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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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My favorite part of RHONY season 3 is when Kelly makes her dramatic exit on the yacht and can’t get through the door. It was so awkward and hilarious and I still crack up thinking about it!


Also, Kenya isn’t going ANYWHERE! And Eva could still have her peach snatched if she doesn’t deliever. In Housewives land nothing is guaranteed until the opening credits hit our TV screens!

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And we thank you for it

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What's crazy is that when I came aboard the Housewives train in early 2011, NYC was already debuting season 4 and my future hubby had to fill me in on the great "Bethenny Frankel" of which I knew nothing about, way back when. I had so much fun catching up on their first three years and love when they rerun them. 



That season provided some amazing "gif worthy" moments too, LOL 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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BTW, speaking of early NYC days... a few weeks back when they re-aired the first season (only 7 episodes... I still have yet to see that 1st year reunion), sure enough you see the infamous Tom trying to hit on Ramona, her friend Joni (whom I always liked), and their friends. Tom is the fool who calls Joni "promiscuous."  

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Kelly: Have a good time, you guys. I'll be in my la la land with cartwheels and nice people being genuine and kind, and you guys can enjoy all your banter and all your, like, vile behavior. Enjoy that!

Kelly(attempts to exit dramatically through sliding door).

Kelly: (tries and fails to prise open sliding door)


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Ramona (angelic): We'll see you in a little bit, sweetheart. 😇 😇

Ramona: Didn't mean to upset you. 😇 



I hope you are right! Maybe the sonogram on Instagram is Kenya's way of reminding Bravo that she's the only one with buzz around her at the moment.


Eva tried to deliver last season but it was so obvious how desperate she, Marlo and Shamea were to be relevant. All three came across as scripted and contrived. 

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I came into RHONY in S4 and so had to work my way back through S1-3 to appreciate OriginalBethenny. I still have a love for S4, though -- Ramona was everything!


But you guys are right, S3 was the best season of any RH franchise ever, I get goosebumps even on the re-watch. And Jill Zarin is still the most hated HW. I want her to return to RHONY S11 and take Tinsley Boretimer's place, but all this S3 talk has reminded me how venomous, envious and toxic she was. She tried to ruin everybody's life, and was a true narcissist. I may want her back -- but even now a part of me is not sure that would be a good idea!


Your gifs have inspired me. The one you posted of a shocked Ramona taking the Pinot is 




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I agree, there was something good about Season Four, too. Once they hit Morocco, it was ON. 


This moment below was my first real impression of New York. It's when I realized the ladies on this franchise fight with their tongues, whereas the New Jersey and Atlanta ladies fight with their fists (to quote Dynasty's Alexis vs. Krystle) 


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I think she's been punished a lot by karma the past couple of years. Some of it she has brought on herself, of course, but pretty much most of it she has straight-up owned. When oh when will Bethenny and Carole get their doses of karma?? 

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 Moreover, I don't think you necessarily have to like Luann to appreciate what she brings to RHONY. That line to Alex was bitchy but perfectly delivered and totally unexpected.


S1 RHONY is showing where I am (praying seasons 2, 3 and 4 follow!), and Alex & Simon brought so much to this franchise. The pretentious wannabes who became lovable-but-hapless voices of reason! Bethenny, Jill, Luann, Ramona and Alex were a perfectly complementary/antagonistic cast (Kelly, too, I guess). I hated that Alex got fired alongside Jill, Kelly and Cindy Miseryguts. She was poorly treated by Jill and her rottweilers, and I think she should have been rewarded with an invite to S5. In the long-run, though, it seems that when one door closes, another opens, and SiLex really embraced the opportunity to start again in Australia, go back to university, etc. Kudos to them!

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I think the lesson to learn here is once a housewife officially jumps off the reality show bandwagon, their life improves (moreso than not).


Jo on RHOC is happy in a job and great relationship

Alex from RHONY is happy in Australia with Simon and the kids


These two have officially broken away from the reality tv trap... perhaps others should follow suit (god knows Gretchen from RHOC needs to break away from reality tv and Slade.. her life would improve 100 percent I bet).

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Interesting the contrast between Jo/Alex & Simon and Gretchen. Jo was a literal child back in ye olde days of Bravo who didn't really know herself. When she broke up with Slade, it was her independence declaration. She had discovered what SHE wanted out of life -- and it wasn't him (as opposed to going along with what Slade wanted simply because she had no direction). 


SiLex, meanwhile, were older, wiser, and suffered through the 2008 recession. When Bravo pink-slipped them, it was small revenge to know that Jill  (who had made it her mission to try and ruin both their careers/get them fired from RHONY) was also kicked off the show. SiLex strike me as a solid couple with the same goal in life: to be happy. The decision to start over in Australia was a definitive closing-the-chapter on their Bravo life. If the fame game no longer wanted them, they had confidence in their combined abilities to start afresh.


Gretchen has moxie. But she's that girl who always has to have a boyfriend, the idea of being single is unbearable. As a result, unlike Jo, she cannot conceive of a new life without a guy. And unlike SiLex, she won't turn her back on her dreams of stardom. She is literally a mega star in her own mind. Hanging around the periphery of RHOC, there is always a chance the show might bring her back. Certainly, the last few seasons, Vicki advocated for Gretchen to return. After the awfulness of last season, I wanted Gretchen and, yes, even Alexis & Jim Bellino back too, lol.

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