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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I remember watching the first ever RHoOC episode... I think Jeana was the first HW featured and her segment felt longer and more in-depth than the others (including Lauri, Jo, Vicki et al). Maybe because she was so direct and no-BS in presenting her life, the good and the bad. It was clear from that first episode that Jeana was the matriarch/tentpole of the show and that other HWs looked to her for friendship or somebody against whom to measure themselves.

I'm glad she left on her own terms but I still wish she would return for next season. :lol:

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Kathy is such a wannabee stealth bitch that just doesn't quite pull it off. I don't know how Teresa stands it; I'd light her ass up every time I see her. She knows exactly what the [!@#$%^&*] she's trying to say about "her" mother's cookies but she backs off of it whenever someone holds her firmly to it. Soft voice indeed. Unless I find out Kathy's mother invented the cookie in 1922, Shut The [!@#$%^&*] UP about it.

And Ritchie is the biggest punk on the show; I can't stand how he is constantly running off at the mouth about Teresa and Joe but doesn't say a damn thing when they are around. Another stealth bitch.

And were they bitching about Teresa not showing up to the event before it even started, and she showed up to the damn event?? And they bitched some more?? *blink* I can't with these people, they just want to find [!@#$%^&*] to bitch about.

Caroline is a disgusting piece for her marriage prediction about Teresa when she should worry about her own damn marriage and if and who Al is dicking down at the Brownstone Monday-Friday. She is so bitter and gross that her rancid stench pours through my screen.

I'm amazed by the hypocrisy; Teresa saying Melissa would leave Joe to Joe privately is the worst thing in the world, but Caroline telling the nation that Teresa would leave Joe after he goes to jail is just honesty? GMAB. And she's such a self-righteous bitch about it because she knows Cohen & Company won't ever hold her feet to the fire for it like they do others.

I loved Joe Giu at the "Men's Summit." He put a lot out onto Front street and of course, Chris L couldn't take it when his little lamb Jac's passive-aggressive friendship with Danielle was put on blast. These folks say a lot of bullshit off to themselves but they sure don't get away with it in front of him.

Again I have to say, I find Joe Gorga despicable. He's claiming now that Teresa only wants to reach out to him now that she's fighting with everyone else? When she's been chasing after his affection the whole 2 seasons? I hope she cut this bitch ass drama queen loose for good; he's only happy as long as he gets to complain about his sister while simultaneously demanding that she kiss his princely ass. That "popping cherry" conversation was disgusting.

And that party? When Teresa walked in the room she stopped all conversation. "Teresa, Teresa, Teresa!!! Who is with her? OMG, Teresa!" She certainly proved she's the Cuervo in the margarita tonight; Bravo ought to increase the girl's salary by half a mil for that alone.

Her friend was pretty too, that didn't help stem the worry. Kinda obvious what was going on there, fears that Linda would be joining the show which is why Jac had to quickly chum the water and say "Oh, she's a Teresa soldier." Try again Jacqueline, your attempts of trying to throw rocks while hiding your hands are too clear.

I'm really amazed that Jac and the rest of her dumbass family don't see how close Chris L is to having a nervous breakdown about their finances and they are sniping away and bitching about this woman instead of getting off their own asses and being productive; Blk water is no fire starter. The word Teresa wouldn't even come out of my mouth while my husband is worried about our home and lifestyle; this is petty, dumb [!@#$%^&*] that wouldn't even be on my radar.

I hope we are on the way to additional cast members because the rest are boring me with their jealousy and are non-entities for me and this show is becoming painful to watch. The likes of Greg and other auxiliary characters are ruining this show; yet Bravo thinks we find them so entertaining? Get him especially the [!@#$%^&*] off of my screen, he is not a housewife!

As someone who likes Teresa, it's nice seeing the bad behavior of the others being shown. the other cast members were so living in the past season and thought they would have the slam dunk of the audience being completely on their side. They're so worried about her that they ruined their own brand. The saying "That hole you dig for someone else, you'll fall into..." applies here.

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Holy [!@#$%^&*] Teresa & her husband are awful!

Like damn. Teresa goes out of her way to insult Kathy because she is jealous/mad/upset that kathy had the audacity to say "my mothers recepie" about something in the cookbook, that lets be real, prob is her moms just as it is Teresas moms. They are cousns and im sure their mothers used a lot of the same stuff. Then she is telling her friend that all the recepies are basically 100% all her mothers? Stop. It.

