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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ramona reacted to something. Therefore she was provoked by something. That something was Kristin. She provoked her. It doesn't excuse Ramona's behaviour, throwing anything at anyone is not okay ever. However, let's not pretend Ramona went after Kristin at the lake throwing her glass without provocation because Kristin did approach her, not the other way around.

Kristin's mistake was thinking Ramona would have a sense of humour about the harmless splashing. But she didn't.

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Kristen was provoked by Ramona talking [!@#$%^&*] on her by that logic.

It doesn't work. It's bullshit.

Kristen's mistake was trying to take a tense and uncomfortable situation like Ramona making everyone miserable and [!@#$%^&*] talking her into something light and fun. That's all ages guilty of.

If I'm at a pool or a lake or the river and someone splashes me and I punch them in the face I want provoked. I'm an !@#$%^&*]. Period.

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This week was dull.

I really don't care to see Vicki and Brooks together because he is Kentucky Fried Sleaze and it just doesn't reflect well on her.

Tamra and Eddie...manufactured storyline. Unnecessary. Tamra is in her late 40s now? She's past it for a baby, we all know this. It isn't quite as preposterous as Countess LuAnn trying for a baby with Jacques, but it's pretty ridiculous.

Lizzie. She has a business, kids, a normal house, a bolder personality...we'll see how she does, too early to call.

Heather and Terry are a great match. They can be such delightful snobs together with their matching sweaters.

Shannon and her husband and their crumbling marriage. Yeah, I just don't care. That St Regis Hotel at Monarch Bay has gotten so much promotion courtesy of RHOOC over the year's it's crazy.

I miss the incredible Jeana. And struggling Tammy. And crazy ass Quinn. And debt ridden Lynne. And shady ass Laurie. Those women popped, in some of the best/worst ways.

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