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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yes there was a point where only the three returning girls were filming. They went to Hawaii together when Heather did a guest role on Hawaii Five O I loved how they were seething with rage as she shredded their letters. LMFAO!
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Lisa clearly is closer with Scheena than most of the VPR cast. She has admitted to hating Kristen so being on the show is irrelevant. Brandi has said she doesn't expect her to be fired and I believe that. But I think that for years Lisa downplayed the nature of her relationship with Scheena and it's come out that they were closer than she let on. It doesn't make them besties, but it's clearly more than Lisa out out there. Be it because she likes her or she's suddenly pandoraa best friend whatever.

The fact that Lisa did keep them seperated even after the sit down talk IMO is a perfect example of Lisa knowing that that convo was utter bullshit just to launch VPR. Brandi may be being overly paranoid, but when you think someone has one type of relationship with a person and then it turns out they have another, it's cause for question IMO.


Yeah a like fifth viewing rerun, with no promotion. I doubt they are even looking at that rating.

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I hate BBCAN this season b/c the first four out the house, with the exception of Adel, who is still there, the interesting characters (Anick, Kyle, Paul, and Ika) were voted out back to back. Now we're left with Adel and the rest of the cast is boring. Sabrina is OK but she's aggravating and deluded like Danielle Murphee s14.

IKR. But the feeds for the remaining of the week that Ika was there was too funny. When she walked into a room, they'd clear out, and she'd laugh about it, saying "I'm a boss." :P

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Part 3 of the reunion was definitely the best one! I love Ken so much. Love how he apologized for calling Yolanduh stupid but that's it. She may think her [!@#$%^&*] smells lemon fresh but the Vanderpump-Todd's could clearly give a flying [!@#$%^&*] about her. Andy continues to be a mess of a host. He let Kyle talk over and shout at Lisa, allowed Yolanda to railroad Joyce, allowed Yolanda to keep telling Carlton to stay out of it all while interjecting her own sour lemon opinions in every conversation, was always interpreting what others were saying to Lisa and trying to make her see their side while doing nothing on Lisa's behalf. He's terrible. Bloody awful.

I hope Kim's toast is the last we'll ever have to see and hear from her. The rest can stay.

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Perfect episode with balance if drama, fun and story of NYC.

It was great to see Carole, Kristen and Heather have some girl time. Get that hot young suffer Carole!

Sonja's "borrowed" house. Yes! The shade from production. It's so sad seeing Sonja trying to act as if life is super when we all know it's not. Her performance was sad. I like her, I do, and it's interesting to see her walk that line between holding it together and bring one step from falling apart. Maybe I'm to hard on her. She looks DAMN good though.

Oh hi Harry. AVIVA! I love this bitch. Luann! Yessss. I already love to hate Amanda so much - of course she's into Harry. Heather gave Aviva that icy shoulder with a smile on her face. She's flawless. Aviva recruiting Luann in her bloodbath against Carole and leaving out all the details lol. The cape thing is hilarious because she was clearly joking and the glasses thing I mean Aviva said she was copying her lol. And for a not a girls girl, Carole sure does get along with far more women than Aviva. I'm not into young guys but Sonja's main make assistant has it going on. So does Ben.

Amanda >>>>>>>>>>> Aviva, as a villain.

Dying at Sonja picking up on the hot foreign dude. Get it girl.

I seriously love Kristen. What a great addition. This dinner with her and Aviva is so awkward.

Josh has a great style.

Sonja is so jealous of Amanda. I love it.

Luann doesn't like Carole because Carole doesn't kiss her ass. I liked Carole attempting to apologize. Of course Aviva has to interrupt because she needs Luann to hate Carole.

Aviva recalls situations that happen way off.

I love how unamused Kristen is. And here comes heather! Carole! Amanda! Yes!!

Heather is OWNING Aviva. It's glorious.

Luann is so pressed.

Heather vs Amanda!

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I wouldn't have apologized to Yolanda. She didn't deserve it and frankly is full of SH*T.

I hate this lady so much. Two faced people like her are just beyond pathetic.

Part 3 was def the strongest part of the reunion but it wasn't much better. Overall it was a weak reunion that capped off a weak season. Aside from Joyce, Lisa, Kyle, and Brandi I don't see any reason for the other ladies to be back.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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As Hilary Clinton once said some people operate in an "evidence free zone". Yolanda overtalking Joyce, Lisa, Carlton in order to let Kyle and Brandi have there way isn't shutting anyone down.

Its just simply more rudeness from the Queen of Hypocrisy. She's an absolute idiot. 3/4 of her statements were utter bs and an attempt to make herself or Brandi look better. She literally tried so hard to make Joyce look bad in that last part of the reunion and no one (not even Andy) laughed at her pathetic attempts.

