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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Haha true - wasn't that the scene where she was convulsing on the bed like a mad woman?  Anyone have that screencap/gif?  

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Season 4 of NYC was still riding the fumes of an amazing Season 3 - there were some great moments, but it eventually came off the tracks and crashed and burned by reunion.  I haven't seen that reunion since it aired years ago, but I just remember how MEAN it was (and not a fun mean, but in a frustrating way).  I just remember hating Kelly during that reunion more than anything or anyone else.  I still "hate" her today and have no desire to see her on my screen after that reunion and the way she treated Alex, especially.



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I really hate that Alex got fired with the shrews from that season. I actually hated Luann at that time which is crazy cause she’s become my favorite now!

You’re so right about season 4 of OC. It really was the first signs of the show we have today. Tamra really did change EVERYTHING after her relatively normal season 3.

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Ask, and ye shall receive.

Image result for rhony season 4 ramona crying on bed gifs


Season 4 reunion was like watching a viper's nest attack a baby chick (Alex). It was horrible. Kelly was truly terrible, and like you, I was DONE with her by reunion's end. She said some nasty things about Sonja but refused to accept that she was mean for doing so. After all, she was voted one of Cosmopolitain's 10 Nicest Celebrities! Sonja's retort " 'I'm nice! I'm nice!' ...Say it a few more times, you might actually believe it!" was amazing because it really exposed Kelly's attachment to empty accolades in lieu of authentic kindness and empathy. Kelly was devoid of empathy for others. She was a hollow person.

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Another good episode, IMO!


The women have valid arguments against Bethenny and her behavior, but this stupid nutcracker is not one of them. She showed her appreciation to Dorinda by saying she saved Christmas, jumping up and down, and paying for it. Dorinda and Carole are really reaching here.


The lunch with Carole and Bethenny reminded me so much of the feud between Jill and Bethenny season 3. Everything Carole said are things Bethenny said back then. I think that’s interesting.


I’ll always root for Luann, she made a bad decision by going back to the scene of the crime and she paid for it.

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That Sonja scene was my favorite of the night - it was classic Sonja and I needed more of it.


It was interesting seeing the reactions of Lu's arrest.  I agree that the nutcracker thing was blown out of proportion - Bethenney was clearly excited and thankful to Dorinda both in the Berkshires and at her Christmas party.  At least Dorinda put it to bed last night in that LOUD party where they had to scream just to have a conversation.  Bethenney still pissed me off last night though - anyone else notice that Tinsley felt dismissed during that whole party?  She tries to interject and talk, but she keeps getting ignored or talked over.  


I loved watching Ramona be so excited for her skin products - screw Bethenney - keep hustling, girl!

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Before I get into last nights episode I’ll join y’all with season four talk lol. As I rewatch I don’t mond Cindy, but the timing is off. How do you replace Bethenny, your Greeks chorus and young aspirational cast member with this hard old lady that never smiles?! She’d be fine had she replaced Kelly for season 3 but as a Bethenny replacement the show is missing that wit and humor Bethenny brought. The Alex takedown is painful to watch though. I found her and Simon very enjoyable as time went on but the ladies pounced on her, even Sonja and it is hard to respond with so many people calling you crazy at once. They definitely were wrong to fire her. 


Now onto this this newest episode, it was great. The Luann fallout was so soapy and I loved all the reactions which felt like how a group of friends would truly react. Sonja in her townhouse gave me life. That woman is just on another planet and I’ve learned to accept it and enjoy it. Tinsley went above and beyond for her which I don’t think Sonja deserved. I feel like she was mean for no reason when it came to Tinsley living with her. 


I cant believe next week not only is Luann back, but it’s Bobby’s funeral. It’s crazy how even with her gone Jill has still impacted the show so much. I know the funeral was a Who’s Who of Real Housewives since she was friends with most of them, even those who joined after she left. This franchise just feels so real compared to the others. They have history on RHOA but the relationships are so phony. Here it truly does feel like they walk in the same circle and are friends. I’m going to be sad when this season ends!

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Thank you! I loved how Sonja used those plastic sheets like lush tapestry curtains for her four-poster bed.


Bethenny let slip a very telling phrase to Carole: "I can't believe you are debating me right now!" She cannot believe her sidekick is answering her back? Sounds like something you would tell a paid employee, not a friend. At the same time, Bethenny seems legit devastated by this friendship hitting the rocks. I was somewhat on Carole's side during their discussion, but cannot entirely warm to Carole, especially after her obvious joy at Luann's arrest. In her latest blog, she says:


"I do feel sorry for Luann, she is careening from this dinner toward a jail cell. Sure she was drunk and belligerent about Adam – none of it was true - not to mention she randomly demeans all those folks who live in the Mid-west. But still I’m surprised she said anything at all. Since spending the last three years with Adam; I know a lot about her carousing and have never spoken of it. Adam not only cooked for her (for nearly nothing) but he played babysitter for her teenage son when she spent nights out partying with men. So play nice Luann. Karma can be a swift bitch."


Well, I guess you are speaking of it now, Carole! Nice way to kick someone when they are down. I hope karma won't be a swift bitch to you.


Carole's blogs are obsessed with Mouth-Breather and ageing. She is deathly afraid of being seen as 'old' or a peer to Ramona, Dorinda, Luann, Sonja. Well, not to worry -- she is nothing like them. They seem to have embraced their age and living life joyously where they can.


The nutcracker thing should never be brought up again. Having said that, Dorinda is a supportive friend when it comes to Luann. Almost everybody, including Tinsley (who I assumed would be doing the happy dance alongside Carole) was gracious and supportive in their way. When the chips are down, most of these women have a 'But for the grace of God go I' moment and close ranks. Bobby's funeral next week will be another example of that.


Next week is Episode 11. How on earth are they going to fill another 8 episodes after that? So much has happened already! It feels like Reunion should be around the corner.



Agreed on both points! Sonja is doing her thing and I don't believe it is truly harming anybody. And yes, there is an authentic bond between these women. Even when they are vicious with one another, it stems from a real, shared history.

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I think this is the first time I didn't enjoy Ashley.  She is really a golddigger who was super giddy about getting half of Michael's money should they divorce.  She was all too happy to sign the amendment because she plans to do nothing else but hang on.  She is going to dig her heels into the baby thing because that buys more security.  She was quite rank this eppy.  


Robin hosing an Empowerment event?  How?  She remains Juan's doormat as he looks like he'd rather be anywhere else!  How many of these have we had with these reality shows?  It's annoying.  Even Hazel E had one, and that's like Hollywood's Walk of Fame...how much does it take to get a star now?  Anyone can get one.  


I think its safe to say Candice won't be getting married.  She's so not ready.  She needs to take charge of her life before she tries to become someone's wife!  


First 23 minutes and no Karen!  Who tf do I thank for that?!  


Gizele if ff material and with Robin, its "grab the Chromebook and watch facials on YT while they are on if the remote is not near by".  Their scenes are unbearable!  

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