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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That was Tamra's friend that perpetuated that Eddie was gay rumor. Gretchen just asked if it was true. Did she stir the pot somewhat? Yep. Turnabout is fair play seeing as Tamra stayed on Slade's ass. 


And I doubt Tamra would've ate her up. Not when Gretchen could've called her out on all her past meddling and hypocrisy. 

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My thoughts on Season 10 of RHOC:

Vicki should have been fired. IT was completely obvious she was lying the whole time, and  we would have been saved the hate vicki/love vicki nonsense. The cancer storyline did take up most of the second half, but it did one thing for me: it made me like Shannon a bit since she was not whining about David or being so self-involved. I also loved Meghan as Nancy Drew. I had forgotten just how disgusting Vicki and Brooks both were and how Vicki treated Brianna.


The season was a bit of a bore because there was way too much religion. I didn't care about Tamra getting baptized, and everything was about Jesus or church and I don't watch the housewives to get a religion lesson especially from people like Tamra and Vicki. I also didn't care about Cut Fitness and Heather's skincare or alcohol products.


Jimmy was horrible to Meghan. Vicki was clearly right about the length of their marriage. I had forgotten how attractive Eddie is although he did look quite pale which probably plays into her heart troubles in later seasons. A shame we lose Lizzie. She was in most of the episodes, but never had a storyline of her own which annoyed me because I like her.

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She gets another skip episode after next week I hear on Twitter.

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But Nene is too busy trying not to get the boot like Vicki and Tamra just got since Bravo is pulling a pay cut a la the soaps over all their OGs anyway.

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Agreed. The ball is in her court if she can make enough noise to warrant another year. Albeit, another year at a reduced salary, no doubt. Otherwise, Bravo has set themselves up quite nicely to phase her out without it causing a huge hole in the show's overall canvas. To be honest, I don't miss her when she's not on. If she comes to the reunion with the same stank attitude as last year, she's done. 

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I love Nene, but she did this to herself. She was friends with pretty much everybody last season and picked fights for stupid reasons. Then with Kenya, they were friends, but again she ruined it for stupid reasons. I can't feel bad that she iced HERSELF out. On another ATL subject, I'm annoyed that Kenya has started fighting with Tanya. She makes it so hard to like her. She was joking around doing impersonations of Tanya and brought up her man cheating, but is mad that Tanya mentioned she wore a wig? Girl bye. Kenya just wanna fight and she picked that fight for no damn reason.

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I blame TPTB for allowing Nene to return after physically assaulting a crew member. Why bring her back? UGH. Nene's return also makes me distrust Tanya. She's all high school cheerleader attitude when she meets Nene, but why no discussion about the way Nene treated her at the reunion? Nene was vile towards her, but she's so happy to see Nene? Come on! Tanya might be a nice person, but she comes across as fake and desperate to get more screen time. I think the problem with RHOA is you have three housewives who are genuine friends (Kenya, Cynthia and Kandi) and then you have Eva who's barely there and when she's there, she adds nothing. You have Nene who is hateful and feels as if she's coming in from another show. You have dumb as rocks Porsha whose "storyline" is that she's getting back with a cheater/scumbucket. I suppose that's better than the idiot accusing Kandi of drugging and trying to rape her, but my word that woman is dumb. Marlo is in limbo because she always sides with Nene as she wants to stay on the show. Yovanna was beyond thirsty and played her cards way too early and way too poorly. Tanya would be fine if I didn't feel she were hiding something and pretending to be something for the camera. 

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