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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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How funny that now that LVP is nowhere around and Camille is also nowhere around, those girls turned on each other. What's interesting is that they targeted Erika next. VERY interesting. Now she knows how LVP felt. And she really cannot take it. Nor can Kyle take that everyone would consider Erika next up for the 'throne.'




Saw a good amount of it. And while I found LuAnn understandable in how she was feeling if extra, Darrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn Bethanny!!!!


I mean...

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She just lost her mind. I just can't.


Overall, I thought it was a good episode though and I would love to see how it was resolved.



She stood out in her first season not only for her fabulous life, but she was the common sense of the group. And not only that Eileen also remembered everything PERFECTLY when she went up against pot-stirrers due to all that soap opera training.  


But sadly she did fall to the second season curse. 

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It says something that the initial news of her 'firing' barely registered. Tinsley's ok, I guess (love Daaaaayyyle, the US's answer to Carole Middleton), and Bravo tried hard to make her happen, but she never really took off. I personally thought Jules was a better fit, although somebody whose name rhymes with 'Fethenny Brankel' obviously felt differently!



Clearly Erika is the target next week, but it seemed like this episode, Rinna was the intended target.


I assumed for a long time that Kyle's inability to stand up for Kim to Rinna meant that she valued Rinna's friendship over her sister. However, this episode it strikes me that Kyle might not care for Rinna at all. Part of it is the constant Kim bashing (Rinna's recurring SL the part 5 years). Part of it is Rinna calling Kyle an enabler. Part of it is Rinna bossing everybody around like she runs the show. Kyle would be more than happy for Rinna to be perceived as ringleader of the LVP takedown (which she probably is) and take the fall with the audience.


Anyhoo, I thought it was pretty interesting that Kyle let TheVanillaFayeResnick go after Rinna/Erika while she sat back and watched. Same old Kyle.


Image result for RHOBH Kyle eyes shocked gifs

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I actually didn't have a problem with Bethenny freaking out on LuAnn. She brought up a lot of valid points, and you could tell the likes of Sonja, Ramona, Dorinda, and Tinsley were all in agreement with Bethenny's points. Was it a tad over-the-top? Well yeah, especially in a public restaurant. That's Housewives for ya

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   Overall, I loved this episode. Lots of fun and drama. 


LOL at Ramona surprised that Tinsley's on a date. "I'd rather be out on a date too than with you women." ... elsewhere, interesting to see Barbara's rose colored glasses regarding LuAnn have been lifted up. Her mini-meltdown to Bethenny was a tad out of left-field, but I guess it's because we don't get as much of her viewpoint as a "friend of."   Yikes, Barbara without any makeup.... Oh my... 


I wonder why they're pushing the last 2 episodes (and I assume the reunion eps too?) to Thursdays now? Isn't that kind of a dead night for Bravo shows? 


P.S. With NYC and BH coming up on reunions in the next few weeks, who's coming back next? OC? Dallas? I haven't heard anything regarding OC in quite a while. 


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They’re moving RHONY to Thursday’s as a lead in to Million Dollar Listing being on that night apparently. 


Also, shame we’re getting a mid season trailer already (means they’re going back to a short season), but this looks GOOD:


Lastly, with RHOBH this week besides being really boring, it was very similar to Puppygate. I know LVP gets the manipulative title, but Rinna and Kyle are no different, but seem to get away with it a lot easier. This episode you got to see that with Kyle. She is obviously pissed at Lisa Rinna and IMO she is perfectly justified. Rinna was an [!@#$%^&*] to Kim out of nowhere over something you KNOW didn’t bother her, plus it was at Kyles daughters party, but why not just say that? The whole thing with Erika Jayne was just to get Erika fired up to join in with Kyle and Teddi to bash Rinna. They all dance around the subject and play these stupid games so I don’t understand how LVP got singled out for it. 

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Exactly! One of my friends was like, why didn’t Kyle just flat out say I didn’t appreciate you calling my sister a [!@#$%^&*]. Instead she just kept saying it was weird and trying to get Erika to agree. It was pathetic. And Teddi being so upset for her she was so ridiculous. She won’t fight a battle for LVP but she’ll gladly do Kyle’s bidding.

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@Antoyne Thank you for reminding me to get on the latest episode of NYC. I don't even know why I hesitated! Yes, Bethenny was a [!@#$%^&*] drama queen with her Oscar-bait 'panic attack', but you could see the histrionics were coming from a genuine place of hurt and anger. This is why I love RHONY so much: these women are all STARS. They are multi-dimensional, fully formed personalities (heck, even Tinsley was on point this episode) who expose their good and bad sides in equal measure. Luann is a prime example. She is insufferable, but it is also understandable why she has put a wall up between her and the women, and why she is clinging to cabaret like a life-raft. It IS hard being sober when you rely on partying to pick you up. Sonja having a tearful meltdown at the pool was also completely relatable. She encapsulated in a few sentences the fear of loneliness of going it alone as a 50-something vibrant female. We don't ever see a woman like that on TV anymore. These kinds of women are fascinating! Sonja truly is my favorite. I love that we are on this vacation, close up, with the women and it feels like we aren't missing a second!


And the humor is so on point that it allows the show to touch on dark, even toxic issues without belittling the truth of those situations. RHONY and this group of women really are magic in a bottle.


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Potomac is FIRE! I cannot wait for the downfall of Ashley. 


And I think that it and Dallas have stronger seasons b/c they are so short compared to the other 5. The biggest mistake Andy ever made with these shows was stretching them out longer than 16 episodes. 


I've been said that these shows need to be 10-15 episodes max. Beverly Hill, ATL, and OC the past 2 seasons all highlight that valid point. 

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I'm surprised Meghan and Jimmy lasted this long TBH. For sure I thought he was out of there after baby #1.


I hope this doesn't mean she crawls back to RHOC. I'm sorry she is going through tough marital times but I find her insufferable to watch.

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Kelly literally told her about this on the show and Kelly got bashed for it and nobody listened. She could’ve saved herself a lot of trouble had she at least looked into it. Looking back, that is pretty vile of him to keep this a secret for so many years.

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Finished NYC season 8!


First off, horrible new theme music.


So much of the first half focusing on that pig John. And then we had Michael. Two creepy dudes becoming friends. Ugh. If NYC is missing something, it's some hot man candy/husbands/boyfriends (except Adam). Season 7 made up for that with random hotness but it's not enough.


Jules spent at least the first half of the season being a non presence. I thing she's sweet, but she can't even get a sentence out. At least her vagina provided some story and I did feel bad Michael was cheating and left her.


LOL at all the cancelled trips. I love when the 'reality' comes into the reality shows. 


LuAnn went back to her ultra hateful utter denial. LieAnn INDEED. Trashy, triflin ho!! The reveal of John's infidelity was edge of your seat. I felt a little bad for her there, but she quickly ruined it, and she was insufferable in the reunion.


Overall, a fun, constantly entertaining season!

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