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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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YES, EILEEN YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNATCH THOSE HOS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: Poor Yolanda. hahahaha at her getting up and sitting by herself.

Awwww at Lisa V joining her.

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Brandi needs to be fired after last night. If Porsha had to go, so does Brandi. But Lisa is a better b-tch than me because Brandi would be swimming in the canal with the fishes.

Kim needs to go too. This pill popping heifer is scattered brained. Just a train wreck. How she goes from being sane to erratic the next second.... Kim needs a mental evaluation. But I am glad that Eileen called her ass out. And Brandi needs to stop bringing up how Eileen and her husband got together. Though how Vince and Eileen got together, both of them have been vocal that their previous marriages were on the rocks and they aren't happy about their actions. It'd only be reasonable [though not acceptable] that they'd gravitate towards others. That's human nature. Eileen has always been remorseful about how she got with Vince and I don't think she needs to apologize anymore. All parties seem to be happy so let the past be the past. Brandi should learn to take note. If she'd let go of Eddie and all that hatred towards him, maybe she wouldn't be such a miserable b-tch. Plus Kim saying [in her talking head] that Eileen needs to learn to take a joke was ironic. Wasn't three seasons ago when Brandi called you a 'meth head,' you went into a fit of fury? That you were screaming from the top of your lungs that she really hurt you? Bye, Kim.

Brandi getting up from the table in that dramatic scene.... :rolleyes: This trick stays turning on those fake ass waterworks for attention. What irked me even more was how she and Kim had that dramatic scene right after Kyle and Kim had theirs. The 'b-tch, really' look that Kyle had on her face had me rolling. It's super obvious [as if it wasn't already] that Brandi wants to drive a wedge between the Richards.

Finally, Eileen and Lips ... I didn't appreciate Lips just leaving Eileen and Kyle out there for open season when she opened Pandora's Box. So glad that Eileen called her ass to the carpet too.

Lisa V., Eileen, and even Kyle and Yolanda are the only women I am liking on this trip. Lips is on time out, and Brandi and Kim are dead to me. They can't do anything to win me over at this point. Lowest of the low, the worst and most hated housewives EVER.

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Love ED seeing the BS for what it is and not seeing how the women can go shopping the next morning as if nothing happened. Damn she was like a pitbull and was on it! I like her bc she is like me in that I couldnt pretend to be fake like that and act like everything was okay. Id have to remove myself from those women

Im disappinted in Rinna. She says she will never speal to Kim and then the next morning she makes peace with her. Im glad ED called her out.


I didnt mind Yolanda. I like that she was on Eileen's side. LOL at her going to have dinner alone. BTW, I liked her outfit here

"Dont f--king call me a homewrecker" Brandy is so childish. Bitch, you messed with the WRONG one here.


On a side note, Kyle looked GORGEOUS.

Brandy was so superficial with her compliments and Im gladn Lisa called that out bc I noticed it. I would have smacked her after that slap. She keeps crossing boundaries


nearly didnt recognize here there

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Wow, this show is coming into its own. I was not feeling it at all in the beginning but its grown on me

Lauren: "I would never book a holiday without Paul knowing, but I do book holidays without him coming" LOL

I dont want to admit to liking LeAnne so I'll say I dont hate her anymore. Ever since Magali read her ass, she toned it down and is alot more likeable

Dawn...I love and hate her voice at the same time. Its weird.

Ampika....love how forward she is. I hate her relationship with her ex though. Doesnt she have a man? She is so disrespectful. I dont get why she isnt back with Mark bc its like they already are, just without the sex. I dont get it. Im convinced she must be with a married man or maybe she is one of other girls. Theres no way a man doesnt care about any of this unless he has has own sidepiece. "Myster man" sounds like Big Poppa.. DEAD at her reading LeAnne. "Youre like a hoover, sucking her sh-t up". I busted out laughing when she did the vacuum motion. She was a bit aggressive and unnecessarily bitchy though.

Tanya: "I cant count or add up". Why am I not surprised? She is Porsha turned up to 20

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Yes! Kim saying, "it was just a joke" stunk of irony and hypocrisy. Continue on doing crystal meth in the bathroom. OMG it's just a joke, you know ha-ha Teresa Guidice funny?

I see both points of view, re: Eileen and Lips Rinna's conversation. On one hand, it is extremely bizarre to act like nothing happened. But on the other hand, it's best to just appease the crazy one and keep the peace. After all, they're thousands of miles from home and have to film together for the next few days. Might as well sweep it all under the rug (until they're back in Beverly Hills). No time out for Lisa R, for me.

