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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Wow. Obviously I want to watch this ASAP, but I would take January! They can shelve BH alongside Tardy for the Party.


I can just imagine Gizelle, Ashley and Robyn smirking at all this. A fight between Monique and Candiace plays right into their hands, and they have long tried to provoke Candiace into losing her [!@#$%^&*]. Candiace clearly has anger issues (probably incredible frustration with her mother which she is deflecting elsewhere). And Monique is going to react to a glass of wine in the face. One of the nicest parts of the reunion was both Mo and Candiace saying they regretted the most their friendship going south, and I had hoped this meant they would make up. Guess not! 

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The sad part of all of this is Karen is going to have to possibly choose a side. And I can see Karen choosing Monique's side as Candiace took the first strike by tossing the drink. 


While I don't condone violence, I totally get Monique knocking fire out of Candiace. Candiace can be a petulant child at times. 

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She can be, but she is also increasingly out-of-control. When Ashley was winding her up, Chris had to take Candiace aside to calm her down. It barely worked. The other women know this, they know they can rile her up, so I fully expect Ash/Giz/Rob to continue doing that for sh*ts and giggles. Giz HATES Monique so added incentive. I just wish Candiace wouldn't let herself get used this way. I think she needs (a) to cut her mother out of her life and (b ) anger management. Because when she uses words instead of fists, she holds her own (see reunion). 


I don't know how this fight started, but I don't blame Monique for losing it after a drink to the face. There is only so much a person can take.


You know, I could see Karen not siding with Candiace, but not cutting ties either. She might take her under her wing to try and give her advice and calm her down. Karen seems to show Candiace maternal care that she is currently lacking from her own mom.

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Karen should not have to choose.  She and Monique are friends.  Karen took Candiace under her wing and tried to nurture her.  I can easily see Candiace turning on Karen for not wanting to sever ties with Monique.  She did the same to Monique.  Monique befriended Ashley and Candiace turned on her.  Karen should have no challenges here.  

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That haunted house thing was so random...moreso since MARRIED TO MEDICINE just did that as well.


That said...


LEEANNE. I agree with Cat that it seems like they want to give her a bad edit for some reason. That said, Kary was too transparent. And IT'S LEEANNE'S WEDDING!!! She can have whomever she wants there for it. And if D'Andra wanted to be a part of it, she would have a sit-down (off camera would be best, but for the narrative on camera) with LeeAnne and said that regardless of what went down, she had known LeeAnne for a long time and it felt odd that she was not in her best friend's wedding. Then...the chips would fall where they may. But...here's the thing...HAS D'ANDRA DONE THIS? No, she has not. She has her own mouth and does not need Kary. This is just Kary trying to be relevant when she needs to have several seats.


BRANDI. Seems like old her is trying to come back. Let's hope not.


KARY. Girl, you transparent. And you are trying too hard. Shut up.


STEPHANIE. She is really backing the right horse when she should continue to be her own person and stay out of the Brandi/Kameron drama.


KAMERON. I guess I am Team Kameron, but I am sadden she and Stephanie are on the outs though I understand why.


KARY. I see you. Girl, bye.


Starting to feel the season has stalled. Is it just me?





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More RHOP alleged tea. Word is that the women are siding with Monique and are sick of Candiace's antics. 

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I guess Dorothy tried warning us all about her own child. 


Also, LoveBScott, who is very trustworthy, says that Nene tried spitting on Kenya this season!!! 



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I'd much rather see Katie back then Charrisse tbh.


Candiace better watch out, otherwise she is going to find herself divorced and without a RH paycheck. Nobody wants to be near the rage monster.


I wouldn't skip it. It wasn't a boring episode, but it was an unexpected one. Braunwyn and Tamra were especially thirsty for camera-time. 


Re: Dallas, I think D'Andra will never apologise fully to Leeanne. You can see the look in her eyes when Leeanne is mentioned: she literally cannot stand her. The jealousy and resentment is REAL. I thought there was a chance in Mexico when they turned to each other and kind of helped each other drunkenly up the crazy stairs of Kary's house. But that moment has passed. Leeanne does not want that "fat cow," as she called her, in any of the all-cast wedding events, which means she wants her off the show. All the other cast members kind of put up with the fact that Leeanne is calling the shots to varying degrees, but they resent it, too.


The irony IMO is that D'Andra's standalone story is probably the most interesting to me. The business stuff tied up with family. That convo she had with Travis a few weeks back was fascinating! BTW D'Andra is such a study in emotional abuse and how inherited money stunts you as a person. She reminds me a bit of Sad Boy Kendall on Succession, lol. I am off the Mama Dee train, I think. Wildly entertaining as she is, she is cruel and abusive to her daughter. Giving her daughter a bankrupt company so that her daughter will never gain confidence in herself in business is cruel. It was done to ensure D'Andra stays dependent on her mom. Plus I wonder if Mama Dee has already spent the money in D'Andra's trust, too.


In some ways, D'Andra resents Leeanne because she reminds her of her mother. Leeanne has a domineering personality and can be emotionally manipulative.


IA that apart from this story, something seems to have stalled on RHOD.

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