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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Eileen is coming off petty this season and her aligning with Yolanda and Erika will do her no justice in the end. IDK why she is still harping on an apology when Lisa gave her one. Like I said before, it is more than what she's offered women in the past. Adrienne, Taylor, Kyle, Brandi, and even Yolanda would've died for the apology that Lisa gave Eileen. 


I found it odd when Eileen (along with Erika and YoLyme) criticized Kathryn for gossiping. Uh.... does Eileen have selective memory? Has she forgotten how she stays keeping sh*t going in this group? She is gonna get mauled at the reunion by Kathryn. Idiot. 



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I found this episode of BH quite dull except for Eileen imploding with LemonLyme and Erika at lunch. Eileen is ruining her image this season. Season 2 Syndrome at its worst. I agree that she is going to get mauled at the reunion.


And it was edited to highlight how you've got the Three Witches from Macbeth contrasted against LVP the Glinda The Good Witch installing her pony mansion.


LVP has tweeted that the trip to Dubai was like Puerto Rico - I am not going to enjoy that. 

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Re: Eileen. I think this is what is so interesting about a lot of the RH shows. There are Queen Bees and/or those vying to be Queen Bee. Other HWs decide to align themselves with this person or that person. Maybe they do it because they are followers rather than leaders. Maybe they do it because they would like to be the 'power behind the throne.' (Indeed, I find Erika Girardi possibly falls in that category). They pick a side and it is a gamble. Sometimes that gamble does not pay off. It is all very Game of Thrones-esque. 


I haven't watched the episode yet but I am nervous about seeing Eileen (somebody I actually respect) putting herself in this situation which might rebound badly on her. Maybe I'm just an LVP stan but I honestly feel that the tide of public opinion towards Yolanda, which was very positive last season, is turning against her. Her latest Dr. Oz 'exclusive' is not helping matters. Consequently, those who ally themselves with her may get burned, too. Having said that, an episode is a long time in RH politics, and who knows how we will feel about any of these women when Reunion time comes?

Edited by Cat
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I just don't understand why this Lisa chess master/takedown stuff is a storyline every season. I guess it wasn't so much last season but the season 4 fiasco is still stuck in my craw.


I wish they'd swept the decks and cleared Yolanda out. While I think LVP's personality and games are always going to be somewhat polarizing, and those who never seem to leave, like Kyle, will always have mixed feelings about her, I think with more new women and no input whatsoever from Brandi or Yolanda they might have been able to move on to new stories.

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Oh lord I hope we never go back to Season 4. An ugly, ratchety, trashy, toxic season. And that's saying something. I get anxiety rash just thinking about Brandi or Witchy Poo!




Ok I'm watching.


Very interesting watching the Yol/David scene at home. David starts playing the piano, and the look that crosses Yolanda's face as she moves away from him after giving 'My Love' a backhug -- very resentful. The fact that David is focused on his music at the moment and not on her and her Invisible Disease really makes her mad.


omg :lol:  :lol:  :lol: when Andrea Bocelli walks in and these dumb hoes give him a standing ovation -- which he cannot actually see because he is blind. #FAIL.


Erika shouldn't get uppity when Lisa asks her to clarify what she said and how close she is to Yolanda. The fact that she is so defensive and refuses to answer the latter question says to me she knows LVP is onto her and Yol.


Oh Eileen please don't look at Lisa Rinna like she's a naughty child and you're the disappointed mom. I don't want this friendship to be tarnished!


Is Lipsa angling for a chronic disease SL for her kid?? Why was Tallulah's sore throat thing even filmed?


I see Kyle "Don't talk about Kiiiiiimmmmmmm it hurts my feeeeeeeeelings" Richards is still trolling her sister for a SL. <_< Still boring af tho.


Ahhh Eileen has officially joined the Tall Blonde Clique. I actually do see Erika's point about Kathryn. It was underhanded and fake of Kathryn to pull that info out of Erika, and then tell tales about it behind her back. In addition, her response to Erika was "It's on you." Very Brandi-like in its absolution of responsibility.


