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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Dallas has been good lately - that Leanne is seriously crazy sometimes and still reminds me of Danielle Staub.  Brandi is a drunk.  Overall, I really like this group... they need to add another housewife next season and move away from the poop talk.


NYC - so good this season.  I used to love Carol, but she's literally the worst this season.  What a miserable b!tch.  I feel bad for Sonja for being iced out - I wish Bethenny didn't have so much pull with producers to dictate storyline or appearances like this.  

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I also enjoy Dallas. This last episode made me warm up to Leanne more and solidified my hate for Cary who is such a hater. Im glad Leanne calls her out on her judgemental sh-t and pretty much calls her a thot. She needs to sit her ass down with her husband stealing self.


Again why wasnt Marie added as a sixth wife. Look at her going on the trip and again right in the middle of all the bulls--t. Is she set to be the Marlo/Faye of this series?



Im so over Carole. How weak of her to leave dinner bc she didnt want to be around Luann and then left the following morning. She doesnt realize that she gets no screentime when she does this and with our luck it'll result in her exit


Sonja is like a 50 something 21 year old. I cant help but admire her delusional ass with her youthful spirit.




her father wasnt dying. Jules ass was exagerating.


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Carole and Bethenny are such miserable cows. Carole, especially, brings NOTHING to the table. 


LuAnn is teflon, she is hard as nails and she will triumph. 


Interesting how Jules' father made a miraculous recovery between episodes. Drama queen.


I feel sorry for Sonja. She is harmless. She needs focus.

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NYC this week was such messy goodness, it just kept on coming from start to finish. Very reminiscent of old-school NYC back during the Season 2-4 days. 


Carole can't stand on her own. She always needs a sidekick to latch onto to look stronger. Heather's gone, so now she'll be the Cady Heron to Bethenny's Regina George. 


I'm glad Bethenny owned that she got ugly and used a lot of fowl language. HOWEVER, she barely apologized to LuAnn directly, but rather was upset that she allowed herself to go that dark. She crept out of Dorinda's house like a coward, ashamed of her own actions, while LuAnn -- the person she insulted -- was up making breakfast, being the better, stronger person. LuAnn won this one. 


I still think LuAnn loves to run her mouth off behind the scene, and then has a hard time owning up to it when the cameras are rolling, but overall she stood strong and came off the better person here. But boy, watching Bethenny, LuAnn, Ramona, and later Sonja, I just wish Jill Zarin was back. I'd love to see her go up against Bethenny while defending her buddy Lu.  When she isn't "ambushed" by a surprise verbal attack, Jill could actually hold her own for the most part. 


Ramona continues to be the most level-headed of the veteran ladies and that's pretty funny. And God bless her, she's turning 60 in November and she looks amazing. Yes, I noticed Bravo is now airbrushing them as it airs in High Definition, but she still looks amazing, as does LuAnn. Meanwhile, Bethenny and Carole look gaunt in the face. And I'm not just saying that because they were the catty bitches in this episode. They either need to put on a few pounds or use better makeup to cover up the dark circles. 

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Carole is the absolute worse! She's boring and basic as f*ck, thinks way to highly of herself and looks like the love child of Steven Tyler and the Crypt Keeper. And her ass? As shapeless and flat as a raisin pancake. Someone seriously needs to knock her delusional ass off the pedestal of lies she's built for herself. 


Bethenny can gargle glass.


Luann is a Queen among a cast of peasants! Besides Sonja, Luann is the only reason to watch.

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Mene (typo and it stays) has a new nose! It;s really obvious.


Has anybody seen her on fashion police? Her lines are pretty lame.


Bethenny and Carole are the Jill and Kelly of NY this season. Not a good look. Luann is no saint but the way they treated her and indeed their host Dorinda was really bullying and rude. They think they are so much better than everybody else, and it reeks of favoratism because they are best buds with Andy Cohen. Carole is especially despicable in a lot of ways just because she married a Radzewill back in the early 90s. Now she's a lazy stoner who can;t even do her day job -- or even confront her enemies directly, it seems. She always has to have somebody else do her dirty work, namely Heather and now Skinnygirl.

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Bethenny and Carole are now being compared to lunatic Kelly and delusional Jill. Hilarious yet extremely off base. Neither of them are certifiably insane like Kelly.


Neither of them think they're super amazing like Jill or are confronted with truths and then just totally ignore them?


I get that y'all are fans of Luann but neither Bethenny or Carole has been even one iota of the level of nastiness that Luann spouted for YEARS.


But I guess all the insults hurled at Ramona, Alex, Carole, Heather, etc are just imaginary. Like Yolanda on BH she'll never fool me cuz I can see what an absolute joke and a liar she is. It's fine if she wants to sleep around. But it's only this season that she's even beginning to own it. Bethenny coined her ass years ago when she called her a VIPER. Luann is dead ass the most despicable two faced person ive ever seen on these shows and it's amazing the pass she gets here. But not surprised considering the prior discussions. Past is prologue. After all Kenya is a saint while nene is apparently the devil.

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@ThePrinceOfSunspear now why did you bring up Queen Kenya? She had nothing to do with this. :P


Furthermore, I actually agree with you that I didn't feel sorry for Luann getting verbally beatdown by Bethenny. Did Bethenny go to far? Yep. Was Carole needed? Nope. However, Luann is sneaky as f-ck and it has been long since someone needed to call her ass out. I don't hate Luann like I used too, but I haven't forgotten how nasty she can be (e.g. Alex being her worst victim). 


I don't think Luann got a pass on here until recent seasons. Mainly last season b/c most of us couldn't stand Kristen and Heather, who had pitchforks raised at her. 


Honestly, I still think Luann is a trollop even though Bethenny went to far, and she does have a history of preying on other women's men. Harry Dubin being the perfect example....

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and that partly why Im loving her after being one of the biggest Luann hater on here. She owns her sh-t and all the insults and hate thrown her way this season fall flat bc she isnt being fake and acting like she's above it all. Luann is very transparent this season. Bethenny looked like a lunatic going in on her. Very pressed for no reason. Luann hasnt really done much this season to have these women so pressed and bothered by her

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And Bethenny was friends with the woman whose husband she's now dating according to the Post.


Good lord, the hypocrisy in this room could choke a snake [(c) Erica Kane 1996]


Dawn's now a convicted criminal. Hilarious. Obviously, Sinitta is shameless in her publicity seeking, that goes without saying, but if Dawn touched her...she should have read Britain's criminal laws, while it is the lowest form of assault, it is assault.


If I were Dawn I'd be sure I returned to RHOCheshire with a great charitable storyline in the works.  

Edited by DaytimeFan
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