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OLTL: Discussion for the week March 15

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Those flashbacks so completely bogus that I can't take them seriously. Since they're on such a dire budget crunch, I would think digging into the vaults and using real back footage of Jessica and Cristian from way back when would have been more economical than paying a couple of dayplayers and staging a scene. Not to mention more authentic.

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These counterfeit flashback scenes that aired today were a clear re-do of that. Right down to Jessica being hassled to dance and Cristian stepping in to defend her. Would have been so much easier to just use the real thing instead. So obvious that they didn't want to remind viewers of what we already know: that BW and DF weren't always Jessica and Cristian.

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Bo and Nora were cute. I didn't realize Nora and Layla knew each other but I liked them.

Poor Brody. I liked that Layla took him to the dance floor.

Cris/Jess is so stupid. Why not use the original flashbacks. Never mind. I guess they didn't want us to see real Cris with chemistry with real Jess.

Natalie and John make me sick on my stomach. They killed Jared. For this?

Can't believe Kelly that Kevin/Blair ONS in Blair's face when Kevin was still married to Cassie.

Please no more Todd and Blair. Please.

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They seem to think if they have frosty Kelly spend enough time trashing Blair as a businesswoman, a mother, a partner, people will love Kelly more. She is a murderer, a failure as a wife, she has no interest in seeing her own child of random age, and the few times she had a business she lost it all, including being conned by Max.

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Thanks for posting that. I was wondering if today's fake-flashbacks were based on the real thing - it looks like it was 50/50. Today's flashbacks were at a school dance while that real thing looked like it was at some party. But I understand why OLTL didn't want to show the real flasbacks - different actors, plus getting the rights to the music.

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The different actors thing can't really be it, though, because they used all-new actors anyway, and the ones they chose looked nothing Williamson/Torpey or Fumero/Madera at all. The music rights was probably the main thing stopping them from using the real thing.

Be glad they had the sense to use time-appropriate music. They could have easily slipped The Climb in there, and that would not have been good for anyone.

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Also, I believe you would have to pay the actors for flashbacks. So along with that and getting music rights, maybe it was cheaper to just produce new flashbacks.

I did like the song choices from the fake flashback (Selena) and the real scenes (Real McCoy) - oh Junior High dances! LOL Hey, I like "The Climb". :D

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Watching those new flashbacks was so weird! :P I don't think I've ever had a soap watching experience like that before, like what old fans must have felt when they did those scenes of Robin Strasser reenacting the Victor stuff. Those kids seem SO YOUNG. Would have been a REALLY nice touch if they'd worked Kelly into the new flashback, DUH!

"Another night, another dream, but always you! It's like a vision of love that seems to be true..." Damn. MEMORIES...

I remember Yorlin appearing on the Ricki Lake show back then, "I've got a secret crush on a soap star!" or something like that. Maybe it was just about secret crushes in general, but I remember that Martha Byrne was also on the show and she SANG to the guy who was crushing on her. Like full on mic in hand and she kneeled in front of him and sang into his face and everything.

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Though I would have been just fine with it and OLTL does love to poke fun at its history of recasts, it probably would have been too awkward to pull off. I know it's been over a decade, but to me at least, ET and YM still feel too "close" if that makes any sense. Like Alicia Minshew's Kendall flashing back to SMG. See what I'm saying? The "new" young Cris and Jess looked considerably younger, younger than Erin and Yorlin looked back then which felt inauthentic to me but served the purpose of what the writers were going for, young first love. They'd have definitely broke some new ground though by flashing back to the original scenes.

And of course Erin Torpey is now baby Megan. ;)

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