked crazy fun. LOL at Ramona dipping out from her own place to make an appearance at the other party. LOL at Sonja in general. LOL at Leah's rage towards the tikis (Charlottesville!). 


Again, loved Ramona's growth (ha, I mean she is over 60) at being sincere and understanding to LuAnn for leaving to sleep at her own place, and encouraging her to come back. Man, being in LuAnn's shoes would be rough at a time like that when everyone is plastered.  When you're in it, it's fun, but if you're on the outside as a Sober Sally, all the drunkies become quite annoying. 

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