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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I laughed during the wig segment where when it came to Poorsha, they said "some like it thot". Bravo shaded the hell out of her. In fact her enemies shaded her this season. Her friends shaded her. Dumbass Poorsha shaded herself. The one common theme about her all season long was that she is a thot. That word kept coming up in reference to her and I dont know why she'd want to be assocated with it. Did she think people were calling her hot?

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I'm sorry NBA but she really didn't own Phelony at all. It was an even back and forth at best. Kenya was loud if that's what you mean by "owning".

That being said Phaedra is absolutely disgusting. If you don't want the damn kids to visit their father then SAY SO! This whole bs nonsense about its hard to take a baby jail what a joke

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Well, well, well...Kim Richards on Dr. Phil was everything train wreck TV is and more. I'll do this in point form what we learned in the interview:

- Kim's "story" about how she got arrested had about as many holes in it as a colander. And Dr. Phil was not letting her get away with any of her lies.

- Kim blamed watching the reunion episodes, then blamed her destroyed relationship with Kyle, for falling off the wagon.

- Kim admitted that she had fallen off the wagon prior to the events of the past weeks and that she'd drank wine, alone, at home, over the last several months.

- Kim denied that she lied about her sobriety at the reunion. And then, when Dr. Phil pressed her, she said it "was a lie and not a lie" that she hasn't struggled with her sobriety. Kim then blamed the other women for "being mean" to her.

- Kim's son and daughters all said they didn't think Brandi was the best influence on Kim. Kim fiercely defended Brandi.

- Kim said if she couldn't handle the pressure of the show she'd walk away. When Dr. Phil told her she clearly can't handle the pressure she said she can handle it and that falling off the wagon doesn't mean she can't handle it.

- Kim's son did, indeed, out her abuse of pills and occasional marijuana use, in addition to her drinking, which Kim did not deny.

- Kim's daughters Brooke ripped into her for being "so f*cking picky" about which rehab Dr. Phil was telling her he'd send her to.

- Kathy Hilton was at the interview in the adjoining hotel room and is clearly a problem because she was getting in the way of Kim's daughter scream some sense into Kim.

- Dr. Phil left the interview after Kim stormed out and Kim put on her fake Beverly Hills matron bullsh*t about how much she admired him.

- Kim later took his offer of rehab, but then went back and forth about wanting a private room, a different rehab, then said no.

- Dr. Phil showed the rehab he intended Kim to go to, a stunning sober living centre in Malibu right on the beach.

Overall, it was all the classic Kim Richards horseshit that she always spews. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

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A lot of people have been hard on Bethenny, but I love her this season. She has given them the right spark. I also completely understand her abrasiveness because she is being thrown in, the center of attention and is still trying to figure out where she fits. I will say on the subject of Heather, I'm completely Team Bethenny. I always knew Heather held a grudge from comments Bethenny made on WWHL about her and she's retaliating in a stealth way. The first time they met the first thing Heather said was how Luann helped create the Skinnygirl Margarita, which isn;t even true. Then going in on Bethenny's problems with Ramona which should be completely irrelevant to developing a friendship with BETHENNY. Now we have her stirring the pot about Bethenny not inviting someone she doesn't even know to her birthday party. She needs to mind her own business. Yes Bethenny was abrasive in her response, but why is Heather even asking? Let Kristen talk to Bethenny. Bethenny said on Twitter she reacted like that because it felt like Heather was trying to manipulate drama when they're interesting enough not to do that. I agree with Bethenny. If you look at the early seasons they didn't need to have everybody at every event or create drama, it was just natural. Especially on this franchise. If anything, Bethenny deserves a lot of credit for openly cutting through the crap, especially the producer driven crap and letting these girls know she won't participate. It's SO MUCH more interesting that way!

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Kristen: "Why wasnt I invited?" Because you are an IRRELEVANT twit, you dumb ho! LMAO at her trying to get support from her maid and the woman saying she wouldnt care. Kristen was putting too much weight into it when Bethenny simply wasnt thinking about her

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rewatched RHONY this morning.. my thoughts:

Kristen: Yes, she was a little bummed, but in her talking head she figured she didn't have a gift so it was a win win for her. And when her nanny said it wouldn't matter to her, then it seemed like Kristen was fine with it.

Heather: I don't get why she is fighting Kristen's battle especially since Kristen didn't seem all that bothered by it. Also, Kristen tangled with Ramona and Aviva last season and did pretty well.. so I don't see why she needs a bodyguard.. unless it is for airtime.

Ramona: I had read the rumor that she would be down-graded to a 'friend of' but judging by the first four episodes.. I can see why she got to keep that apple.

Luann: Not in the episode all that much.

Carole: I guess she disproves the notion that age brings wisdom? No way would I accept some random candy or drink from a stranger. I'm wondering if she's regressed to a 20 something due to the intense grief she felt at her husband, john john and carolyn's death. I bet she's more somber and serious in her private life then what she portrays on the show. I'd rather see her drop the ditzy act and be more like she was in season 5.

Dorinda: She seems like a true New Yorker... in your face and abrasive. Not a bad thing and I like she's getting individual scenes so that we get to know her.. warts and all. I think she isn't over her late husband's death.. and I think that's why she isn't really reigning in her daughter Hannah. I wish more housewives had grown children to interact with.. I bet we'd see more of Kristen/heather's home life if they had older children. With that said, I do think Dorinda was pretty good at holding her own with Bethanny.. and even unsettled Bethanny a little. I can see them becoming friends down the road.

Bethanny: She's abrasive, but I do like that she doesn't want to keep playing these petty conflicts. She shuts them down as quickly as they start. You can tell she's from the old school housewife format when it was more about their lives then petty disagreements.

With that said, I did like Bethanny not inviting Dorinda and kristen to her gathering because she doesn't know them and the gathering was for her birthday. She only invited Carole cause they instantly clicked.. and Carole bought along heather as her plus 1. I miss the days of seeing the women host events for their friends.. and none of the other women attended the event. This is a reality show.. i want some realism.. rather then a rejected Sex and the City script.

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Well said! It's funny that Bethenny doesn't have time for the producer-coaxed petty dramas of "you didn't text me, you didn't invite me, yada yada yada" junk. Good. I don't have time for that either. We had enough of that in seasons 5 and 6, along with the other current Housewives franchises.

What was the WWHL Bethenny/Heather comments in the past?

Wow, LuAnn's Twitter rant! I'm very interested in seeing the fallout between her and Carole & Heather. It seemed like they all had a great, genuine friendship with each other, onscreen and off. If this is a calculated effort to stir interest in the show, well played.

OMG the Plus One comment was HILARIOUS! Heather is so pressed with Bethenny around.

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Well said about Bethenny. And indeed, it's more organic that she wouldn't invite Dorinda and Kristen. At this time, they're merely castmembers who haven't met yet; certainly not friends or a new acquaintance. No realistic reason to invite them otherwise.

Andy loves Ramona. She can be polarizing, but she ain't going nowhere smile.png

Speaking of the old days when you'd see housewives hanging with friends that weren't castmembers, I always liked Ramona's friend. Her name escapes me at the moment, but we saw her the first few seasons. She has long, dark hair and really pronounced (i.e. overly done) eyebrows. She's the one that got insulted when some dude at a club referred to her and the rest of the ladies as "promiscuous".

Edited by Gray Bunny
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