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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Katie isn't even an official friend as she doesn't have a profile on Bravo. She was supposed to be an official housewife but b/c her husband, Josh Hamilton (a famous baseball player) had an alleged drug lapse, her footage with him got cut tremendously.

Lizzie filmed the whole season as housewife, but she personally chose to step down as an official housewife. She wanted to focus on her businesses and family and being an official housewife, which entails promoting the show heavily, would interfere. She has said that she will be heavily featured throughout the season. She'll be like Porsha was to ATL or Luann was to NYC previous seasons.

And speaking of RHOC:

I'm finding this season to be boring. Vicki is becoming distant from the group. Shannon is becoming more erratic. I'm over Pleather trying to shove her money down the audience's faces. Meghan annoys me. Trailer Sue is being phony so she'll come off well this season. We're only three episodes in and I am over it. Hopefully, it'll change down the road.


Tonight gave me Scary Island teas. Instead of deluded Kelly, we have deluded Sonja. Watching Bethenny comment on all the madness felt like all times. All we were missing was Alex and Jill. That alone would've made this experience perfection.

Ramona was a hoot tonight. Her in those heels and that bikini had me laughing. Ramona should never squat in heels. She looks awkward.

Bethenny v. Kristen early on was pathetic (on Kristen's part). Kristen needs to realize that Bethenny is a roller coaster ride that she is too short on ride on. Bethenny will drag her from here to west Hell.

I enjoyed Bethenny trying to get to Sonja but it won't help in the end. Instead of Sonja facing the truth, she'll do what she always does and play victim.

Can't wait till next week to see the rest of the sh-t show when Dorinda and Heather lock horns and Sonja further loses her sh-t.

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I have no use for Meghan or the bible thumper either. Miscast. Especially Meghan who seems so basic and nasty.

Shannon and David are sad to watch, that golf cart moment was illuminating because that's how it's always going to be, they're always going to have these issues and they should call it quits. It's bizarre that she doesn't see divorce as an option. Staying in this marriage will warp her kids.

Tamra finding God? Um. She didn't fake that well.

Heather is classless. She talks about money way too much to 1) have as much as she'd like us to believe 2) have any grace and style. Running over budget on a house isn't an achievement, it's a failure. I don't know why she thinks it's cute.

Really missed seeing Vicki. Why didn't they have cameras following her to Florida?! We could have had another classic "My boobs want to come out and play" moment!

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I love RHOC this year. I don't think it's slow or boring and I like that everything feels organic and not forced. I don't love Katie, but she isn't a big enough focus to bother me. I'm starting to think she was always meant as a Friend and not full housewife because she just seems so passive. That might change, but I don't think she was meant to be a full time housewife. I also don't believe Lizzie demoted herself, but she is performing well this year. Overall the dynamic works. I wish Jeana were a full time wife. She is exactly what they needed to fill the gap.

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NYC was messy fun last night. Kristen proves to be utterly useless in her fight with Bethenny. She tried, she failed, and her talking head comments were pointless. It's funny, if you watch her interact with the other ladies when they do wide shots of a bunch of them in the same room, she's always just listening in the background. When Ramona made that toast at dinner to them all being friends and whatnot, Kristen gave a stank eye-roll expression. Why is this woman there? I think I'd rather have Cindy back.

Ramona is reverting to form. She has a certain way about her when she goes on vacation, and I admit it never looks good. She started getting kooky on vacations ever since season 4. She was fine during Scary Island, but since season 4, she can really go overboard on the thoughtlessness and neurotic behavior. I'll give her points for that moment of clarity with Sonja when she admitted that she's actually not very happy and just trying to hold it together during the Mario debacle.

I LOLed when Bethenny predicted that Ramona was going to come up to her and do her usual, "You know what? I apologize..." after the debate over the rooms. Bethenny and LuAnn actually have great chemistry as friends.

Ramona and Bethenny's bosom buddy sob-fest next week should be good.

Bethenny said it perfectly, as usual, describing the weird filtration system with Sonja. You never know how Sonja is going to interpret what you say to her. This chick will always focus on one minute detail of a conversation and go off running wild ("Are you calling me dumb?")

Heather still rubs me the wrong way when she tries to be the overall voice of reason and put in the last "wise word" in a conversation.

LuAnn sure was hungry! She really wanted Bethenny/Sonja to put a hold on their conversation so that dinner could be served.

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I am about one episode behind you guys on RHoNY and OC -- I had an exam this week.

But I just had to share how much I ADORE Dorinda. I can't get enough of her realness and her... humanity I guess? When she talks with Ramona, it sounds like a friend talking with a friend. She sounds like a real human being and not necessarily somebody trying to appear a certain way on TV *cough*HeatherCarole*cough*

Carole is so shady. I used to love this woman but I find nothing likeable about this smug people-user who is already throwing her supposed chums Kristen and Heather under the bus so that she can score points with Bethenny. Let's face it, Bethenny is kind of the person these ladies are trying to impress, even while they hate how little she thinks about them or wants to spend time with them.

On the OC, I cannot stand that fake Meghann chick. If her clearly-over-it husband doesn't divorce her within two years, I will be shocked. He obviously picked out a younger model to replace his previous wife, and she obviously made a beeline for his wealthy ass. Ultimate trophy wife wannabe who has clearly been gunning for a spot on RH since the moment she got engaged to Mr. Baseball.

Jeana is sorely missed and it was SO GREAT to see her at Vicki's party, especially the side-eye she gave Tamra when Tamra ignored her and went straight for Shannon. Tamra should be outright scared of Jeana -- this woman knows where the bodies are buried.

I don't know whether to applaud Shannon for letting it all hang out regarding her marriage or whether to hate her for the way she is using it as a SL this season. The 'apology' and forgiveness David asked of his daughters made me cringe and should have been done behind closed doors. At the same time, Shannon's misery and hurt at being betrayed is so real.

Heather is annoying with the money spending and porte cochère business. But I'm surprised DaytimeFan you dislike her. I know you liked the Dubrows once upon a time (I still like Terry btw). Also on WWHL the other day Heather came across a little better.

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I will say that Heather was way more tolerable this week during the Napa trip and on WWHL. Nice to see her letting loose.

I was afraid Shannon would be boring this season based on the reunion and how she viewed herself from Season 1, but she totally isn't... I love how real and raw she is. I don't think she's playing up for the cameras, I just think this is really who she is. Her desperation for finding a bar and ordering that vodka was very telling.

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I haven't seen this past week's OC, but I agree that the forgiveness exercise that Shannon & David did with their daughters was awkward, and definitely should've been done off-camera. At least there was a moment of authenticity with the eldest daughter, but still, awkward. I'll give them credit for being completely real with their marital problems, though.

I can't imagine what it's like to be on a reality show like this, with cameras around all the time, and you're expected to just "act natural." And by act natural, I mean looking fabulous in full make-up at 11am on a Tuesday, but I digress. I'd be hitting the hard stuff to make it through the day, too.

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