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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I totally relate with Lisa. I was recently accused of lying myself and I offered to take a lie detector test to prove my innocence even though I know there were no reciepts that could be pulled against me. Sometimes you need validation for your own peace of mind and shut people up


her hair is amazing

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Bravo did a good job of keeping the lie detector secret and the way the women (particularly Kyle) exploded in anger goes to prove LVP's point. They act like its so outrageous that she would do that, but what exactly do they want from her? She's been consistent in saying she didn't leak the story to radar and when Kyle came over THAT is what she was upset about. Not the dog coming out at Vanderpump Dogs, she specifically said she didn't believe Lisa didn't leak the story. They keep saying they wish she was with them in scenes (especially phony Rinna), but there doesn't seem to be any way for them to win with her.


If she does return next year and I do hope she does, I hope they bring back Joyce. She had a good season and I never felt she deserved to be fired, plus she is genuinely good friends with LVP and she'll need an ally if she returns. I'd give it serious thought. Add Joyce and maybe Camille and definitely get rid of Teddi and Dorit. 

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I agree. 


And it boggles my mind that these women think she took the lie detector test for them. She didn't! She took it to prove to the audience that she isn't lying. 


I am so glad that a lot of celeb fans are on her side. Howard Stern and Wendy Williams have spoken out against the other women and how they need LVP on this show. 

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I don't think it is only LVP 'stans' who are pointing out the holes in this... SL? Takedown? Dorit, Teddi and Kyle's story keeps changing, but LVP's denial has been consistent and unequivocal (unlike in S6 when she was basically caught red-handed and prevaricated about what she did or didn't say). 


I also don't think LA restaurant-owner LVP has more power than TMZ or ROL. They could blow this whole thing wide open and expose her and get the clicks. But they haven't. In fact, they keep saying her camp did not leak. Why bother covering for her?


I really do hope the new BH without LVP has with a new energy, because the last 3-4 seasons have been awful. But if you think there is no game-playing and backstabbing going on, look again. Rinna and Erika have silently designated Camille as the next target. They aren't too pleased about PK kissing up to the Todds, either, and Kyle has it out for Dorit. If I were Teddi, I wouldn't feel too secure in my standing with Erika. The more things change, the more things stay the same.



First of all -- it is so great seeing Wendy energised and invested for the first time in over 2 years. It has been a long journey, and I thought she was going into freefall and about to lose her show. But she clawed her way back and is getting rid of that free-loading hubby! I'm so glad for her and hope she comes out the other side a winner.


Secondly, creamy yellow really is Karen Huger's color. She looks phenomenal, and I loved what she said about having to be careful with money when the money troubles started. Karen is a little crazy and delusional sometimes, but not here. She was perfect, and open about her own failings and vulnerabilities, and that makes her a true Grande Dame.


Wendy really seemed taken with her. I'm so glad Potomac is on the pop culture radar because it is a fab show. I don't usually like RH weddings, but Candiace's wedding was so gorgeously filmed with that diffuse East Coast light, and there was so much going on with the cast interactions, that I was gripped from start to finish.


Ugh that sucks that you had to go through something like that. I understand the need for validation for your own peace of mind. Some people take unfounded gossip as fact, so I'm glad you had an opportunity to vindicate yourself and put that to bed.

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So RHONY filmed their reunion on Friday. I feel like this season has just started -- we are only at episode 11 -- so it feels way too early for Reunion time. Is it a shortened season this year? IMO the cameras could show up in any of these women's lives at any point during the year, and always be able to find something RH-worthy to film.


Anyway, here was the seating arrangement. I would have swapped Sonja for Tinsley as I don't think Sonja deserves to be at the end of the couch.




In sad news, Mama Elsa of Real Housewives of Miami fame was buried this weekend. Many of the HWs showed up at the funeral (which they obviously mistook for a catwalk). It was nice to see Marysol, Alexia, Adriana and Whatsherfaces who was married to the plastic surgeon.


Miami was great. Mama Elsa was the best character in the cast IMO, and the show was never the same after her stroke.



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On RHONY this week, why did no one address the Bridie/Birdie situation? 


When Ramona referenced the event to Bethanny, neither she nor Tinsley brought up the ending.  Then, at Luann's roundhouse Dorinda didn't say anything about it to Ramona and there appeared to be no residual drama.  Did I miss the resolution or did the drama of Halloween usurp the total disrespect of the ladies toward that young woman's message? 


