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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So much happened in this episode:

Ben and Jackie have a very cute relationship and it's clear they've grown up together. Jackie's obsession with the word "couture" and everyone else's ability to mock it - is reunion fodder in the making.

Lydia's home renovation...is it just me or did the house appear as if nothing had changed aside from some mirrors and candelabras thrown in? Compared to what I recall of Lydia's house in season 1, it really doesn't look like they did a damn thing aside from some appliances and countertops. It's a pity when a housewife overblown something, and Lydia's been droning on about this renovation - it can only lead the viewer to disappointment.

Janet and her son, Jake, launching their teas (which are actually on sale, unlike Pettifleur's "book") was really heartwarming because Jake has surely been through hell and some of the worst medical experiences that a person can go through and survive. Even something as simple as allowing his photograph to be taken is a big deal for someone in Jake's position, though his treatment has been incredibly successful. I wish him and Janet such good luck with this venture for it will do great work for burns patients.

Gamble and her sex party photos...here's the thing: if there weren't any out there, she wouldn't have freaked out like she did and screeched for Gina to be her backup and shake Carlos down to find out what he'd seen. And Gamble casually throws out that she's done some Playboy photos? I mean, really. Jackie spoke the most sense to Gamble: if there's anything out there that could be misconstrued, she's f*cked. And I feel safe in thinking that there very well might be.

Pettifleur tried, yet again, to try and start something with Gina. And yet again, it just did not work. Nobody believes that Gina is a racist and everyone believes that Pettifleur is a humourless bitch. And let's be honest, her style is the tackiest I have seen on the RH franchises (including New Jersey).

I think Chyka showed her ass a bit when she and Pettifleur flipped out at Gina naming shoes after them. Pettifleur has no brand, her name was used for some jewelry sold in the Philippines. Chyka just seemed pissed that she hadn't thought to cash in on her name before. Janet just wanted to not have the "nana shoe"...and that I can understand. That said, Gina's shoes were boring and as run of the mill as they get.

I loved Jackie's helicopter ride - too much!

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The finale was boring but I did enjoy how all the women [minus Nene] came together to watch Kenya's pilot. I thought the whole set up was cute. From each lady having a speciality drink, to their own personalized popcorn containers, to the personalized theatre, to the photo booth. It was refreshing to see Kenya/Phaedra let things go even though they will be back at each other's throats next week. It was good to see Kenya get back to what she does best--producing things. I'd rather watch her be a working woman instead of crying over having a baby. I think that it'll all come to her when she least expect it. I hope that Life Twirls On gets picked up. I love to see these women succeed despite my disdain for many of them [i.e. Phelony/Brandi/Trailer Sue/Kim R/Caravan].

Kudos to Nene being on Broadway and chasing her dreams; however, it'd be nice if she was a bit more humble when doing so. She does have an elitist type attitude like she's Angela Basset or something. I'd actually root for her again. I need Nene to get back to s5 Nene. She was much more pleasant. Hopefully, s8 will spark the change.

Oh ... and Momma Joyce is still a twat. I am glad that Todd didn't fall for that foolery. That woman is not sorry for one second.

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That's a show I would watch. I laughed right along with the girls. lol.

I thought it was interesting that we saw the show and yet not Nene's performance.

ETA: LOVE that they mentioned Kenya met her man on MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER.

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I loved the scene with the girls watching Life Twirls On. Lmao at when Kenya's character admitted she was 40 and Kandi was like "yall not going to stop again" LMAO!

Nene was boring. I really didn't care. Hopefully she adjusts her attitude next season I miss her. This is the second finale in a row she has been MIA from the finale event. She is so disconnected from the rest of the cast but they refuse to move on.

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Riley: "And its worse bc she already doesnt like you" This little girl is so shady

Todd was not feeling that apology from Mama Joyce

Phaedra saying Poorsha looks like a thot in her talking head...of course Poorsha wont realize or care that she is being shaded, but now if that was Kenya....

Kenya showing up in that wedding dress....a mess and I love it! LOL. I liked her event...it was nice. I laughed at her pilot! Girl twirls down the stairs and then makes HER OWN commercial within the show....lol. I really liked seeing the women have fun and be on good terms. I dont need or want shade all the time

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It's so sad that during the whole time they were showing Nene's stuff, all I could think was "Oh god, that ego is only going to get worse." She truly is so unlikeable and smug, I don't care to see her succeed.

Mama Joyce's fake ass apology was weak and I'm glad Todd didn't fall for that.

Overall I found the finale boring, and Life Twirls On looks bad.

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