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OLTL: Discussion for the week March 15

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Yeah how can they even have Jessica act like her daughter isn't her top priority? I'm not a mom or anything but I am about the age Jessica is supposed to be and even when I was 18 I would never neglect anyone's child let alone my own. Jessica has shed a thousand tears for Cristian and thought of many ways to get him back but she can't be bothered to put any effort to trying to at least be a mother to her daughter. She hasn't shed ONE tear for her child. Cristian, Viki and Marty are idiots because none of them take that baby's best interest into account.

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Has she even asked who the Bree's father is? Does she know she's been married multiple times, including to Cris's brother (cousin...whatever)?? Does she know or care that she lost Chloe or that she has D.I.D? As far as I can see Jess doesn't know anything about herself. One of the many reason this whole story sucks.

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OLTL needs a totally bitchy, evil character who would take pleasure in telling Jessica the truth about her forgotten traumas (like Megan, Chloe, and Nash) while pretending to be doing a good deed. All soaps seem to be lacking in the two-faced villains department: you know, the characters who other characters think are nice people but are actually wicked underneath (like Beth on Passions, Kristen on Days, etc.).

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She was told about her life in small details but they are afraid to upset her. Meanwhile, it's okay though if she upsets everyone else. Cristian told her that she slept with someone else but nobody bothered to mention that she had a child yet. You would think that telling her about her DID would make them take a more urgent approach with her condition but they haven't mentioned it yet either. The whole focus of the story is Jessica's feelings for Cris and his feelings for her.

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No one in her family is even dealing with her. Viki left town. Clint just married Kim and is focused on helping her with someone else's child. Natalie is to involved in Marty's uterus which is none of her busines. Kevin...is he even still around? Jessica is running around like a chicken with her head cut off and no one is helping her deal with her trauma.

Another thing, she has no idea who her father is. I dont expect them to tell her that it isnt Clint but she knows that she and Nat are twins with different dads. That is not normal. Why the heck hasnt she wondered who Nat's father is and how they couldnt have the same one?

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I criticized her when I first saw Viiki say she was leaving but I thought the way the show explained it, I thought made some sense. She left solely for Bree's sake to focus on her. Jessica is in no shape to be a mother and she has no interest in that child. Its too confusing for Bree to watch her mother act like an irresponsible kid and not recirpicate the love and attention she needs for her. Right now, Jessica is just too disruptibe and from that perspective, I can see why Viki would temporarily take her away from this circus. Im glad she did instead of leaving her in that house

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I think making Bree into the 3rd generation DID victim might be the only way to end Jessica's struggle with it. Notice we rarely see any lapses on Viki's part anymore now that Jessica is a victim.

And Marty's biggest concern is playing 3rd fiddle to John and Natalie. What a smack in the face to SH's talents.

She knows Mitch is her father. That's the first thing she found out but she hasn't really dealt with that.

They would be better off ending the high school portion and sticking Jessica into a mental facility for a few weeks. It is boring and predictable but the longer this goes on the worst it will be.

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