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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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What was that? That was Teddi's smoking gun? What the hell? 


Firstly, Teddi's alleged evidence was a lone sliver of a text message from this John Blizzard character. And that isn't evidence - it's hearsay. Just because John Blizzard said LVP wanted Teddi to know doesn't make it so. And it's interesting that she took a sliver of a screenshot, rather than a page of text. I wonder why she'd want to redact something so heavily?


Well, the text messages Ken had spoke volumes, didn't they? Pages of them. Pages that show that Teddi and John Blizzard were thick as thieves and that Teddi was all about making a moment on camera.


Kyle was laying the groundwork for all of this earlier in the day a she prodded LVP to talk about Dorit and then later in the evening when Teddi asked Kyle if she'd spoken to LVP, it was clear they'd planned that conversation. The entire boat trip with Rinna saying "you did it for your children" was insane melodrama that nobody is buying. Dorit did the wrong thing. Period!


Deliciously, LVP withheld from the pack of harridans otherwise known as Kyle, Rinna, Erika, Doritos and Teddi the very thing they wanted: a big fight...she just got up from that table and left. She robbed them of their moment. And that was great to see. 


Importantly, Camille really shone this episode, brimming with common sense. Denise was a bit of a non-event, but she also seems a bit bewildered at everything. 

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So funny. 


Teddi was exposed tonight and I loved it. For one, her 'text' was a cropped picture. Really? 

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And Rinna spending time with Dorit and Erika with Teddi was so f-cking obvious. Those 2 were dividing and conquering. They knew by doing this, they could plant seeds to turn them fully against LVP. 


Camille calling out Dorit and speaking the truth further solidifies why I have always been team Camille since day one. I am enjoying the fact that so many people on social media are apologizing to her for the lies Kyle put out against her in season 1. 


And Kyle... I cannot wait until the tides turn against her ass. We know it won't happen this year, but it'll come. Much like Teddi and Dorit, once Erika/Rinna no longer need her, they'll discard them. 

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I cannot believe how obvious Erika and Rinna were this episode. Like wow. They didn’t even try to make it seem like they had planned this out. 


Teddi is a dumbass and has been exposed.


Camille continues to show why she is absolutely the comeback queen.


I love Denise so far. I just sincerely hope she doesn’t drink the koolaid.

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They sure are running this dog storyline into the ground. Im over it. These women do the same thing EVERY season. Im upset with production for always taking one issue and dragging it out. We should NOT still be talking about this


The piling up on Lisa was disgusting. If she manipulated them, then they are too stupid to realize that they fell into her trap bc yeah, Lisa is starting to look like the victim with them looking ugly. F-cking idiots!

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(Kyle last night talking about Lisa to Teddi)

"She fucked Dorit and she fucked you."


(Kyle the next day to Lisa)

"Girl, let's go shopping (although I'm not buying anything) so you can tell me WHAT'S GOING ON although you keep telling me you don't want to talk about it.


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With friends like these you sure as hell don't need enemies.


I'm not even going to comment on Rinna's and Erika's [!@#$%^&*]. And then Dorit telling Teddi she believes her COMPLETELY at the dinner table. Still, I think the girls didn't think Lisa would just walk away from the tearing down, they wanted her to go ballistic and it backfired in their faces so much.


P.S. Teddi is not backing down on Twitter, though Kyle seems to keep trying coming back under Lisa's wing. She's quite desperate.

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I was rewatching season 1.. and the issue between Kyle/Camille spanned several episodes.. but I noticed the difference was that the show didn't focus on it endlessly (i.e. characters gossiping about it in every scene, all the characters being at all the contrived social functions, etc).  I noticed that there would be a blow up, there was a scene where the women commented/gossiped about it.. than the rest of the episode would be devoted to other things (i.e. stuff going on in their day to day lives that didn't involve the conflict).


I think it wouldn't seem like this was being dragged out if the production and editors would showcase other scenes involving the women in their day to day lives (I think one scene in a previous episode involved Denise and her ex husband Charlie disagreeing about their daughter going on a date if a boy asked her until after she was 16.. and the next episode will show Kyle taking her daughter Sophia to college)...  the show needs to show other things to give the show more dimension instead of being a one trick pony.

