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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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First of all, Bryant Gumbel is fine as hell and could still get it as far as I'm concerned.


Secondly... IMO it's hard to classify Andy as an out-and-out misogynist the same way someone like Trump -- obsessed with Megyn Kelly 'bleeding from everywhere' or grabbing women by their boosays -- is a misogynist.


My personal view is that Andy just doesn't understand women. He loves them on a surface level, loves the Erica Kanes and the hair-tossing and the way they dominate an episode of Dynasty. And I get that, because that's a big part of why I post on SON! He is a pop culture aficionado, consumer of glamorous gossip, proudly superficial and that's fine, especially in this day and age... But his feeling towards women is always going to be surface only, and consequently his empathy for women will only be surface, too. I wouldn't say he is disdainful of all women, he just likes some more than others. But he is fascinated by female emotionality and 'weakness' -- weakness for men, weakness for love, weakness for booze or drugs. I took his 'cokehead' statement of Jessica Savitch not to be about any kind of hatred, just that he doesn't know or care about all the other stuff, like her work at NBC or being the first female anchor of NBC Nightly News. Her addictions and sudden, awful death overshadow all that. Kind of like Kim Richards is basically known for the sum of her addictions, and no longer for Return to Witch Mountain.



I'm pretty sure she and Tamra felt that if they refused to film with Vicki, they could edge her off the OC like Danielle Staub was edged out of NJ.


However, this can backfire -- witness Jill on NY trying to edge Bethenny out or Andrea on Melbourne trying to isolate Gina. It backfires because there is always That Moment where you can see the plot clear as day, exposing the perpetrator for who (s)he is. I think we just saw that moment with this week's episode and Shannon.


Tamra really is like Teflon, though, she came out of this week's episode relatively unscathed! 

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Great outfits, but I don't like the set. It needs more props, a bigger theme than..Kandi's living room/foyer.


Interesting to see Cynthia front and center. I'd expect Kenya to be holding that spot...


Sheree is unrecognizable! For a minute I thought a new HW had been cast.


ETA: What happened to Eva Marcille (Eva the Diva) joining the cast? Has she been scrapped completely?

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Shannon really showed her ass this episode on OC - it's going to be very difficult, nigh on impossible, for her to wriggle out of the basic fact that she's trying to ice Vicki out of the show. Her jealousy and obsession was on full display and she really made a fool out of herself. 


Lydia decimated Shannon. It was great to hear someone flat out admit they dislike someone else.


Why is Giraffe still on the show? She is totally irrelevant and I skip all of her scenes.


The interesting thing is that Vicki has such a varied life that she still has a storyline after all these years. The rest of them don't. She is their storyline and they should be wary of how they've attacked her. 



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She most likely didn't work out. Atlanta's primary problem is not finding new blood to bounce off this six. IMO, they should've went ahead and given peaches to Shamea and Marlo, as they filmed a lot this season. Should've just made them housewives officially. Especially, Shamea, who dragged the mess out of Phaedra at the reunion back in May. She earned her peach if you ask me. Plus, Shamea would've added tons of drama with her rocky relationship with Porsha, her stable relationship with Kandi, and us further seeing her interactions with the other women. 

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Okay there is a lot to unpack! 


RHOA - I loved the promo and I'm excited to see the girls back. The chemistry looks good! I also like that they have a good stable of friends with Marlo and Kim big in the thick of things. I have no complaints and no worries. I look forward to Nene/Buick, anything with Kim, Sheree's inmate lover and Kenya's marriage storyline. Side Note: Kandi's spin off looks FIRE! I feel like that drama will dilute her story a little bit. Imagine if one or two of the Xscape ladies joined the RHOA cast! But that would probably put an end to any reunion with the fighting that is sure to happen in that scenario.


RHOC - I know many don't like Lydia or Peggy both for their actions and some beliefs, but I think both have been good additions to the cast. Peggy's biggest issue is a language barrier, but I still enjoy her. As the season goes on and the ladies finally interact it's getting juicy and I look forward to each episode. Shannon has completely lost it and it was so obvious this week as Lydia perfectly pointed out she didn't want to become the odd woman out. I LOVE that Lydia see's her for what she is and doesn't pull any punches. 


RHOD - The show is so much more entertaining and that tea party was hilarious! Kameron continuously going after Brandi killed me. She plays dumb but you can definitely see that the wheels are turning in that head. Next week the Cary/Mark story heats up with Leanne accusing Mark of getting head at Round Up, a popular gay bar in Dallas. The thing is, I don't doubt it, but I also don't look forward to another story like this. In general I find this group to be enjoyable, I still say if the cast was more diverse they'd be able to reach a larger audience.

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IA they could and should have done better with a location. Like a gorgeous, wisteria-laden white porch in Buckhead, for example. So that we know we are in Atlanta, in the south! This shot could have been taken at the Pittsburgh Crate & Barrel for all we know.


I can only assume that if Kenya is not center next to Nene, either Nene complained and insisted Cynthia come over, or the color scheme of the dresses necessitated it. Or Cynthia really does have a full SL this season and deserves a front-and-center spot! And I say this as someone who liked her SL last season and her path to independence.


TBH I thought Sheree was Kim Z after one too many facelifts. 

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I am so ready for Plastic Face to be taken down about four notches...

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