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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm glad OC is back for a seventh season. Had class tonight so I have yet to watch or tape tonight's episode but I can talk about the first episode. Outside of Beverly Hills I found the OC women to be the most intriguing (maybe its because we've known most of them for a very long time - i.e. Viki and Tamra to an extent) and the least overexposed. I think Gretchen/Tamra mending fences was a suggestion by the producers, but hey, if this means the women can travel around and have a few good laughs - I'm all for it. Clearly everything won't be perfect between the two because of the Slade factor, but the season 6 reunion was really rough to watch, it had gotten very nasty between G/T, so this could be a breath of fresh air.

I'm glad they brought Peggy back to 'wrap up her storyline' for the first few(?) episodes, I really liked her last season and was sad to hear she wasn't returning. I knew Heather Durbow was joining the cast, but I didn't know Heather Paige Kent was joining the cast! I was so excited to hear that news a few days ago. She was in some of my favorite, failed network shows over the years including CBS's "That's Life" and NBC's "Jenny" (back when I was a hugee JennyMcC fan.)

I just hope Bravo didn't order like, 19, 20 episodes of RHOC this season. I feel like when they extend and stretch out seasons, the audience ends up watching a LOT of filler, and sometimes boring material (i.e. New Jersey Season 3, Atlanta Season 4 - we're only halfway through!, and BH season 2 to an extent (I actually quite enjoyed this season of Bev Hills and liked every episode but other viewers tend to disagree.) I think 13-14 eppys is just enough & I can't wait to get this season started!

Edited by tina m
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LMAO at Atlanta - it doesn't really matter what they're doing or how little drama there is, I just think these ladies are hilarious. Their talking heads and one-liners are the best.

LOL at Marlo trying to make it rain in Africa - and Phaedra and Kandi just stuffing the money in their pockets! Marlo is a hot mess - she should be interesting at the reunion.

You can tell Cynthia wants to be with 'the smalls' in Africa - poor girl is stuck with Marlo and Nene, who aren't really taking in the fact they're in Africa!

Bev Hills

Anyone else think that Kim was totally slurring her words and either drunk or heavily sedated during her interview with Andy? I don't think she's changed or improved at all! She was barely making sense!

LOL at Dana's tiny little segment in a broken down extra chair... while Brandi was on all 3 episodes on the couch! That's gotta burn!


I'm really enjoying this season so far! It really seems like Peggy's exit was mutual - she was refusing to bring out details about her relationship with Jim, which is her main storyline and the basis for her fued with Alexis... so she was asked to bring it or go home - and she just accepted that she can't do this show anymore.

I can't see Vicki and Brooks lasting - he won't put up with her controlling personality and she can't let it go... I just don't see them working together, but I wish her the best!

Tamra is cracking me up this season - she's a bit vile and immature at times - but she's hilarious.

Anyone else think Gretchen looks HORRIBLE without makeup? I was so surprised at how different she looked before her nude photo shoot - yikes!

Heather is RICH - finally the OC has someone that rich and glamorous! I'm loving it - can't wait to see the ladies react to her big house. It was hilarious going from Heather's house to Tamra and Gretchen's tiny ass kitchen and bathroom.

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Phadrea & Kandi had me rolling on the floor when they were picking up Marlo's money. All in all, I'm really enjoying their South Africa trip.

Kim didn't come across as sober to me, at all. I wish her the best, but she was slurring her words, going on about medication doses, more excuses, etc. Even Kyle seemed a bit uncomfortable.

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ATL: like everyone's said, even a calm episode is hilarious and so enjoyable. Phaedra picking up Marlo's money for "Aiden's Pampers" had me rolling because she is naturally amusing.

BH: Kim was a slurring mess, she's probably on a lot of medication to keep her alcohol cravings suppressed, she told Dr Paul that she's on Topomax, she's probably on something else, perhaps Baclofen (a muscle relaxant), she didn't seem sober at all. Kim needs substantial mental health treatment, as well as a reality check. She's a messy addict. Otherwise, I am so glad Dana got all but 3 minutes, she's so worthless. I never want to see her again. I sort of hope Camille and Lisa don't come back so that I don't have to watch it anymore.

OC: I'm conflicted. Peggy's an idiot, Alexis is a hypocritical bimbo, Heather's a pill, Tamra's a dumbass, Gretchen's a fool and Vicki's a classic. It just seems far too constructed now...which comes across far more obviously because in the first season, back in the day, everyone organically knew one another. I miss Jeana Keough, a lot.

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I agree with what others have said, that even an Atlanta episode with no significant events happening is still fun to watch. Ugh to that Cynthia having to point out the obvious "look, we're bonding! We're all getting along" which makes everything awkward all over again instead of just enjoying the moment for what it is. I can't help but wonder if producers coax them to do that though.

Omigod... Sheree looked so desperate, stirring the pot with Kandi & Kim, in an attempt to stay relevant ("please bring me back for season 5! I need the money!"). Marlo can go. Did she provide drama for the vacation? Oh yes. But she is so not needed as a regular player on this show. I don't care for her personality at all.

I enjoyed the whole season of Beverly Hills, I didn't feel like it dragged at all, the way New Jersey's last season did.

OC is okay, but half of it I fast-forward through. Vicki is cool, but I'm not totally enticed to watch her. Tamra is indeed vile, she looks like a rusty nail, just hard edged and jagged. Alexis is the absolute worst. So ignorant, with her head stuck up her husband's ass. I cannot stand that woman. Heather is way too pretentious. That whole "you're so cute" thing she did to Gretchen was so ridiculously condescending, and I'm glad Gretchen noticed that. Gretchen... gotta agree with JackPeyton... she's the best. I love her personality and what she has to say. I don't even mind that she's friends with Alexis, cuz the rest of her makes up for that.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Cheap, those jpegs you post here and on the Mob Wives thread (Big Ang!) make my day. Vicki's traveling eyes, OMG. :lol:

New Jersey was dragged out horribly and it ruined that particular franchise for me -- it used to be one of my faves. Teresa is no Danielle Staub. The problem with it is that it had only one lead storyline -- Teresa vs. Melissa and Joe Gorga. That should have been a five episode arc and it went on for about 15. Christmas went on for about 4 episodes! The story I really liked was Jacqueline and her ungrateful lazyass brat of a daughter but it was shortened, probably because it was real and J wanted to sort it out behind closed doors. I love Caroline Manzo but had zero interest in her sons and daughter moving in with Gorgeous Greg. GG came across as such a brown-noser.

They need to buck up for Season 5. The material has to be there or the season is cut down.

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^The biggest production problem with last season was the show clearly brought Melissa in to be a bitch, to take on that Danielle role. It was clear by production we were to all hate her... but early on most people liked her and started to see what a bitch teresa was and turn on her. Production picked up near the end and the taint switched sides, thankfully.

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IA and, speaking for myself, I'm still not nuts about Melissa. So much of her stuff was fakery, from Joe G "discovering" her singing Amazing Grace in her walk-in closet ("I'm gonna build you a recording studio!") to that On Display song she foisted on us. Oy. However, production switched sides long after the audience did. It was clear that Teresa has been driven certifiably mad by the fame of RH and the $$$ she hoped it could bring her. I suspect Caroline and Jacqueline refusing to participate beyond the bare minimum towards the end of the season also helped to make up Andy Cohen's mind.

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I love Melissa - for who she is. fake, over the top, fame whore, loves making tre see red. lol. plus her interviews were spot on and i did gain a lot of respect for her at the reunion, the way she held back with tre out of respect for her husband (how often can you say that about one of these women?) but still sticking up for herself and to tre.

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