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I don't think that Yolanda deserved to keep a diamond either. She should've stepped down as I said a year ago. I would've preferred for Kim or Brandi to have kept their diamond instead. Most sane people who were sick would get off the show or take a smaller role (i.e. Camille) instead of trying to pimp themselves and their illness for sympathy. Yolanda is just the lowest form of trash.

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Caught up on Beverly Hills... 


I don't think Lisa V looks as bad as some of you were saying. The scene with her and newbie Kathryn was very truncated; they merely showed Lisa questioning Kathryn, with no footage of anything Kathryn said or asked in response. How else do you get to know your newest castmember? Wouldn't they start off with the basics? Okay, the question on age could've waited until maybe their second time meeting, but whatevs. 


I don't know if The Morally Corrupt Faye had more work done, or if Bravo is photoshopping, but Faye's skin looks so much better than it used to. In the flashbacks, it looked like the surface of a leather handbag.


Kathryn looked messy because she let herself get all riled up over Faye’s presense, and Faye gave her NOTHING in response except a compliment on her looks. LOL! Well done Faye. You keep being your fabulous, icy calculated self. Kathryn initially acted as if Faye wasn’t a big deal to her, then admits that she’s been thinking of what she would say to Faye for the past twenty years? And she got all goofy ticked off at dinner like a mini Aviva. 


Overall, this whole set-up at Kyle’s “barbecue”  (BTW, I loved Erika’s reaction to the non-barbecue… this woman is quickly becoming one of my all-time faves) was close to New Jersey-Season-Four-Season-Finale territory, where it is so obviously set up by producers and the castmembers just aren’t up to the task of acting natural (sorry Kyle, your acting talents have gone rusty). Rinna comes off as a producer’s puppet. You could at least tell Lisa V was uncomfortable bringing up Mohamed’s children. Kyle pried, pried, pried (another producer puppet).


All in all, I found it to be a good episode. I would’ve loved a little footage of Camille and Faye together, or at least reacting, especially after the Dinner Party From Hell flashback. 




Edited by Gray Bunny
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Thotlandia Williams and Split Richards are on the upcoming season of Celebrity Apprentice with Arnold Schwarzenegger. 




Hopefully, Poorsha realizes that a fight in the boardroom means you use your words and intellect. Not your fists. We don't need to see her attempt to drag someone.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Please, those are Nene's leftovers that Kenya took, just like she's been taking for years. If anything, Porsha and Kenya were both taking HER leftovers by doing CA. What has Porsha taken from Kenya? Lol you know better, boo! Are these heifers tainting you?

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Yes, Nene was the original but Kenya and Teresa both surpassed what Nene could do. Nene allowed Star to punk her out and cause her to quit, being one of the few that season win any money for their charity. Kenya and Teresa, if I am not mistake, got further and both won money for their charities....


So Kenya took those leftovers and made a feast.  

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It has taken me a lot of time to gather my thoughts about this last episode and the season as a whole. 


Kyle: despite my sympathy for Kyle stemming from her coming from a truly messed up family (Big Kathy seems evil the more I've seen of the Hilton/Richards sisters) I cannot like Kyle because she's a high school bitch and isn't going to change. Her praise of Faye (a shady ho I enjoy greatly for the basic premise that she is what she is and doesn't bother to hide it) while she baits LVP about Anwar and Bella is ugly.


Eileen has lost me a bit this season. She's too overly sensitive and isn't enough of a big girl to own the fact that she and Vince were both married to other people, had an affair, dumped their spouses and lived happily ever after. She will always be judged for it. And whether she likes it or not it's something that is very easily judged because it was a selfish act. It's not to say people should judge her, none of us is pure, but Eileen should not be surprised that she is judged. And she needs to get over it. 


Erika: enjoyable. She is similar to LVP in that she only lets us see what she allows us to see. And frankly that's smart. It shows that Erika has control over herself and her ego. She is dry and witty and reminds me of a character Morgan Fairchild would play in a 90s sitcom like Cybill. She seems to be a tough, intelligent woman whose loyal. And she's unapologetic which can be pretty winning in the right hands.


