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Was looking forward to seeing this episode featuring Tokyo. It was a dream come true for me to go to Japan a few years back. I'm disappointed the episode did not really showcase anything really special. Instead as I feared, we got the glazed looks while a geisha sang, and jokes about raw fish. Tokyo has some of the most delicious (and varied) food in the world. Have these women really never eaten eel sashimi? I expected this from Rinna but I thought Anime Dominitrix Barbie, aka Erika, was better travelled than this.


Also: why bring your glam squad for a trip that is NOT about business? I think Erika's marriage with Tom Girardi is dead, and Mikey and the glam squad are the closest things to friends she has left.


Also x2: anybody believe those 3 paps and 5 'fans' swarming Rinna's progeny were real? Me neither. Rinna is really trying to push Amelia as a bargain Gigi Hadid, and Delilah (with her brand new nose and jaw) has been primped and tweeked to be a discount Bella. It's unoriginal and I feel bad for these girls who can never live up to the OGs they are trying to mirror. Yolanda must be laughing her ass off into a plate of almonds!


Kyle and LVP being passive-aggressive... I smell a betrayal coming! I'm sort of over LVP's animal menagerie.


Dorit showed her ass tonight. Even PK was shushing her to keep quiet. I'm glad we saw a little of Camille's bitchy sass come out. Judging by the previews though, she doesn't appear to be in next week's episode. Instead we have Rinna trying to besmirch LVP by bringing up a lawsuit that was presumably filed against her.


I thought Camille was bringing in David Foster as her new boyfriend for a second! 

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 That would have been amazing frankly and VERY Camille Season 1.

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She was.


Interesting commentary I thought about today's society tbh (sorry) because that's how I'm feeling about the dating pool that I'm very sllloooowwwwwly trying to get back into this year. 

ATL: To my knowledge, they were still filming when Roachgate hit and even Nene's downfall so we should be seeing it before the season is out.

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 Even the promos for next week appear to be setting up for the Kim v Nene drama if Nene takes what Kim said the wrong way in the video posted a few videos back as well as on tv. 


BH: I agree with you that LVP/Brandi were definitely geniune so it was sad to see it fall. And why LVP has been hurt and it shows no matter how much she tried to not show it. That was much too real to be fake ihmo.


I would have liked to see JC on the show. And bonus: Joan Collins showing up would have gotten a promo and you know it.


NYC: I know, I know!!!! My first season of any RH show was ATL Season 3 due to my ex-roommate.  So I didn't know about NYC at first. And while NYC has been and continues to be where my heart has been in terms of cities where I belong...long story short--people for years have said that that was my city for a poor boy from the South that once I went there for two weeks vacation...I see what they meant. NEVER have my heart sang for better or for worse than there. Still haunts me given the situation surrounding why I was there...anyway I started to get into it around season 6...seeing reruns here and there...but came back when Bethanny came back because everyone here have talked about her for YEARS so I was curious. I think it's LuAnn that keeps me watching and yes, what you said about Dorinda is why I like her. I could totally see myself hanging out with her. 


ETA: Yeah, that is so why Dorinda fits in so well because she has known the girls for a very long time and still can be herself unlike some stars (*cough*Lips*cough*).


And what you said as well is why I like Dorinda. Dorinda was all kinds of quotable this past season and how can you hate on that? She wasn't even trying to be gif-worthy. 


Oooooo about Season 3. 

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- Siggy is a mess. We're arguing about foyers? Wendy Williams tried warning her ass that she shouldn't've done this show as it'd kill her brand. I bet she is wishing she would've listened and quit after last year when she was on a high. 


- Delores interfering is expected as she is Siggy's lap dog, but why is MeHo commenting with the usual, "Oh my God!" Ugh! She annoys me to no end. She can't go a millisecond without jumping into something that doesn't involve her. I would've been like Tre and sat there confused (but listening) to the whole exchange. My name would be "Bennett" b/c I ain't in it. MeHo doesn't understand that concept b/c she's such a camera hungry, famewhore. And why is her ass first chair? MeHo brought nothing this season to be first chair. 

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I'm thinking a positive of a shorter season is that pointless feuds will be stretched so long.  Just think of how cancergate in season 10 of OC woudln't have felt so stretched out if the season had ended after 12 episodes instead of 19?


Siggy needs meds and man, I hope her son moves and never gives her his address.  She makes Vicki G on RHOC seem sane in terms of hovering.. and I never thought I'd say that.

