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OLTL: Discussion for the week March 15

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The thing is they used actors who looked at least as diff ANYWAY, so....

And it seemed sanitized. Awful (and why do they seem so young??).

if the music rights were the prob, they coulda still superimposed Selena over it.

I will say things like having Roxie have a drunken at Patty's at her place are things I wish more soaps would do.

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The story wouldnt be as bad if she werent written so damn stupid. It could have been interested had she been more mature and sensible and trying to come to grips with the change around her. The way they have her, she is being written as some annoying teenybopper which she was NOT back then. I dont get why she's 200% fixated on Christian. He was NOT her entire life. She isnt dealing with her family or the changes in her life like her daughter. OLTL is gonig about this story all wrong. And lets not forget it all started with her father trying to rape her. They are treating this like a joke

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I don't. I wanted Brody w/ Natalie, and now that that's never gonna happen, I'm off the bus entirely. Just give me a Mark Lawson 2010 calendar and I'll go away quietly.

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Not only that, but pairing him with unpredictable Nat would've brought out more sides to Brody, making his character less of Llanview's answer to Universal Soldier. If written and executed properly, "Brat" would have been our generation's answer to Cord and Tina. Oh well. "Jolie" must happen at all costs, right, Mr. Frons? ;-)

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Someone at OLTL, or Fronsland, seems to think that Jessica is only worthwhile if she is "crazy." Crazy in their mind means bad camp, like a very watered down version of Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in the Aerosmith video.

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Crazy seems like the only story they've given Bree to play since she joined. It feels as if every year Jessica is losing her damn mind. Im beyond sick of this forever victim thing they have with her. She's a terrible stereotype gone horribly wrong

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I was thinking the exact same thing while watching those clips of her and Cris last night. Like, "How can we keep this girl crazy?" Reminds me of what R. Sinclair was saying in the Ron Carlivati thread about his use of "the show's rich history" aka fan-fictiony retread of storyline successes (and failures) of the past. We know that this girl is Viki's daughter, we get it, but she will NEVER be Viki and throwing every mental malady in the world on her isn't going to make her this classic, put upon soap heroine whose stories we'll recall fondly years from now. I think [!@#$%^&*] with Jessica's brain has become the cheapest, easiest, most uninventive, loyal fan insulting storyline convention in OLTL's history.

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