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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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I just got caught up on RHONY and all I have to say is "VIVA AVIVA" praise her infinite light, what planet of Fabulously Sociopathic inclined people is she from, she is GOLDEN. She has literally revived the show. What I love most is that she KNOWS she is crazy, her smiles, her head tilts, God I love her.

This season is amazing, and I can't wait for THE DUCHESS as someone else said a few pages back, she defines what this franchise should be about, she shouldn't have been bumped for this new girl, Luann to me is just as important as Ramona. I miss her Barry White self!

But Lord I hate Heather, just no....

Edited by Ms. Chandler Quartermaine
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Yeah, Luann's absence has been deeply felt, by me, at least. I love to hate her.

I adore Heather (although admittedly she's been a little grating). Can't wait for "You wanna deck me, honey? You might want to stand up straight. You wanna deck me? DECK me."

Edited by Faulkner
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After the dreck of BH...this is so fantastic.

Ramona and Avery...sigh...Ramona had an unhappy childhood from what we know and it seems that she knows she did right by Avery. Those were touching scenes. I always liked Ramona.

Kristin...I do like her but I found this episode with the mud race a little out of place...perhaps it is meant to illustrate her relationship with her husband. Heather's husband is hardcore, he got through that without breaking a sweat.

Sonja and her interns. I wonder how legal that is. Again, I think Sonja is a hoot.

Carole was epic grabbing Aviva's face. She really was furious. She handled things with Ramona in a very grownup way. Props to her.

Heather was on point with the 'be careful' to Aviva. I would put nothing past Heather if it involved someone she cared about. Holla!

Aviva...what a psycho. And yet...we need this psycho for this franchise. She makes this show pop because she is batshit and she knows it.

I can't wait for Luann to return. She is absolutely on par with Ramona in terms of value...nobody speaks easily translatable French while on the phone discussing a one night stand in St Bart's quite like The Countess.

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I didn't even notice the heffa was gone till the previews.

Aviva is GOLDEN! She is just too amazing for words and this new drama with Carole is perfection especially since I can kinda see it from both sides. Carole grabbing Aviv's face? Priceless.

For some reason I expected Heather to go BONKERS on Aviva after Carole exited.....which her "Be Careful" all the more terrifying to me as can viewer.... This is one lady I would not want to mess with.

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