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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yep, but I agree that this seems likely and would explain a lot. That's why I have a lot of compassion for both of them, even though they are hot messes. People want to believe that therapy fixes everything, but it doesn't.

These two obviously need help, but it'll be nothing short of a long, hard road. It seems almost irresponsible for Brovo to keep Kim because it seems like she's only getting worse under the spotlight, not that I know that for sure, since I only see what Brovo shows me.

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We've seen tons of movies where abuse might have happened and how siblings cope with it differently. Not that I'm saying that's what happened, but now that you guys mention it, I've seen aftermath of abuse play out this way on so many shows. So there just may be something to what you guys are saying.

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Here's my theory on the NYC delays...

The first two (or three) seasons were filmed mostly during the summertime, and there were several episodes in The Hamptons. Seasons 4 and 5 were filmed opposite of that during the holidays and wintertime. I bet you anything that 1) Bravo wants to go back to the summer and The Hamptons to further the posh/rich portrayal of this series (to align with BH; the goal of last season) 2) the ladies still have school children and have school obligations during the winter, which limits filming or at least makes scheduling harder in a city like NYC (the other series are all filmed in suburbs, which makes it way easier to deal with) 3) their real job work schedules are more demanding during this timeframe and 4) it's cold and dark most nights in NYC and filming isn't as desirable.

That's my guess. You know they'll do another NYC season, and just a couple of weeks ago Andy read a tweet on WWHL from Ramona, which means they aren't dead like DC. He said she was one of his fav housewives, and I just can't imagine he'd let Ramona or NYC go.

I'm pretty excited though - I love NYC and miss them already! I loved last season and the new girls just as much.

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I hope the next season of NYC brings better than last. The rumors were that they delayed the last one and extended taping bc it was boring and the show was boring for like the first half of the season. I hope that since we know the ladies now, it is interesting from the beginning. BTW, is everyone returning? Any new chicks?

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I agree that waiting till summer to film is because of the Hamptons. To me, going to the Hamptons is as much of a character to the franchise as is the city of New York itself. I think the hot Hampton sun will provide ample amounts of drama to the show.

I hope they keep last season's cast and add one additional housewife to the show. I'm one of those that likes shows to add or subtract cast members in order to prevent the show from getting stale. Plus, if they only add one new housewife then it is less time to focus on getting to know her. Part of the problem last season was that they added three new women and didnt really introduce them.. they were shown as if they were always part of the show.

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I didnt realize the reunion already aired! Just watched.

Andy: "Adrienne's final act as a housewife is NOT showing up tonight" Ouch! His delivery was just.....it said it all.

Weird that they didn't seat Lisa with Brandi and Yolanda

"You think Im gonna put my heart on a platter so you could stab it?" Great line Yolanda!

Kyle came across so ugly. The reunion did her no favors and she needs to stop pretending with this innocent pretense





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After watching another disc of season 1 Atlanta...

- DeShawn's party was just the type of awkward you can't stage, which made it all the more painful to watch. She clearly wasn't capable of anything she was striving for, and while the editing made this clear, I liked that they didn't mock her. I felt sorry for her and I thought the end with her husband comforting her in spite of the money loss was sweet.

I was more than a little annoyed with Sheree repeatedly talking about how incompetent DeShawn was and how this isn't how you plan a charity benefit, she even went to the damn thing (looking great, admittedly) and continued to backbite, yet, unlike Kim and Nene, I saw her doing nothing to help. No money, no support. Nothing. And this leads to...

- Sheree's fashion show, which, as pointed out by Nene's friend who seemed to have a staph infection on his knee, was "a fashion show with no fashion." I'm sure she didn't want to waste the money and the time she put into the showing but to just have some party with models done up like the go-go girls on Laugh-In made her look like a huge gadfly. I cringed when that poor woman who clearly wanted some reason to be there asked if Sheree was wearing her own design. Nope. I'd think the least she could have done if this had been planned for a while was to try to have a dress of her own design made for herself, made to wear at this party or at other parties - what better publicity, especially since Sheree does wear clothes very well. The whole thing came across like a child suddenly wanting to be a fashion designer. I was seriously embarrassed for her when her sweaty ex-husband came by and was clearly heard dogging her (something like "maybe now she'll actually do something"), all while she tried to present this as making some great statement to him. And the desperate hooting and catcalling when she was trying to find hot models...there's a very trashy side of Sheree that always seems to want to emerge. The split nature probably makes her the most fascinating part of these early episodes, for me anyway.

- DeShawn looks like Michelle Thomas (RIP).

- Weird seeing DeShawn and Lisa talking about their lives as sports wives, as they're now both divorced. I actually thought their marriages seemed very stable (aside from Lisa's husband having to leave for Oakland). I guess it's another reminder not to believe what you see on TV. Lisa's my favorite of the women in these episodes. She's got incredible charisma and poise, she isn't afraid of drama but she doesn't start it, she seems to be able to navigate all sides, and she's just plain fun to watch, but not desperate, like when she used the stripper pole without treating the camera as her gynocelogist.

- Kim and Sheree's friendship seems very vapid. The talk about how the other is so beautiful and stunning and have they always been beautiful and stunning never seemed to end. It also had a lesbionic vibe. That would have been more interesting. Kim's friend, Cora (?), is annoying as hell and has Valley Girl speak. Was she replaced by Sweetie? I don't care about the singing career stuff as of yet but I did like her dressing down by the voice coach. It felt very "real."

- Nene's song about Kim cracked me up. I think being around this type of personality would be very draining (although she seems very different with her family), but it's entertaining to watch. I'm probably more interested in the personal stuff with Nene, like her father, and the foundation she was setting up, or her relationship with her kids, over the Kim/Sheree rehash, especially since, as Eric (?) said, it's the same "not on the list" clip over and over and over and over.

Edited by CarlD2
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Cheap - your wish may be coming true. Potential new BH cast member... she's a baroness and black!


Also, congrats to the OC... they will be reaching a landmark 100 episodes this season!


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yeah that was posted yesterday and I SO hope that is true. BH needs some color and she has legit credentials. She also looks like she doesn't take any BS. I easily see her slipping in well with Lisa, Yolanda and Brandi. Can you imagine, a Queen, Dutchess, Princess and Baroness on the show? Next they will have to cast an Empress! If they cast her though, they need to cast someone else for Kyle bc she will be on an island by herself. Im not gonna push for Faye in this post (lol, ya'll know how I feel), but I think another lady is needed, even if she gets a test run as a friend first

lol...not a Dwight fan, but that line was always funny Edited by Cheap21
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