Lips is undergoing classic Season 2 syndrome. She's playing to the camera and what she thinks the audience wants to see and then backtracking when the heat gets turned up and ends up being one huge contradiction. I still enjoy Lips and think she's a very good addition to the cast. But she's clearly grasping to manufacture storyline at times and that's a shame because the scenes I have enjoyed Lips the most this season were those involving telephone calls to her parents and working at QVC - her real life.


Yolanda is, in my alleged opinion, a filthy liar. She is a nobody who is incredibly bitter about her irrelevance and always being someone's arm candy and I feel she has manufactured much of this illness and followed every quack she could spend David Fosters money on. She is the one who brought her kids and their health into this mess, not anyone else. There are so many rumours about Lyme and who does and doesn't have what and Yolanda's non-answers and unscientific claims ring hollow. 


Kathryn: we really don't have a lot of information on Kathryn other than she did not evicerate Faye Resnick in a way I can respect. Someone brilliant on Tamara Tattles said she reminds them of Aviva with a splash of Knots Landing era Michelle Phillips - bang on.


LVP...I am ride or die for this lady. Everyone who has a problem with LVP over the years fails to recognize the recurring theme of LVP: she isn't going to change. It's like all the women who've disliked her want her to be like them (the Hamptons dinner party featuring Kyle demanding LVP offer up what keeps her awake at night like they all do is an example) but LVP doesn't play that game. She doesn't need to. And that irks some of them (Yolanda) who have to bend because they aren't in positions of power like she is. LVP is a basically nice person with a sharp tongue and a very good sense of humour who doesn't tolerate disloyalty. And she's the one in control and doesn't kid anyone otherwise: that's another thing several of the cast don't seem to like: that they aren't in control with her. It all comes back to my first conclusion: LVP isn't changing. She's never pretended otherwise. Why these women fight that is beyond me.  



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Which all goes back to LVP's first tagline ever...it is who you know in BH and she...knows EVERYONE.


I've been waiting for your commentary for this season, DF. Well, worth the wait. ;)


I know when I have time I'm going to want to do a sit-down on what I think of both this season and RHoA, but with my work schedule I'm seeing both (mostly BH) in large chunks when I get home from work, missing other parts.


Okay, Mr. Vixen, true that Nene was there first. But I didn't feel Kenya doing CA was too soon after Nene had done her stunt vs Toyota doing it from what I feel is too soon after Kenya had done her.


Also it was a tongue-in-cheek play on Ford talking about how Kenya always buy her hair weaves. ;)



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As so often with your posts, DF, I find I agree 100% with your conclusions.


Your take (and Tamara Tattles') on Yolanda is spot-on, and if she can't take the questions after she made 'Chronic Lyme' THE central SL on RHoBH this season, then she shouldn't be on TV. Period. I used to think her 'health advocate' Daisy was creepily SWF-ing her. Now I wonder if Yolanda is SWF-ing Daisy to burnish her Sickly Saint cfredentials. And I have to wonder how much of this health quackery is an effort to either get her pre-nup to David Foster annulled and/or to land some lifestyle brand show.


You are so right about LVP. Even as I become somewhat disappointed at her efforts to stir the pot on BH, I still cannot help but love her. I don't want to stan blindly -- I think I can see LVP for what she is, flaws and all -- and maybe that is what is the problem with some of the other ladies re: LVP. They want LVP to be perfect all the time. They want her to be attentive to them all the time. They want validation from her all the time. And if Pinky doesn't want to give it, she won't.


Kyle's fakery about "Don't talk to me about Kim!!!" when she has spent 6 seasons demanding that she be painted the Poor Little Victim at all times is laughable. Kyle loves the attention. Playing victim is her only, and best, role. She has always resented not having central OG status on the show as she felt was her due. "It's not about YOUUUU, Lisahhhh!"



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