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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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According to twitter...rhoc shot their finale party over the weekend...according to pics...looks like Lizzie is a friend of..and Meghan is a housewife. Only looks to have five housewives only. Still wont believe it till the cast photo and trailer are released.

Looks like Lynn and Tammy Knickerbocker went to the finale party too. I miss having visits from past housewives at the finale parties.

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And Nene will still act like a twat towards her and Cynthia next season--the first two to jump up and the main ones to console her.

I would've been like Claudia and Kandi. Nene would've had to drown in her tears. Had it been someone else, she would've not reciprocated the gesture and even you know that....

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Exactly. Truces with Nene are short-term. Only way Kenya or Cynthia would remain on Nene's good side is if they left the show a la Kim. And even then it is not guaranteed; she could still hate on them like she does Sheree.

Nene is fickle as f-ck. She has to be a pain to work and be around. Just draining.

I seriously hope this breakdown causes her to revert back to the Nene we loved--season one Nene.

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This season is great and consistent.

Kristen is patently useless (the blog? Oh lord...).

Sonja is delusional and is probably going to get screwed by the people she's doing business with, who knows...the only thing she seems to have a firm grasp on is the consequence of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. I appreciated that Bethenny went into Sonja's presentation guns blazing and didn't hold back in how WTF everything was. She can smell a rat.

Carole's gross for doing that to LuAnn's niece. LuAnn isn't wrong for feeling the way she does, that was low down and sleazy of Carole.

Ramona really need to dig deep and get fabulous again, it's pretty obvious that Mario cheating on her gutted her self esteem, damn him.

Dorinda is a great addition to the show and her boyfriend is starting to irk me.

Nothing but loud and crass from Heather in this episode.

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