On the other hand, Bethanny's argument that Ramona would never miss a red carpet invitation was a perfectly clever retort.  Because all of the housewives universally respect the need to be photographed at a red carpet event.  The chance of being in Us Weekly trounces all other obligations, from charity to attending a friend's wedding.


I'm left perplexed by the housewives' response to Barbara coming out as being sexually fluid.  They're all such know-it-alls that they collectively patted themselves on the back for not being surprised by the revelation, but nobody complimented her courage at coming out on national television.  Instead, they dismissed it as a passing phase, (which didn't feel very current for women with a lot of gay friends).  Either, they've all just decided to ignore Barbara, or they're so caught up in the fear of having to attend a cabaret in Upstate New York that they've overlooked it, or she's not holding an apple so producers didn't ask about her during the testimonials.  Clearly, there's a difference between being in a relationship with a woman for a year and kissing girls on the mouth when you get drunk, but these sophisticated Manhattan ladies seem to not understand that concept.

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Just scandalous tonight. 


All that runs through my mind is the old adage of "in vino veritas," and that saying totally applies to Michael. I absolutely believe Robyn when she said she heard Michael say he wanted to suck someone's peen. A mess. A mess!


Speaking of messes, Katie is back, and I can already tell that she is gonna wreak havoc. Personally, I think Gizelle brought her back in hopes of weaponizing her against Monique, but something tells me that this is gonna backfire on Gizelle. I don't think Katie has ever fully forgiven Gizelle for making her look at fool at the first season's reunion. Katie is one we will have to watch. 


Ashley and her claiming to be sober... So glad that Candiace kept pointing that out throughout the episode. Ashley is full of it! 


The Gizelle/Karen shadefest had me hollering. Karen is the only person on this cast that can put Gizelle in her place. I am excited to see it escalate even more in New Orleans. 

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On the subject of RHONY, it IS a short season just fyi. They filmed lots that has apparently been skip, including pretty much every event with Jill. Remember when Luann listed Jill as a cast member? It's because she filmed enough to be a friend, but with the events being cut so did her role. I can only imagine they cut the season simply because there wasn't material. They'll probably do a retool next season.

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RHOP: Was that scarf just draped over Katie's head, or was it somehow pinned to her hair?  How did it stay on her head when the wind blew or the door opened?  


Also, I wonder why Gizelle drives a Mini Cooper?  It seems not her style, and it looks like it couldn't fit all of her kids at the same time.


There's got to be more to the Michael story, right?  I was waiting for a cliffhanger during the last ten minutes, but so far, we just have Robyn's gossip.  When does the stuff happen with the crew member and who was the guy he was hitting on?

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It is odd that it looks like Jill is in the Berkshires in the season teaser video.  But, when she met with Luann it was as if they hadn't seen each other given that Jill was still asking questions about Lu's sobriety.


Also, the whole season seems to take place in one month.  Dorinda had her Halloween decor in Berkshire's four episodes ago, but Luann's party on Halloween was just last week.  In past seasons they went until the holidays, took a break for any cast members who may have been arrested during the holiday season, and then resumed filming in January.  This feels like we're not even going to get to Thanksgiving.  The cliffhanger is which florist Dorinda is going to choose for the event, the one who did Bethanny's centerpieces from Ramona or her new neighborhood florist with the mustache?

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I think what messed RHONY up was that they started filming pretty quick after season 10 and they needed a bigger revamp than they got. They have a good core cast, but losing Carole hurt them. I feel the entire Bethenny/Carole feud was unnecessary and unfortunate because both fit in so well on the show. Barbara is good, but there is something still off. I don't think they could've anticipated it though so I don't blame Bravo. Its still entertaining, just not quite where it could've been. I feel like they'll make it work next season.


I just finished Potomac and they're continuing another great season. I dread the time they have a bad season because this is such an easy watch every year. The scene of Gizelle at Karen's house was CLASSIC! The sage and the shade was iconic! I also loved Katie's return. Katie was my favorite in season one. Just GORGEOUS and she had the best hair which made her return even more bizarre because she's so disheveled. She obviously left the show due to problems with her ex husband which is unfortunate and it's been a VERY tough year for her. I  hope she's able to get her life on track because she really was great in season one.

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