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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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BH: I am sorry but excuse me. LVP orchestrated this entire thing. When the dog was returned, she set all the wheels in motion. When a dog bites a child and has to be returned, what kind of person immediately thinks about using it (one of the most emotional issues in the world - pets) to ruin other women on TV? This issue was full-on BEFORE the Radar article. LVP may very well be truthful about not knowing "who" contributed to the Radar article. What does that one detail mean exactly? Nothing. Please be gone from RHOBH LVP and Camille.

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You have zero evidence of any of this. If you have receipts, please give them, I know Kyle and Erika and Teddi would be overjoyed to get some evidence. 


As well, your line of thinking ignores the fact that Dorit was bound by the adoption contract to return the dog to Vanderpump Dogs. 

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I liked LVP's new kitchen.   Although, I wondered if it went with the modern architecture of her home?  BTW, the range alone is $11,000.00, so her budget estimates seemed about right. 




LOL, they're very close, every two years Lisa asks Camille if everything is well.  Also, note that for all of the shade of the minute flashback, Camille never inquires about LVP's wellbeing in all those air kissing sessions. 


Aside from the total foolishness of having multiple bridesmaids at your second wedding, which is a destination wedding, when you are already "of a certain age",  I wonder what the etiquette is about having attendants from your first wedding be bridesmaids at your second wedding.  Can you repeat people or do you have to find new ones each time?


La Cornue CornuFé 110 Range, Suzanne Kasler Collection, Blanc


Also, LVP is beautiful now, but she was stunning in those flashbacks to S1. 


And I stand unconvinced that production did not have LVP come back at the end of the season when they saw that all they had was some lame argument between Camille and Teddi and film all of these lie detector/kitchen scenes (note that Camille is fearing a faux fur, and it was never that cold in the fall in LA).


RHOP Question: Where is that room where Giselle films her testimonials because it looks nothing like the rest of her house?

Edited by j swift
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I think LVP will return much like season 5--energized and mellowed out. I expect there to be a mass firing too. I wouldn't be surprised if they fired Rinna, Dorit, and Teddi--leaving only Erika, Denise, and Kyle along with LVP. I don't count LVP out yet. Again, she has the upper hand and I think she knows it. 


But I wanted to ask you, do you think there are any more twists and turns this season? Some people are speculating that LVP will get "exposed," but I don't believe it. I truly believe she is innocent. If she was guilty, someone would've slipped and revealed it all by now. And the press and production have both said there is no solid proof that these women have latching her to it. I think these women are trying to get us to believe there is more when it is really one big red herring/nothing-burger. 

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This was another boring episode of RHOBH. An episode focused that much on Erika is not interesting and this cast simply doesn't have the same chemistry as the earlier seasons. They're trying so hard to show that they're all such great friends and there's not an ounce of chemistry there.


Season 1 Camille is back in full force which I love but she's totally alienating herself by talking [!@#$%^&*] about literally everyone. I want her to get her diamond back but I feel like she won't want to face the music and just quits.

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LVP is stuck because you can't prove a negative so she cannot find proof that she didn't do something.  Even if she could find proof, or pass a lie detector, or get gossip editors to attest to her virtues, it doesn't matter if she won't film with the rest of the cast.   She could have formed a coalition of Camille, Denise, and possibly Erika, and at least she would have had the numbers to intimidate Teddi, Dorit, and Kyle.  However, I think LVP's engendered more animosity from the cast by having the luxury of only filming in her own home, and that has become the real sticking point nine months later, not some puppy and website gossip.  

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TBH I am enjoying this season more than the previous couple of years. Why? Because for once everything is laid out on the table. We aren't watching some petty proxy war about Erika's underpants. These women want to expose LVP once and for all, and for that I am grateful, because they expose their own asses while they're at it. These women all use the media(s) to brief against the other, control the narrative and destroy reputations. Ok! Well, then time to stop playing innocent victim. Time to prove yourselves as entertaining HWs worthy of the franchise. I actually do want them to 'prove me wrong' and entertain me, instead of solemnly lecturing to me in their VTs and on Twitter.


LVP doing the lie detector test -- what a sleight of hand. She blindsided her cast members Tuesday night, and the fact that Bravo kept that secret all these months says something about production hedging their bets. They knew this was a boss move. 