The juxtaposition of the Three Blondes bitching about LVP in that sad little park (not a good look) with LVP getting a toy pony house designed and paid for by Mohammed Haddid was absolutely hilarious. LVP is like the cat that got the cream. And self-aware enough to admit that her friendship with Mohammed is probably the reason Yolanda hates her guts.


Kim is "stronger and in a healthier place" apparently. She was on a mother/daughter therapy show last night but, contractually, neither the show nor the therapist nor Kim's daughter are allowed to mention that Kim has in any way, shape or form an addiction problem. How's that going to work out if Kim shows up "with Bronchitis" again? The delusion is still real with this chick. When is she going to admit that she has a serious problem that needs to be constantly fought? There is no shame in saying this! Especially in Hollywood where half the industry is in AA.


Kim says she doesn't hate Kyle. (How about resent, though?) I have to believe that this is a Kim audition to return to the show next season. 

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Another brilliant episode. Whoever decided on casting Susie was brilliant because she has no worries about laying it all out about Lydiot. 


Gamble le is being very foolish for trusting Lydiot whose a snake. It's clear she's trying to get back into Gina's good graces and I'm just glad that Susie said it.


Not much to say on Chyka and Jackie, they're both fun additions to the show and the scenes they're in. I don't know what to make of Jackie saying Lydiot has been talking trash about all the women - was that not expected?


Gina and Pettifleur make for an interesting pair. Pettifleur is such a stilted bitch that even as she tries to do what Gina tells her she just wreaks of inauthentic nonsense. She does look good though.


Janet. My girl Janet hasn't even divorced that Paul Hogan wannabe! She said "maybe he'll ask me to give him a divorce" in her VT. He said some pretty embarrassing things but he's a good 'ol bloke who doesn't care - he is who he is - that's the kind of confidence that probably got Janet to marry him in the first place. However - I do respect friendly exes like they are - that makes life so much happier and easier and says something positive about both of them. 

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Y'all are freaking out over NYC Season 8 and I'm still working my way through Season 6... but I'm enjoying it so much! How hilarious that the girls went to the Berkshires for like 3-4 episodes and Aviva was in none of them and I didn't even notice :lol: It's sad that Aviva needs that disgusting pig of a father of hers to be even remotely interesting. Millou's funeral was a melodramatically shot thing of soapy beauty.


It's the DALLAS effect. Dallas will always remain in many people's subconscious as cowboys and oil because of the show.

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Can't wait for NY! I know we've already discussed the "housewife" criteria, but it is ironic how the only two ladies who were actually married (Heather, Kristen) are out, and the rest are single/dating. 


Crazy how it's the norm right now to have 3 Housewives shows running concurrently. 


Season 6 was very sloppy with their opening. Taking Aviva in and out all the time, then during the reunion episodes, their commercial bumpers had LuAnn back and Kristen gone (Season 5's line-up). 

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Agreed with Gray Bunny. Season 6 of NY was messy and inconsistent bevause they had to chop and change and make allowances for Aviva being so difficult. Wait til you get to Season 7 YRBB: I thought it was so much better and more entertaining.

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Ramona and Bethenny look gorgeous as usual....


Yolanda and David are screaming tension in their first scene. Such a fake lady.


Lord Eileen let it go.....Lisa is playing chess but it's clearly with Yolanda so I don't mind at all. Her little speech at the beginning to Yolanda about the kids were just perfect 


dayum....even though Erika is typical young girl marrying rich she def played Lisa at that dinner. Perfect way to frustrate Lisa Vanderpump. Eileen could take lessons....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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lmao Not knowing any of the backstage issues, I find the show fun, crisp, with just the right amount of drama and pettiness. Of course, Aviva's constant absence did lead me to think she was causing trouble. If this is messy and inconsistent, I cannot wait for Season 7!!!

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