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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Really Carlton? They need to get this basic bitch off the show. I cant if she lasts more than one season. I couldn't believe she would pick a fight with Kyle at Mauricio's birthday party

They tried to make a big deal about Yolanda not inviting Lisa to her step-daughter's wedding, but I didn't see anything wrong with it. First off, its her stepdaughter, not her daughter, so I don't know how involved she is in the wedding process. Maybe the girl's mother is the one handling that in which case she'd be in charge of the guest list. Weddings are intimate affairs for friends and family. It should be the girl's friends and family and really close family friends. Lisa probably isn't close with the girl and if Yolanda is limited in the amount of people she can invite, Im sure there are plenty of other people she's a lot closer to than Lisa.


Stop giving her airtime already

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Did you catch when Kyle said this is my husbands birthday and Carlton said she didn't care? Then when Kyle said I know you dont care I can tell Carlton took offense to that. Bitch you JUST said you didn't care that you were getting into it with her at her husbands party. But let that be HER man's party, she would have said Kyle had no manners and was disgusting..... :rolleyes: Hypocrite ass!

Edited by Eric83
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And I cant with Carlton in her talking head crying about living through apartheid like it actually affected her. Not even a few weeks ago she was saying some B.S. about people always playing the race card. Girl sit your leather face looking behind down. :rolleyes:

Edited by Eric83
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Carlton is the biggest hypocrite. Complaining about a 3/4ths nipple joke when she first met Kyle yet she has tits and vag all over the place at her outdoor party/orgy.

She was looking for an excuse to fight. Comical when you think about it; I laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of the whole thing.

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Finally, a bit of glamour on RHoBH! And surprise, surprise, it's courtesy of Lisa and Villa Rosa. Kyle tried to turn the party into a Chuck E Cheese fest but luckily Lisa and Kevin put paid to that nonsense!

Kyle is such a two-faced BITCH. Onscreen she appears involved in the planning of this birthday party and giggling with Lisa, but in the VT, she is moaning about how nobody likes her psychic idea and who cares if I even show up on time? She is bending over backwards to make Lisa look bossy and awful, but she just ends up looking spiteful. And the look of jealousy she gave Villa Rosa as she and Mauricio walked in -- even as she kept repeating "This place is amazing" -- was something to behold. I wish somebody had screencapped it. The anti-semitic remark to Carlton was also opportunistic and underhanded, even though Carlton was ridiculous for even starting that crap at the party.

Carlton needs to GO. She is trying so hard to invent this big rivalry to keep herself relevant and it is falling flat. BTW, is wiccan a hard-and-fast religion? It is a belief system to an extent, or a lifestyle, sure, but should Carlton be fronting like it's on the same level as Judaism? I don't know. Somebody educate me.

Lisa's walk-in boudoir. Le sigh. Her housekeeper, however, looks totally over the workload.

Ken is wub.png in every single way. Not just for the way he held Lisa's hands and salivated over her Dolce & Gabbana dress, but also for the way he dressed Giggy, hiding the alopecia on his body away from the cameras. That was the sweetest thing.

Kevin and Jax in the swimming pool. laugh.png Somebody's wet dream came true!

This Scheana chick has no business throwing shade Brandi's way after she porked her husband. I mean, Brandi is working my last nerve (her new editor OTOH is making my life and totally right about the cover of the book!) but still. The waitstaff need to know their place! laugh.png

I have nothing to say about Boyce pretending to mispronounce "flippanty," or Kim warbling about butterfly tatoos. Two other irrelevants who should leave.

BTW, RHoM's Joanna is lobbying HARD to come on BH. I can't believe this boring ho is first in line to come over to BH -- can't we have Lea, too?!

Edited by Cat
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Perfect recap Cat.

I loved the dinner table set up at Lisa's party. The colors, the centerpieces, the hanging crystals, everything.

Another Yolanda-free event. On one hand, I wish she was in attendance for more events, but on the other hand I love that she doesn't let silly events for Real Housewives tapings get in the way of her real life.

Kim not there again. Oops, a dig from Lisa about that, which surely means Kim will be crying about it at the reunion.

"Boo hoo, nobody wants their tea leaves read by a psychic!" Poor Kyle and her awesome party ideas rejected.

Brandi's book editor is my favorite kind of bitch. :)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Unless that psychic turns out to be Alison Dubois and her e-ciggie (co-starring Camille Grammer and the morally corrupt Faye Resnick), I don't want to hear jackshit from Kyle about her budget suggestions for entertaining, lol.

I loved the table settings too GB. Especially those deep red, lush roses. The view, the candlelight, the impromptu Kevin skinny dip -- it looked like a perfect dinner party (apart from the witchy stuff).

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Carlton was def itching for a fight but she don't like Kyle, so she def was making a big deal out off little things but they were built up. I love her calling Kyle out for her phoniness, and Kyle proved her right with her nasty comments at the end.

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Even I don't like Kyle but can see what a delusional hypocrite Carlton is. Witch bitch needs to take that broomstick out of her ass and recognize there is a time and place for everything. I can't believe how rude she was when she said she didn't care that it was Mauricio's birthday. Why the F is she even there then? You know you're in the wrong when your kissing buddy Brandi calls you silly and says you're looking for something not there. I hope Brandi's leased house falls on her wretched ass.

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