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@Soaplovers The difference between season one and now is that these girls don’t have storylines to show. Other than Denise who has a wedding coming up and other than LVP they don’t have anything. That’s why they so carefully craft their imagine and storylines, like this LVP takedown. Erika’s husband and son won’t film with her, Rinna’s Family is mostly off doing their own thing, Teddi clearly has no story, Dorit’s real life is 100% off limits due to her endless lawsuits and Kyle always flounders without Kim. Honestly Camille deserved a diamond since she actually has a lot going on. 


My biggest problem with this weeks episode ties into what I just said about personal storylines. You have Lisa Rinna acting so concerned about how LVP is treating people, but what does it have to do with her? They hate each other and she saw an opportunity to pounce. Why not just say that? This phony concern doesn’t seem believable. 


Also, regardless of how you feel about LVP, it’s hard to ask me to sympathize with Dorit on ANY subject. She’s always come off phony and like a social climber. I don’t buy her sadness, I don’t buy her tears and I don’t buy everybody rallying around her. Had it been literally anybody else I feel the audience would’ve considered it...but Dorit?! Girl BYE! What she did to that dog was messed up and nobody (except Camille) will even consider that. My personal belief is they neglected the dog, it bit PK and DORIT dropped him off at a shelter. You can’t convince me Dorit didn’t drop that dog off and she did it bc she didn’t wanna pay that $5,000!


Lastly, if Denise makes season two I want her to stay Denise. She is gorgeous and a true breath of fresh air. I love her hair, her style and her family. She is so rich but so down to earth. It’s insane how enjoyable she is. 

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In that case, why wasn't Dorit and Erika downgraded to friend of status.. since neither have anything to offer outside of stirring up conflict?  In regards to Kyle, I think she's failed to understand that she didn't have the IT factor that her sister Kim had during their child acting years (Kim was adorable as a little girl, plus didn't have those awkward teen years.. and a lot of guys that were teens in the 80s thought she was hot in Tuff Turf.).   Kyle should have just focused on doing things behind the scenes outside of Hollywood.. like being a mom, wife, and finding a career that would have given her fulfillment and glory that didn't involve the Hollywood business (seeing the brief clip of Kim acting opposite Christina Ricci proved that she still had the acting chops that Kyle never had).

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Nobody came out of this episode covered in glory. It's obvious LVP wanted to expose Dorit for dumping the dog at a kill shelter (and I say let her. Dorit oozes insincerity out of every pore! What she did to that dog was horrendous). It's obvious Erika and Rinna are doing the most to destroy LVP by any means necessary. Rinna is one of the most deeply unlikable people I have ever seen on a RH show -- and that's saying something, because she has fierce competition.


Like @Cheap21, I can't believe Doggate is going to be the SL for this entire season. My god, we're only at episode 4! BH isn't going to have a nice, compact 3/4 season like NJ -- we have 14 more episodes of this. And then Reunion -- another 3-to-4 episodes! I can't, I can't, I CAN'T! [(c) Ramona]


Teddi exposed by those texts. When I saw Ken whip out those print-outs, I nearly screamed. Teddi was totally exposed by Ken and Dog-Ken sitting on his lap!


Interestingly, no footage of Dorit being chased round the pool in the Bahamas by an angry Beverly Beach creditor! The footage is on social media for all to see. Hmmm.



Agreed. I really like Denise, a breath of fresh air and normalcy amid all the contrived scripted BS. I hope she stays this way, because it's like she's an audience member who just happened to get roped in with this cast. I think it's really significant how much the other HWs seem to really like her and are not trying to pick a fight with her. I have NEVER seen Erika so funny and warm to somebody on this show before, but she seems genuinely under Denise's charm.

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Damn, Lisa!


Well, she really knows how to argue her case with a strong turn of phrase. She pretty much hit every point of her argument there. Talking about how Lucy is doing now and how the VPD staff rear and look after the dogs really brought her argument home.


I think she's done with all of them. She won't even mention Rinna by name.

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