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Something about Teresa being mad at Joe doesnt ring true. I dont buy that she blames him for losing time with her mother. There have been rumors of cheating and I think she came out of jail and got confirmation that he was with other women. She has pride though and would rather people not see her take that L, so she's focusing on their indictment 

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Siggy has out-delusioned Kelly Bensimon Killoren. Bully is too rational a word to describe this lunatic, although she has been harassing and bullying Marge all season. And Delores -- who looks like she's been doing the cookie-jar mambo since filming ended -- is her enabler.


I heard that Vicki and Teresa are two HWs who always demand to be seated next to Andy at Reunion. Given that MeHo feels she is ENTITLED to have whatever Teresa has, I'm sure she's now throwing down similar kind of demands. And Andy probably acquiesced because he doesn't want Siggy the cray-cray sitting next to him waving her arms around.

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It's no wonder NJ ran only 13 episodes. They really had nothing else going at this point. Siggy losing her mind and focusing on "the Hitler" comment plus all the other minuscule crap she tried to drag Margaret through was tired, desperate, and played out. Haven't watched last night's yet, but thank goodness we've come to the end of this season. 

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New Jersey I feel would’ve been longer had Teresa’s Mom not been dying when they started filming. From the flashbacks in episode one you can tell they’d been filming, probably several episodes worth of stuff, but I can understand not wanting to have the show over such a dark cloud. In the end it benefited them because the 13 episodes we did have were still able to tell the stories they needed to tell and it didn’t get too hellish. For the first time in years I actually look forward to whatever comes next season. And the reunion preview with Ramona calling?! Gold! Who would’ve thought Jersey would get to a point where they have a fun and light reunion?


Moving onto Beverly Hills, I know many complain about the post-Brandi landscape but I feel the show has been so strong without her. I will always prefer a petty fight over some panties to the darkness Kim and Brandi brought to the show. This season has been so much fun. Dramatic? No, but you can see it getting there. I do feel like the complete absence of Eileen makes me sad, but Teddy is a decent addition. I like that she is representing something different at least. Dorit’s downfall is going to be delicious since I never liked her to begin with. What a pretentious moron. I know Lisa Rinna is a mess but get over it or be direct with her and tell her you don’t wanna deal with her. She acting like a punk! I cannot wait to see  Camille destroy her. Now I see why Camille became an official friend. That talking head after Dorit called her a c*nt gave me season one teas!


Now onto the disappointment: RHOA


I think this season is okay, but much like RHOC’s 10th season is boggled down in mediocrity, which makes no sense considering this is such an important year for the show. I’ve already said the first 3 episodes could’ve been condensed into one because as usual, they start filming this series without a full cast or plan so you end up with filler in early episodes. Right now we have some good moments but it’s inconsistent. 


At this point Marlo is giving more than some full time cast members, it’s shameful she’s not even an official friend. Kim has been such a disappointment. By the time they did the cast photo they knew how little she filmed and truly contributed so how is she the only friend with a cast photo? Also how are you going to announce Eva as a friend and she hasn’t even appeared almost 10 episodes in?! Yet they got her on the cast trip and throwing the finale party. Tf? This show is so poorly produced considering how important it is to Bravo. 

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With BH...almost none of the women are funny...except L VP.  Kyle and Rinna think they're funny....but Kyle is only funny as a comic duo with L VP.


NY Is full of funny housewives except maybe Tinsley. 


OC had Vicki that you laugh at, t amra occasionally is funny, and early Shannon (which I hope we get back noe that she's unloaded that noose around the neck) was quirky and had fun stories.


Humor is key on these shows....dallas had some funny cast mates.  

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Oh they sure do love trying to make new catchy memes and gifs. With them, I'm laughing at them more than with them, cuz their attempts are too cheeseball, but I still like them. LVP still has wicked timing and humor, whether she's in her talking heads or off the cuff as they film. 


NJ: The only interesting thing about that Reunion promo was having NYC's Ramona call Andy during taping. The Tales From the Crypt comment Teresa says about Kim D is funny, but again, it's all so played out and scripted with these people. 


Can't they just have Teresa visit New York next year and mix it up with the boozehounds and brainiacs in that city? Be stupid with Sonja and get a verbal beatdown from Bethenny. Can you imagine Bethenny and Teresa having a verbal argument? Bethenny would already be at round four while Teresa is still mustering up words for the first round. I know, I know, it'll never happen, but I feel like they're just keeping NJ around for Teresa. 

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