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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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After all that hoopla, Ayden was NOT here for Apollo. DEAD at him being over his father an hour into a 2.5 hr visit. LMAO! I almost feel bad for Apollo. The boy didnt look too traumatized so Phaedra can STFU about talking about the damaging effects of bring her kids to prison


Cynthia looked STUNNING in that photoshoot. A true beauty


I wish Kenya and Matt well but my guard would be up with him. I just have doubts about him being serious about seeing himself having a life with her


Kandi smells a rat when it comes to Nene and I dont blame her. Kandi could always see through her and that bothered Nene as Kandi wasnt here for the bullsh-t


I have to say Kim had some good shade to throw at Kenya in her talking heads. Lets see if she can do that face to face at the reunion


Next week is finale? I hate when shows take a break only to come back and the next episode is the last. Looks good though with Tammy being back as Sheree and Bob have reunited, Kandi comes face to face with Nene, and Kenya being extra as the Grinch

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Awesome! Coincidentally, the episodes were just released on Hulu as well, so I'll be covered whatever the case! :D


Thanks, boo.


When does season 8 start? Maybe I have enough time to catch up and then.. ahem... watch via Cat's way as it airs.

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Melbourne was EVERYTHING! Im not sold on Susie yet but the housewives are bringing it. Gamble handing out invitations to her wedding seemed reminiscent of Cheshire but unlike her Magali kept it real and didnt invite Dawn bc she didnt like her. with that said, there is nothing she could have done right bc had Gamble done the same, Petty would have accused her of excluding and taking a dig at her.


Lydiot proves her nickname is well earned.  Why is she throwing everyone under the bus? And she wonders why people dont like her. Im also offended by the way she treats and talks about her housekeeper. She is condescending and the stuff she says can be percieved as racist yet she giggles and thinks its okay. Not cool


Anyone else thought Gillian looked like a man? LOL




So many RH shows!


i think Gizelle and Charisse, however you spell her name, needed to STFU about the rooms. At least they got a bed and not a couch or floor. They were being too extra about it.


Lowkey episode with not a whole lot to say but regardless, I like them

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Charisse* is the biggest piece of trash I've seen on the RH franchise. Asking for champagne? Bitching about the beds? Bitching about carrying a beach chair? What an !@#$%^&*]. She is trash. Dumpster trash. She thinks acting like a haughty bitch makes her classy. No wonder her husband left her ass.


Giselle* isn't much better...but at least she speaks English in her VT's - I can't say the same for Charisse.


Karen, of all people, had the best sense of humour on this group vacation. She seemed to just accept that things weren't going to be perfect and kept herself in check. And opening up about her mother's dementia was touching. 


Katie is a spoiled stupid twit. Her defensiveness and anger to the women (who were LOGICAL about how poorly she's planned it)


When Ashley showed her vagina sweat stain...oh good lord...I've seen it all. That was a new low.


Robyn is a good sport and interesting to hear that she and her husband were fleeced by a friend. Not sure if I believe that, but it is a good story for why they're broke.


Next week looks much more exciting as Karen flips out!


* I don't care how I've spelled either of these bitches names. They're awful people.

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Planning to watch RHoMelbourne later...




I thought this was going to be a filler episode (and in a way it was...). However, Ayden, Dylan and the trip to Fort Dix made the episode for me. I was expecting a trashfest with the Bravo cameras rushing the prison while Phaedra and Apollo try to outdo each other as to Who is the Best Parent? Instead, I thought it was tastefully done and non-intrusive. We didn't see the meeting, thankfully. I doubt the boys were even aware of the camera in the car. Moreover, the scenes in the hotel beforehand were lowkey and sweet enough so that it would seem to the boys that it was just another day of Bravo filming. The best thing Phaedra could have done (and lord knows I criticize her shady ass) was not to tell her children where they were going until the absolute last minute, just in case the visit was cancelled. And that's exactly what she did. Having her mother there also helped. Those boys are absolutely lovely, sweet-natured and polite. I don't think it's coaching for the sake of the cameras either. Dylan who cannot stop giving kisses ("Stop kissing his knee!") and talks about KA-RA-TAY is adorable and affectionate. Ayden is angelic, and the way he thanked the driver for putting him in the car was the sweetest thing. Those boys save Phaedra on the show because they really look like the product of good parenting. Honestly, I would have been happy for half-an-hour of the Ayden & Dylan Show tbh.


Similarly, for Kenya, having her aunt Lori around automatically brings out a more relaxed, happy Kenya. Aunt Lori seems straight up and full of common sense. Her reaction to the unfinished house is basically the audience's reaction. After weeks of looking so bad, perceived to be going after Kim and her husband, Kenya needs some positive light. 


I have to believe professional jealousy is at the root of Kenya's feud with Kim, coupled with a personality clash. Kim is not going to play the game the way Kenya wants to play it, and that frustrates Kenya no end. She went after Kim thinking she was a weak link. She mistook her polite exterior for stupidity, and that was a mistake. Kim is just not going to rise to Kenya's provocations like Porsha did. That may make for 'bad TV' as far as Bravo is concerned but IMO it exposed Kenya to negative audience reaction. Not to mention, I wonder how she and her long-time friend Brandon are doing after what aired.


I honestly forgot that Kandi was on the show. Imagine my surprise when she popped up! Speaking of popping, her heavily-pregnant VTs make my life. It reminds me of when preggers Bethenny was narrating the Crazy Island stuff on RHoNY ("Bye, loon") and looked like she was about to pop. I am not here for the Todd/Mama Joyce/doctor's visit stuff, but Kandi grumpily shading people in her VTs (and getting called out at Reunion about it) I am here for.

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I thought you guys were joking but DAMN Gillian has a strong jaw on her!


Petty would do well to listen to her sister about the fact that she is stuck up, self-absorbed and fake, and that's why people feel alienated from her. Gillian said it bluntly and simply but I guess Petty didn't absorb that advice. She almost -- ALMOST -- had the ladies on-side regarding Lydia, and really played the victim thing to the hilt. However, her true colors showed through when she took Gamble handing her invitation out last as a personal affront and tried to make the situation All About Her. Right on, Gamble! Throw that bitch's invite into the ocean! Janet's talking head was hilarious.


Lydiot is truly the dumbest bitch alive. And the most condescending. The HWs have clearly edged her out of the group for a while because she's a fake-ass and a snake (qualities needed to stir the pot on these shows, lbr) -- the only scenes she can show us are of her and her poor housekeeper. I don't know what to think of her husband giving her a car and not being around to give it in person. Also, I thought Lydia was looking a bit porky in the face at Gamble's party. I've always thought Lydia was one of the naturally most gorgeous HWs in all the franchises, but her face was hella bloated. Is it stress eating? Trouble at home? Booze? Or just one of those days where you are not looking your best? Maybe a combination of all four. In any case, even Chyka was like "Lydia is dead to me" during the episode so I don't think things are looking up for the Lydiot.


Gamble and Wolfpup are just too cute with each other.


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