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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Because she IS sore -- sore about Empress Lisa coming out on top and her left looking like a miserable cow at last year's Reunion. I hope they don't sweep that mess under the carpet this season. The collapse of the Yol/Lisa friendship is slightly more entertaining than Brandi doing the ugly cry over how Lisa doesn't wuv her anymore and that's why she "lashes out."

Yols went for a dress that would make her 'stand out' in the photo. She figured everybody would go for pink, white and taupe satin 'n sequins, and boy was she was right. Unfortunately she looks like she walked into a giant spider's web and now cannot extricate herself.


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YAAAAAS! Get her Lisa R! Rip her [!@#$%^&*] head off!!!

Brandi is way to classless for this show. What the hell was going on with her and Kyle grabbing/shoving each other in the entry way?

Looks like Harry will be appearing on the show after all. He's kind of fine.

Eileen better drag tampon string after she throws her drink on her. I'm sick of nobody putting trailer trash in her rightful place.

Thank God the housewives drought is almost over! Can't wait for the 2 best franchises to premiere!

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Overall this reunion was better than I thought it would be. Didnt think they had much material for 3 episodes, but this first one had ton of it.

LMAO at Dina READING Kathy's boring irrelevant ass. She was right in that she didnt talk about Teresa's legal issues on camera bc she knew not to go there. Kathy is an oppurtunist and used Teresa to try and remain relevant. Im glad Teresa walked off and didnt give Kathy a moment at her expense. Kathy was a lying bitch saying she never talked about her legal issue when they JUST showed the clip of her doing so. Andy was so shady continuing on with the line of questioning and Teresa made it clear she didnt want to discuss Kathy and her family

That was f--ed up of Caroline and Jaq not to go to Lexie's graduation party despite being invited by Dina. Dina showed some genuine emotion of hurt when she mentioned how she and her daughter werent invited to Lapband's engagement party

Melissa: "This show is about mending families and being together." BITCH, WTF you talking about? For real? REALLY? LOL at the twins saying she (and T) dont even socialize together


Joe is really a very good looking man

Edited by Cheap21
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