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Gina's a non-entity at the moment sad.png. I wish the women would start coming for her again bc they gave her good material to work with. It looks like she gets into it with Janet next week so hopefully that changes things. Wow, I just reallized that she sounds like Dawn from Cheshire. Probbaly why I like her

Jackie is also a non-entity :(

I liked that Gamble went in on Janet. It was wrong of her (and Chyka) to bring up the gossip about her. "I didnt say you were a pole dancer; I said a stripper" WTF? Are those two different things in Australia bc here in the US those are two words to say the same thing.

Okay now Im feeling less sympathetic towards Gamble bc she's telling everyone about the sh-t that was said about her. She is probably too dumb to realize that she is now spreading the gossip about herself

Something about this season is off for me. Its kind of boring so far and just not clicking. The women just arent meshing well like last season

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I still don't find Leanne to be likable. I just don't. She lacks her own personality and everything she says falls into line with Dawn, hence why I personally enjoyed Ampika blasting her.

Tanya's dolt ways don't bother me. It's kind of like Porsha (season 5) where it was somewhat cute and not offensive. It wasn't until Porsha said that Underground Railroad mess that made me loathe her.

But I am getting worried. I read on Daily Mail [don't know their credibility] that the show is in risk of being cancelled. I hope not. This show is enjoyable and not as toxic as current US housewives shows. I'm even enjoying it more than Melbourne.

Now that you put it like that, I understand better, but Lisa still shouldn't've left Eileen out to dry.

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I didn't feel like very much happened in this episode aside from The Slap...but here's what I've gleaned...

Eileen: By far and away the most logical, level headed, no game playing woman ever to grace these franchises. She just said exactly what she was thinking, didn't back down, didn't necessarily get nasty, didn't pick on anyone, just laid it out there on that damn boat and didn't pretend that going shopping with Kim and Brandi was OK or normal. Eileen made those awful cows uncomfortable by telling the truth. And credit to her and Lisa R that they civilly and intelligently worked out their crap immediately. I am convinced those two made a blood pact that they would not turn on each other when filming started. Daytime Sisters Forever.

Lisa R: She is a people pleaser, as Lisa V pointed out quite succinctly. She cracked under the psychosis of that pig Kim Richards. And that's a shame, because she was fearless last week. But Lisa R wanted to paint a shiny veneer over the ugliness. And it just hollowed her out.

Kyle: I have a newfound sympathy for Kyle. She is truly up sh*t creek when it comes to Kim. She cannot fight against her, she will never, ever, win with her. Kim is a disgusting manipulator who is illogical at her core. Kyle will never, ever, win. And she knows it. And she seems slightly defeated. Kathy is the rich one, Kim is the mess everyone cleans up and Kyle is the put upon baby of the family who wants to play with the popular, beautiful people, where life seems easy. And it's never going to happen. She'll always be the realtor's wife who lives in the house that's a little too close to Sherman Oaks than it should be for a Beverly Hills matron.

Yolanda: She's clearly struggling with Lyme disease. For all the shots I and others take at Yolanda and her shady crap, she's not healthy, and frankly that means she hasn't got a damn thing in this world. I wish her good health, I think she'd put it to good use.

Kim: This vile pig kept relatively quiet this episode. But one thing is clear: if she isn't being fawned over she's a raging piece of sh*t and a foul banshee who, for the record, clearly fell off the wagon when she took Monty's medication. And I'd bet that isn't the first time she's done that...allegedly, I doubt she's ever been sober.

Brandi: She's an ugly drunk. And she can't sit at the Big Kids Table because she has the emotional maturity of a gnat. She does not comprehend boundaries, she always pushes against them and then gets upset when someone firmly says No. I have no use for her. She should be fired without question.

Lisa V: Lisa is a lover, not a fighter. But she's steely British to her core and when Brandi touched her, that was the end of the road for her. She crossed a line with Lisa. And Lisa's right. It was disrespect at its core. Lisa's blog is illuminating about how much the slap actually upset her: she went to the men's washroom on the boat to have a cry and then pulled herself together. Stiff upper lip. I hope Ken firmly banishes Brandi from the Vanderpump-Todd kingdom. She has disrespected her gravely.

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Eileen OWNED this episode! She was so smart and articulate in every interaction this week. I loved how on the boat ride she didn't let ANYTHING slide and had perfect recollection. She is a brilliant choice for a housewife. Whoever decided to cast her deserves a medal.

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