I did like the Jaqui/Tre scene tho. She was tolerable there.

Then the guys meeting. Really, what even needs to be said about Mr Teresa? I think its all clear.

And Joey is so right about Tre only trying to be nice to her family now cuz she lost Jaqui/Caroline. While she wanted a relationship with him before this happened, she just wanted it to happen and wanted it with Melissa out of the picture. Now shes actually willing to work at it, somewhat, but you know if she hadnt lost her friends she wouldnt much care.

This episode really lacked Melissa.

I aint here for Kathys try hard storyline.

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It is getting increasingly hard to like anybody on RHoNJ, and Bravo better watch out because Season 3 (or was it 4?) of RHoNY was the same way and Andy Cohen had to get rid of 75% of the cast.

What can we say about Teresa and Sloppy Joe that hasn't already been said? These two can never be happy or supportive of others. They live in a perpetual fantasy in which they are acting-acting-acting in front of the public. When a good 100 people show up to your book signing, it's hard not to believe your own hype and get high off the adulation. Caroline's VT about how Teresa's quest for fame and money broke her husband and how a well-spun split is only a matter of time, a split which will undoubtedly reboot the Teresa narrative and keep her viable for the tabloids, was right on the money.

But dissing the Skinnygirl brand, Teresa? Now, I don't know what SG margaritas taste like and I don't have particularly strong feelings about Bethenny Frankel either way, but Andy *LOVES* her. More than any other HW, Bethenny is his BFF. He likely has a stake in her brand, and he prob is not appreciative of Teresa poopooing a Bravo-related franchise.

Meanwhile, I can't really warm to Kathy and Richie -- I used to think Richie was hilarious, but the way these two bitch about Teresa and Joe is wearying. Move on, people, move on with your life. They aren't worth it. It all belies Kathy's "hopes" and "wishes" of reconciliation with her cousin. Basically, it was done to create story for Kathy because Rosie "coming out" wasn't gelling. Her pastries really do look delicious, though, and I truly hope she launches a business from all this.

Poor Chris Laurita, holding his head in his hands as Juicy, Joey and Richie sling random recriminations at each other pretty much summed up how I feel. This feud may not be done for them, but it is for me.

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I actually dont think she really said anything bad. She said it tasted diety and she doesnt like diet tasting stuff. And she is right, Skinnygirl tastes like a diet drink. It isnt nasty or bad, but its definantly diet.

I do love how she is so thirsty for fame she is putting herself on the bottle. that is as tacky as it gets. Bethanny didnt need to do that, and that right there is as hard as she tries, the fame hungy teresa will never reach the level Bethanny has.

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You never liked Bethenny?

...because it took me a whole season to retune my ear to her nasal braying! I did warm to her in Season 3 when Jill turned on her and tried to turn everybody against her.

It's so funny to me when people say Carole on S5 fills the Bethenny void because I don't get that vibe from her at all. Carole is cool as a cucumber and laid-back, whereas Bethenny wore her anxieties on her sleeve.

Speaking of warming to people, I warmed to Aviva and Reid in last night's episode. And how about that teaser trailer at the end of the show for the rest of the season?! OMG! LuAnn cheats on Jahhhhhcques with a Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator! And tries to hide it from the show! And new BFFs Ramona and Aviva fall out?

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I never cared for bethanny. I cant tell you why. Just someone i dont care for. I dont really hate her as much as i feel nothing to mild annoyance by her.

I like Aviva, and have all along, but last night she finally fit. Same with Heather, IMHO.

That teaser trailer is INSANE and its redic that it took this long to get there.

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Thursday, September 13th! :)


Also, there is a new picture of Alexia under the Housewives bios, so she'll still be featured as a Friend of the Housewives. She declined full time status since her son is still recovering from his accident and she didn't want to feature that on the show.

Here's the season two trailer: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/get-a-sneak-peek-at-real-housewives-of-miamis-second-season-2012247

Make sure you watch that entire trailer lol. Looks like they're a classier bunch than usual, instead of lots of bickering between wives you see lots of husbands/wives fighting, Elsa seems to be getting into it with various people and of course there is slap between two housewives that I CANNOT WAIT to see! Wow! Looks very watchable.

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