IA with @DaytimeFan -- LVP will not be back next season. She is isolated and reviled by the others. This is the last play for this group. Fans may be watching, but many of us are watching for a last resolution to the last 4 poor seasons. It simply cannot continue like this. They all want to ruin each other in the court of public opinion. Sure, that is the name of the RH game, but it feels especially vicious, scorched-earth and personal here. LVP has lost the joy she used to emanate (as that S1 clip illustrated). For that matter, so has Erika. 


For this reason, LVP absolutely MUST attend reunion. If she blows it off, then (it pains me to say it) she should be fired. Contractually, Adrienne was fired for doing the same (I don't count NJ Jacqueline because nobody missed her whining). It also sets a precedent. If LVP skips it and comes back next season, HWs across the shows will do the same in order to avoid accountability. Can you imagine OC reunions without Vicki during those Brooks years?? No! Vicki manned up with some Xanax and showed up. She faced up to horrific mistakes in judgement. Reunion can be cathartic, for them and for us. It is also an opportunity for those on the back foot to surprise the audience and turn things around. That is what I expect will happen with LVP. She is well paid and has built a brand thanks to Bravo; one day of questions is a small price to pay. And she can hold others to account, too. She has kept a consistent message/defence this year while others have changed their story. She's got this. She is the key to closure of this whole mess, the last four seasons of BS. After that, let the chips fall where they may as far as BH is concerned: LVP can count her advertising dollars from VPR.

Edited by Cat
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I understand not wanting to attend a day of attacks, but in the end, LVP's got the upper hand. A lie detector test to boot. The expression on Erika's face on WWHL at the clip was a visual version of reading of Trump's reaction to Mueller ("This is the end of my presidency. I'm f#cked"). Mind you, Erika isn't even the offender here -- that goes to Teddi, Dorit, and Kyle (and let's face it, Rinna was relishing in this before it went bad for her side). 


The fans are on LVP's side. The truth is on her side. Yeah, she'll get barked at (no pun intended) all day long, but in the end, no bites. They tried (again) and failed (again).  Lisa Vanderpump will be exhausted at the end of the reunion day, but vindicated and can leave RHOBH on a high note, leaving the bitter hags to figure out who they'll attack next season, and how they will possibly make the show interesting without the Queen. 


Dorit and Teddi just need to go. I can't stand Teddi and I've never warmed to Dorito. 


What I find most irritating about BH this season, especially when you compare it to NYC and Potomac (my 2 current faves!!), is that the women are just so damn immature. Like, seeing even the likes of Camille etc. doing Twitter back 'n forth petty arguments, it's like, good grief, y'all are 50+ years old and look like total clowns in these public arguments. It's just not a cute look on them. 


NY and Potomac are giving me everything I need in these Housewives shows right now. Amidst the drama and arguing, there is so much laughing. Sonja is the comic MVP this season, Tinsley is finally coming into her own with this group (I loved her sideways unders against LuAnn last night when LuAnn and Bethenny started their argument), Ramona is her usual funny self without being too rude, LuAnn's getting too big for her britches but it's funny watching the other women react to her, Dorinda has softened from last year's low... it's just a good, fun, enjoyable season of NYC, IMO. 


Meanwhile, Potomac has evolved into this must-see show and I can't wait to see the Ashley/Michael chaos play out. 


EDIT: Hubby & I were surprised at how much we actually enjoyed Porsha's baby special for ATL. We thought it'd be boring or uneventful, but it was actually quite fun. I'll always give her side-eye for the Kandi/drugging lie, but she has rebounded into a funny gal with a half-brain, which is a half-brain more than I ever thought she had. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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I just watched the last two episodes. I didn't see anyone in need of "receipts". LOL. So much fun without all the backstabbing and game playing.


LVP is a long-time pro at this so I am sure there aren't any "receipts" in danger of seeing the light of day in the possession of her employees. I love how Teddi brings everyone back to reality when they start getting sentimental or nostalgic. Like those who have Stockholm syndrome.


I'm a from day 1 fan of RHOBH and I am not an LVP fan anymore. Or Stan. Whatever.


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