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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kenya's first season made a huge splash. Last season wouldn't have worked without her, especially with Kim leaving. Nene was playing it cool and nobody else had much of a storyline. I'm not saying she was a beloved castmember, but she perfectly replaced Sheree as the center of drama.

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Now you know you lying. tongue.png S5 was all about Kenya v. Phaedra--the Battle of the Stallion v. the Donkey. Nothing else really mattered last season and Kenya was the one getting the show major press last season. Kenya was the woman, who made Cynthia relevant at all last season after being irrelevant for two previous seasons. Kenya was the woman that made Porsha relevant. Had Kenya not clashed with Porsha, Porsha wouldn't've gotten cast. And Kenya is the only woman to have called Phaedra out on her deeds after two seasons of hardly anyone doing it. Sorry, buddy, but Kenya revived RHOA last season, and has made it must see TV this season.

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You need to define "shot to stardom"

Nene is housewife famous. That's it.

And yes they both left and the show did fine. It will if nene leaves too.

Last season revolved 90% around her. "I don't condone violence but.." Is condoning violence boo.

It's fine if you wanna see Kenya get a beat down. But own it.

Edited by JackPeyton
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For real. Kenya was pretty much the only one with story last season as she gave everyone something. Nene was off in LA and barely seen. Porsha, Phaedra and Cynthia all had story which revolved around Kenya. Kandi is probably the only one that didn't have much to do with Kenya but then again, I cant even recall what she was doing last year. Kenya was by far THE most memorable thing about last season. You'd have to be a hater to deny that

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The only way I could've seen Season 5 working without Kenya is if Kim remained and her feud with Kandi became the big story of the year. I could also see Kim and Nene reuniting during that season, but otherwise I'm not sure what they could've done because NO ONE was bringing it last year. Season 5 remains my least favorite season, to be honest. Kenya was the main saving grace.

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From: MTO

First off,let us just say that this is going to be the BEST REUNION SHOW in the History of REALITY SHOWS.

The drama began almost immediately with Kenya being the ringleader of it all. Almost as soon as Andy Cohen started asking his questions, Kenya would BUT IN and try and embarrass her castmates. For example, Andy tried to delicately talk about Apollo's current FEDERAL LEGAL ISSUES . . . and Kenya kept calling him a JAIL BIRD . . . and saying that he needed to be in JAIL for what he did to her friend. It was OUT OF LINE and rude.

But Kenya's antics were PARTICULARLY geared towards NENE. Kenya called NeNe out for the RECENT release of her mugshots, and for the fact that she no longer works on GLEE. Kenya was dishing SHADE .. . but it was done in a very MEAN SPIRITED WAY . . . and you could tell that everyone on the set was starting to CATCH FEELINGS.

But while Kenya was on camera trying to TURN UP . . . NeNe was behind the scenes plotting her REVENGEH. According to our snitch, during one of the breaks, NeNe got in Porsha's ear . . . and convinced her that Kenya was "TAKING OVER" the reunion, and that she needed to be stopped. This happened about 8 HOURS INTO the shooting . . . after Porsha had drank a FULL BOTTLE of champagne on her own. So she was DRUNK and IMPRESSIONABLE.

When they resumed filming. Kenya tried Porsha - by making comments about what Porsha ALLEGEDLY did with sex toys and her ex-husband Kordell's BOOTYHOLE. But Porsha, who was amped up on LIQUOR and NENE'S GAS . . . blacked out. She jumped up and PUNCHED Kenya in the face. She then GRABBED KENYA BY HER WEAVE and started dragging her LITERALLY across the stage . . . all the while punching her in the head.

IT WAS A MESS. Bravo apparently did not have proper security, so the beating lasted longer than any other fight on Reality TV. We have to be clear . . . this wasn't no Bad Girls Club type of cat fight ... Porsha actually BEAT THAT LADY AZZ . . . like some WORLDSTAR SH*T!!!

After the beating, the tone of the reunion changed, with everyone talking about how violence is never the answer, and how what Porsha did was out of line. The producers went to GREAT LENGTHS to try and patch things up with Kenya and Porsha last night. But as of the time that they LEFT THE SET AROUND MIDNIGHT . . . Kenya was still talking about FILING CRIMINAL CHARGES against Porsha.

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I'm not condoning it. Yes, a beatdown makes for great TV and as long as she wasn't hurt badly, I think they should air it. I, personally, would never act that way and if Porsha were my friend, I would tell her she was wrong. But at the same time, I can see why Porsha would be fed up and if she wasn't thinking straight, this isn't that surprising. I'm not saying I condone it, I'm just saying that it's not like it's completely random.

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It is bc she's never been shown to be violent. She and Kenya have barely had anything to do with each other all season. Their feud was last year and they were not in each other's stories this year. Riling her up at the reunion makes her go from 4 to 14? It seems like a desperate attempt to remain relevant and get people talking about her bc even she can see from the tv that her story on the show fizzled out a few weeks into the season and really had nothing till Peter filmed Kordell to stir things up

Edited by Cheap21
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RHOBH Reunion Part 2

Again, what a did of an episode...this could have been a 1 hour reunion, easily.

Kim really needs to get over herself and the fact that Lisa has never, ever really liked her. They've been cordial but to suggest that they've ever been friends, which seems to be Kim's contention about why she wanted Lisa at the graduation party, is absurd. Kim seems so desperate for Lisa to like her but can't articulate why she likes Lisa. It just made very little sense to me. But then, nothing Kim related does. The attitude these women have when Lisa RSVPd is so weird. It seems anything Kim related needs handling with kid gloves.

Joyce will be back next season, she did well with her mild digs at Brandi.

Carlton v Kyle was such a letdown. It lasted a grand total of 30 seconds? I will be shocked if Carlton returns which is a pity because she is far superior to Joyce when provoked and her husband's business could have made for some interesting moments.

Yolanda wasn't much of a factor at all. Neither was Kyle for that matter.

Brandi is wrecking her looks with overaggressive filler work. People who try and accentuate their cheekbones with filler often look overdone. And that's her. The red lipstick doesn't help. And I guess her doctor never told her that when you're on antidepressants you are not supposed to drink alcohol because it interferes negatively with the medication.

Lisa's hair looks bad in this reunion. She was going for Dynasty meets Lion's Mane...but it just looks crispy and dry. Lisa looks her best in jeans and a white shirt.

Such a dumb episode to waste my time on. I'm hanging in there for part three.

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I wonder if they hired extra security for the NJ reunions, since that franchise set the precedent for actual physical violence (the Joes, Teresa, etc.) I can't help but feel a bit sad about this, though. Will we see security lurking around the perimeter of the set at all ATL reunions? It's a bad look for the only black franchise.

I want to see how it plays out, and if it completely overshadows the other conflicts we wanted to see resolved this season. (Phaedra must be thrilled, for many reasons.) Given the coverage the fight is getting, Bravo is guaranteed big ratings for it.

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you mean Mexico? That was hardly called getting into it. Porsha tried to chime in to do something that didn't involve her and Kenya quickly shut her down. As far as talking heads go, they ALL throw shade and Kenya had been the target of Porsha's all season so she really shouldn't be so heated over that
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