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I disagree about what Aviva said regarding Ramona. I don't think Ramona drives Sonja to drink and party in an attempt to make herself look better. Ramona had no problem being a boozy party girl in Season 1 when Sonja wasn't on the show. As well, Aviva was incorrect about Ramona and Sonja being the ones dancing on the tables in St Barths, so she constructs an argument without facts. Furthermore, her "you two were sleeping naked" comment had a stench of homophobia attached to it (add that to her father describing his latest side piece as having "European features" and Aviva quoting Rush Limbaugh and it's a clear picture of where her head is at). And let's not even touch the "You didn't welcome Reid to the island! It was traumatic for me!" bullshit because it's total nonsense.

Ramona called it when she said an awful lot of women would lose a leg for the advantages Aviva has, which was a great retort to Aviva's "You think I don't know PAIN?! I lost a leg!" when the conversation was about how rough life is for Sonja. It's always about Aviva and Ramona called it right.

Luann came across amazingly during the Sonja portrait scenes. That was just plain sad to watch and Luann was a first class friend and a good lady there. I hope that what we saw was the REAL Luann, the person she is when the cameras aren't rolling, I really liked that person.

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Agreed on all accounts.

You know you've effed up when some 73% vote Team Ramona vs. Team Aviva on Watch What Happens Live. I love me my Pinot Singer, but I know she's off her rockers, so to see the audience shift like that is pretty telling.

I have no doubt she is the blind item that people mentioned about a new New York castmember who regrets joining the show.

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Wow, the Real Housewives fan in him came out lol. The backlash must've been huge if he's having her back on his show next week. I do think regardless of his opinion he was way too harsh and opinionated without actually seeing the full reunion. He didn't really allow her to speak. That was very odd and unlike what I've seen of him previously.

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Anderson calling her out was fantastic! He spoke so much truth "I dont care, your not 12 years old" THANK YOU. Attacking her weight was abiove and beyond and this is one of those moments where she should just own it and admit it is not ok but she felt attacked and it was the first thing that came to her instead of shifting blame and victim playing. Glad he called her on always playing a victim too and she had no defense for it other than shes always being attacked - but fails to realize its because of her own actions.

Sounds to me like shes going back to do damage control and I hope he rakes her over the coals again.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Listen, Avivia is atrocious. I hate her far more than I thought I would, but i do think that she is correct in Sonja clearly having an issue. Shes hitting the bottle in a way that above and beyond what it normally is, and it is to deal with her disaster of a life at the moment. I think that Ramona is a horrible friend because she just goes with it, boozing it up and everything is fine. There is a reason it was Luann S called and not Ramona, because Ramona really is drinking friend and thats about it at this point. To see someone like Ramona encourage someone in Sonjas situation is really sad. As for them naked in the bed, i do see your point and it is likely valid, but i do think its odd for women their age to get blackout drunk and wakeup naked in bed together, i think thats odd for anyone of any age actually. Its drunken behavior, something that happens as a direct result of drinking to or near the point of a blackout. And they were conspiring in how to get reid to leave and them being swimming naked as he arrives was complete, utter disrespect and plain trashy.

Really, what Aviva vs Ramona boils down to is they are both similar in the way that everything and anything is all about them, all the time. Where they differ is when Avivia goes on the attack she goes straight to your face and goes off while Ramona makes snide remarks and wuns away like a child because she cant face anything. They both play victim now.

What will come out of this is an amazing smackdown at the reunion, hopefully. When is this season over? I feel like it should be soon and at the same time I feel like its just getting good!

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I don't think Sonja has shown herself to be an alcoholic. While on vacation she got knock down drag out drunk--on vacation--but we haven't seen her like that in New York. I think Aviva is off the mark there. After what we've seen with Taylor and Kim on RHOBH, I'd worry about them being an alcoholic/drug addict. Sonja is a saint compared to them.

It's basically over. Next episode is the finale, then the reunion is next.

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I dont think Sonja is an alcoholic, I do think that going through all she is going through hitting the bottle isnt a good idea, esp as often as she does to the point she does and I think Ramona always having another drink ready for her doesnt help.

Normally id say they are pushing it with all these 3 part reunions, but i think an entire hour could be ramona vs aviva! lol.

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I love the three parters. They had one last season too didn't they? I believe it was aired as two hour and a half specials, which is the same thing.

I wonder if they'll air one of the reunions, either NJ or NY before an episode of Miami. Considering they have a total of six reunion episodes to play with I think that would be smart.

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Me too! I love Miami so far!

I think Ramona got Aviva right this week... she's got the biggest stick up her ass, more so than Luann! What a buzzkill. However, I do say Aviva needs to come back next season. She brings some drama and has a much bigger backbone than Alex did. Can you imagine an Aviva/Luann argument?

I also love me some Heather and Carole - so I hope they both come back as well!

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