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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Pretty much.

Brandi just says what she wants - no matter what - then cries victim. What's off-putting about it this season besides her doing it every other second IS that she just seems so darn messy. I don't know it it's the drinking or that she's trying too hard to hog air-time.

Yolanda? This may be a culture issue. I remember I initially thought she had a pretty cold personality before she joined Brandi and Lisa's clique. The coldness is a little more evident this season.

Lisa is a lot like Yolanda. I do think she is very image conscious (read: Nene; Housewife fame going to head) while Yolanda is just being Yolanda.

Carlton scares me a little but I like her. She's a hypocrite but it usually makes me LOL. I love how straight forward she is. She's like a "sane"/"mature" mix of Brandi and Kim with a spoonful of Lisa and Yolanda.

I like Kim and, yes, even Kyle this season. There are definitely moments Kyle still annoys me.

Joyce. Replace her ASAP.

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Yes. She's a mess. Brandi is a straight out bitch to her and pretty much makes fun of her race and ethnicity when she's striking out at her, what does she want from her for what she gives to her? Joyce, as boring and unnecessary as she is, is basically calling a spade a spade especially in terms of Brandi becoming a really stupid bitch especially when she drinks.

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I like Joyce and her husband but there seems to be no depth with her. I don't have a grasp on who she is and what her everyday life is like. If she opened up more she would bec good but already loving she is calling Brandi next episode but she will most likely be a one season wonder while Brandi drags down another season of this show.

*Weekly statement: Can't believe I used to ride for Brandi! Ugh.

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So is it safe to say this season is Yolanda v Kyle as the overall theme so far?


That was sooooo much fun.

The little digs. The shade. Dare I say it (especially with that little clip of Nene singing/joking) the bonding.

Nene? Kenya? Nope...it seems like the theme this year is It's All About Kandi.

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Surprisingly I'm starting to hate Carlton. It's like okay I get it...you find Kyle phony but not every single comment needs a "b***tchy" retort. It's like Carlton lives for those moments now in each episode and is just waiting for Kyle to say something that even mildly differs from her way of looking at the world and then she goes from 0 to 100 on her. Its getting annoying very fast.

Plus I don't find Carlton attractive at all. She looks old, her eyes freak me out, and her tats on that body frame just aren't hot. I'll Brandi & Yolanda and probably Lisa before her any day of the week.

As for the Kim/Lisa I actually found myself agreeing with Kim. Sometimes Lisa does come across dismissive towards Kim and I really don't think its right. Yes Kim was in the bathroom and looked she was having some kinda wardrobe issue but the way Lisa talked to her really put me off.

All I can say is Brandi needs to be careful...alcohol could be the death of her. And its clear that Kim sees the potential there as well judging from her voiceover at one point. We know you like to state the truth Brandi but the difference between trashy ladies and classy ladies is knowing WHEN and HOW to state the truth.....

I hate to say it but watching BH was a little stressful for me...as in not fun. I hate to sound that cliche that's been attached to all the RH franchises at one point or another but this season seems so dark...so ugly. Its like none of these ladies really like each other now (aside form Brandi & YoYo). I guess that's why I'm willing to keep Joyce cuz her ray of sunshine and happy spirit kinda warms my heart to be honest....

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I'm sorry but tonight's RHOBH just solidified one thing for me . . . Kyle is one whiny, calculating bitch. Yes, Yolanda putting hearts on the place cards was shady but it shouldn't've been made a big deal. She knows that her and Yolanda have stuff to fix, so let it go. She should be happy her ass is sitting at the table.

Secondly, Kyle being calculating. From start to finish, that tramp was putting in work to switch Brandi over to her side. From helping looking for Chica to the limo ride--Kyle was putting in work to flip Blandi, because her antics are becoming bland, on Lisa and we all know it works. Then her kissing David's ass constantly just shows how desperate this woman is to be beloved and the top dog. Ugh. So over her.

Brandi . . . Girl bye. I'm praying this is her last season because I refuse for s5 to be about her fixing her relationships with Joyce & Lisa. If anything, both women ought to wash their hands of her and sit back and watch when Brandi flips on Yolanda, Carlton, & the Richards (again) because it's gonna happen. It always does. Brandi flips on everyone. And I refuse for s5 to be about this woman seeking help for her drinking. We've been there with cokehead Kim, and we've done that.

Brandi's antics have made me loathe her. A part of me wishes that Lisa bring on Leann next season just to mind eff Brandi.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Kim has been spot on a lot this season.

It was unusual in a great way that she didn't want to really do a preaching sound bite on Brandi's drinking.

The thought of any story surrounding Joyce in Season 5? No. Just no.

I'm fine with Brandi coming back for Season 5 if Season 4 Brandi is gone. I get why other people wouldn't be. She's coming off really hateful of Joyce's ethnicity and that's majorly f--ked up. That said, her children are Latin. Maybe she's taking out her hate of Eddie on a Latin person she don't know that well? She kind of reminds me of my mother in a way in that particular way. If this isn't all an act there are some interesting dynamics going on there. Brandi does become an a--hole when you put alcohol in front of her. There's this motherly vibe between Lisa and Brandi and Brandi pulling away from Lisa feels like when a young adult rebels against their mom but still loves their mom. From Lisa's side too, at least so far. I honestly feel like Brandi feels like she's been Lisa's bitch and that's the way Lisa wants it. She feels like Lisa has been using her. I don't feel that's an accurate assessment although I do feel Lisa is a bit "ready for TV."

I don't blame Kyle for flipping Brandi. Maybe I should somewhat? IDK. Brandi obviously got the impression Lisa was pulling her strings and we have Kyle mentioning how different Brandi is when she isn't around Lisa on every episode. Kyle probably did pass that observation along to Brandi.

I do find it odd Kyle clearly wants Brandi on her side even over the prospect of Lisa taking (Kyle) back. I guess you can't underestimate her jealousy of Lisa "taking her position."

I feel like Kyle doesn't know how not to be calculating. I don't think she does it on purpose. It's just who she is.

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It's interesting to read in Brandi's comments that the scene coming up with Joyce & her hubby out to dinner having a bitchfest about Brandi was filmed well after the fact as a "pick up" to piece together the storyline Bravo edits together.

Y'know, I'd much rather prefer a silly drunk (Taylor) than a mean drunk. If Brandi had beef with Joyce behind the camera, her best revenge would've been to make no issue of it on camera. This lil feud is the only source of relevancy for Joyce.

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Oh I love Boyce! She is fabulous and the previews for next week look great. I think Brandi is picking on her because she's rich and pretty, but also because she seemed like the type of person who can't fight back. I'm glad she shows no signs of backing down. It looks like she's really gonna dig in her ass. I can't wait! :)

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