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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I assure you that Kenya ain't broke. Bravo is cutting her FAT checks to keep up her shenanigans, which is why RHOA is #1. She's on year and is getting paid equal or more than housewives [in all the franchises] that've been doing it longer than she has.

And just because she didn't write the check out the following day does not mean that she's broke. Hell I wouldn't. Not without me doing through research in the charity I am thinking of donating too. Charities have been known to be outlets for embezzlement and corruption as of late, so I'd be hesitant to cut 20k too. And I am sure Kenya, a smart woman [and a BOSS] took her time out to do this unlike Nene, who was donating and signing her name to Save Our Daughters--a charity that later turned to have scandal tied to it.

At the end of the day, she kept her word and wrote the check. Did Nene? Nope. People can defend her actions all they want but at the end of the day, she made a deal and reneged on it. There was no statue of limitations at all and if there were, please provide the receipts. A transcript. A video. Some audio. Something. . . .

And Cynthia snatched Porsha bald regardless if she sounded rehearsed or not. She ain't the first one on this show to come with rehearsed reads. *coughs* Phaedra's tired ass reads 99% of the time *coughs* Cynthia simply let Porsha know that's a puppet on a string, occupying the position that she recently vacated. And Cynthia ain't following Kenya either because unlike Nene, Kenya does not control her friends. She does not enforce bullish*t stipulations onto their friendship. As Cynthia said, Porsha influenced how she felt about Porsha.

And IDK why people think that Cynthia reading and snatching wigs is something new. She's been doing it since s4 when she snatched Kim at the reunion about her screwing Big Poppa but hypocritically coming for Marlo. She snatched Kenya at the beach in Barbados about the "Coochie crack" mess, and earlier that season, Phaedra with the butt dial recording she tried to lie about. Her reads aren't as harsh as Nene or Marlo's reads are but they are still reads. She gets b*tches in their "feelings" and she did again last night with Porsha, who immediately went to social media whining and pressed like a panini.

Reading a b*tch with class, like Cynthia does, can affect someone just as much as reading something with venom like Nene does. Cynthia remains composed and unbothered, which flusters these chicks. She won't get down in the gutter or cut deep [hence burning bridges] because she knows she'll have to work with these broads again. IMO, that's the way to do it.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I like that you really ride for your girl, but your story isn't tracking. Kenya didn't even donate to a charity, she donated to Detroit Public Schools. Which she said she would do ON THE REUNION when NeNe made the bet. She wasn't "researching charities" all this time, she was flipping over the cushions of her rented couch, looking for pennies.

Also, I was LMAO at how her and her African prince conveniently broke up before filming began…Talking about "neither of us were willing to move". There was nobody to move boo. Plenty of princes in Africa, but none of them are interested in your gone with the dust coochie crack!

Also, I was dead when Cynthia was *trying* to read Porsha and kept saying "you're the puppeteer" and "I used to be the puppeteer", in regards to Nene. No boo, in the situation you're trying to explain, NENE would have been the puppeteer, and your ass the dry, busted up puppet. How are you gonna come at Porsha for being dumb when you can't even define the role you supposedly played all these years?


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Well Nene must be flipping over the same cushions look for coins--Oops! According to Kim and Sheree, she has no furniture to flip over. :P

Nene just needs to suck it up and cut the check. She's looking like a twat and it does not help that TMZ is now running with the story and people are commenting.

And Kenya's man ... Chile, Kenya been with the same man for over a year and is still with him. She saying that sh*t to pander to the audience while most of her fans know who her man is and knows that they are together as she not too long ago instagrammed photos of him. All these women have lied on this show about stuff--finances, relationships, etc. Your girl Nene should know because we all know that the split from Greg was farce and a business arraignment so she wouldn't have to share her newfound coins with him if they do split for real.

​And I caught that too about Cynthia [re: puppeteer thing] but what do you expect? :lol: Porsha's dumbness is clearly airborne and momentarily affected Queen Cynthia. But you knew what she meant at the end of the day. And she still had Porsha pressed. So much so that Kizzy--I mean Prius had to text/report to Massa Missy Reynolds--I mean Nene at the end of the show.

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I do agree, Nene should cut the check. You'll get that much from me.

As for Kenya, you expect me to believe after all this talk about her amazing chocolate prince, she's gonna lie about breaking up with him? The bitch is a liar, for sure. But she's so obsessed with finding a man to suck the soul out of , use for a baby, deal with her delusions, love, there's no way she would say she DIDN'T have a man if she actually did.

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LMFAO Kenya may getting those checks but I don't see any evidence .She's still going around here crying about this one and that one. She's turned into Brandi as far as the tears are concerned. She thinks it's going to get her sympathy playing the victim card and yet she fails to remember that she caused half of the sh*t to start with.

She's the one who insinuated years ago that she and Apollo were engaged in this flirtatious beyond normal boundaries texting. Apollo simply ran with it and filled poor Phaedra's head up with all this nonsense...while she was pregnant mind you. So no Phaedra don't owe her any type of apology.

The way Kenya has been acting around Apollo I think the vast majority of people would have had the same damn reaction.

Twirl & WIg would have driven Nene absolutely insane...like to the loony bin. I don't even want to imagine how high her blood pressure would have gotten if she saw the two of them together at an event just plotting.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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But what difference does that make? Nene said she made the bet a year ago when first questioned why she didnt pay up after Kenya did (it was about 6-7 months). If she was truly genuine about wanting to help charity, why did she need to wait for Kenya? She should have just went ahead with it and shown Kenya up. The fact is she wanted to embarass kenya bc she never expected her to pay

Kenya's blog is everything


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She has a man. I just think that she's hesitant to share him with the general audience after the Walter debacle. And why should she? People would only say that she paid for. She should enjoy her time with her man in peace and bring him out when the time is right for her.

Well evidence that she's still getting these checks is that she's still holding a peach and once again, the show is centered around her. No check stub needed for that. The camera and production lets you know that Kenya is the sun, stars, and moon on this show.

And Kenya never insinuated that she and Apollo were flirting. She simply told him to stop texting her after he said he didn't care for her. She later showed those same texts to Kandi and it did not indicate she was flirting with him. And even if she was--so? Flirting is harmless and everyone does it. Including Frogdra. Y'all act like Kenya tossed the p*ssy to him.

Kenya did half that sh*t to stick it to Phaedra and it worked. Phaedra is Kenya's puppet. She'll give Kenya reaction when needed, thus sealing Kenya's fate on the show. She'll remain relevant till these dumb hoes stop giving Kenya power.

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Looks is more than physical beauty. I don't think Nene is ugly but she looks a mess and has for quite some time. Her hair, makeup and wardrobe make her look terrible and it is hard to find her sexy and take her serious as a threat when she makes herself up to look like a clown. Nene was inappropriate with Peter and Cynthia and most likely didn't take her seriously bc she didn't compare to Cynthia who always looked on point and carried herself better and not sloppy like Nene. I think that was the point being made here

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Brandi's going after Lisa for "fur" on Twitter. She probably picked that up on some website she paid 7.99 to get a 14 day free trial from. I think I've finally reached the end of my giving a damb rope with this messy mess. Feed her to the lions if you will.

Kenya going after Nene on her looks is wrong but I chuckled. I'm enjoying Kenya's snark on Twitter. It's unfortunate she can't be as on the ball at reunions.

Mr. Vixen is right about Cynthia being confused with terminology quite a bit during the confrontation with Toyota. I was still rooting for Cynthia. Despite her confusion, as I said before, I thought she came off on top easily.

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