Speaking of Mr. Cohen I think its obvious that he feels very threatened by Lisa. He knows Lisa is practically the main draw of this show now. Without Camille, Adrienne, or hot mess Taylor there, Beverly Hills has lost a lot of the cha ching and glamour that originally launched the series. No one is tuning in to see Kingsley .No one is tuning in to see Yolanda and her lemons. Not a single person is interested in seeing Brandi expose her coouchie crack one more time on national television or hurl the f bomb at yet another unsuspecting housewife.

Will BH be cancelled without Lisa? Probably not but it would def lose the majority of viewers including me. Thats why Andy was going so hard on her and to me it was very obvious and pretty disrespectful of him.

Ken's a big softie at the core and its so obvious....he and Lisa will prob forgive Brandi but they're way better people than I am. I for one could not forget the ish she concocted with The Idiot for a second.

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"I held myself accountable" - Kyle.

Talk about a howler. Kyle is the eternal victim, whining and moaning and bitching and sniping away. She churns up old crap like a tractor tills soil. She couldn't stand that Lisa actually apologized for the joke she made when Portia was in the room.

"She's not asking you to fire her." - Andy.

He is now a crap host. He has lost any perspective on these shows and it's not limited to BH. I really like Andy and respect the work he has done with Bravo...but he is absolutely lost hosting the reunions now. He's Icharus and flying too high.

"Nothing." - Lisa

Oh Lisa, one word said it all about her feelings about Kyle and, by extension, most of these women. I do think she and Ken will crumble when it comes to Brandi, and that's a shame because she is a horrendous liability. But, she's human. Sigh.

"I feel like I'm being cheated on again with the same woman." - Brandi

What a nutjob. She really needs to get over the fact that her C List actor ex-husband left her. Her "but I don't want back in" in reaction to Ken icing her out...bahaha...as she wails with "You know I love you!" and "I need someone to stay!"...she's a mess. An absolute mess. I hope she gets her medications sorted out and realizes mixing antidepressants and alcohol is not a wise choice.

"You are just trash." - Carlton

She landed one slam. And bless her, she landed it on Kyle who looked so angry. I won't be at all surprised if Carlton doesn't return, she was a non-factor in this season.

"I met some people I was sad to discover were backstabbers." - Joyce

Yes...true...welcome to the world of reality TV Joyce.

"Andy...I just had another grrrreat year." - Kim

Good lord...talk about irrelevant. If Kim returns I think I'll be watching RHOBH very differently...fast forwarding through anything and everything Kim related. She has NO storyline. None.

"David is at his job." - Yolanda

Nothing said more about a marriage than that statement. David is never going to be involved in this show and how it cheapens his brand. Yolanda is full of sh*t about Ken "grabbing her"...a lie. And what she said about Ken getting into the conversations over and over again, take a seat, hypocrite.

"Well I only apologized for what I said, the stupid comment." - Ken

*snap* and with that...we end the worst season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. They'd better realize how terrible this season was and look to the RHOVancouver and the RHOMelbourne to see how glamorous, frothy, delicious franchises should be done.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I agree Wendy Williams would make a better host for these reunions, heck Viveca A Fox was a host for a reunion on the Style network and she was pretty good as well. I think you need someone who isn't the producer to be host, someone that can objective, or more so then Mr. Cohen is. When I see him in action, I'm embarrassed to be a gay man and having to put up with the likes of him reinforcing every negative gay male stereotype.

With that said, I do think Kyle was correct in saying to Carleton that no one cares about her, and I did think it was funny that Kyle said that she isn't listening a thing Carlton's saying.. though Carlton hit a nerve by calling Kyle trash. LOL The problem with Carlton was that she said too much and jumped the gun with Kyle. She should have made nice with Kyle and let Kyle's true nature come out.

Yolanda is very disrespectful of Joyce, but I view it as Yolanda being jealous that Joyce actually has mastered the English language and landed a great guy who loves and adores her. Don't see Yolanda's 'king' coming to her defense LOL Finally, Joyce seemed to break the fourth wall a few times with explaining why she wrote about Yolanda's bad hosting, the tagline, and editing issues.

Brandi.... certainly knows how to work those tears. Fake fake tears when she's in trouble. Shame no one other then Joyce will ever call her out on that behavior.

Odd that the housewives franchise rewards bullying and makes mincemeat of the victim when they dare stand up for themself. People are focused on bullying in school, but I also think that focus should be on adults who bully too.

Edited by Soaplovers
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