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The Lady Gaga Thread


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She's really trying hard to be taken seriously these days. Too bad it look a backlash and deteriorating commercial success to make her change course.

I wish her luck, because as mentioned, she does have talent. But her time at being at the center of the pop universe came and went very quickly and she will not recapture that again.

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The thing is, I'm not sure if she wants or cares about being the biggest pop star in the world anymore. She had it, she's done it, and now she focusing on doing music that shows off her voice more than the pop stuff, which (and I'll admit I haven't heard anywhere near all of her stuff so I'm probably not the best person to comment here) does include songs which show off her singing talent ("The Edge of Glory" being the best example I can think of here), but because of her image, frequently took a back seat in most people's eyes. I'm thrilled that her Oscar performance allowed people get the chance to see how great a singer she actually is (because while some people who weren't fans of her acknowledged her singing talent, many others, unfortunately didn't or didn't even know she had it), and that it appears to have given her a second wind of publicity when her career wasn't at a place that it was five years ago, but at the end of the day, does it need to be? And if it is, does it need to be in pop music? Clearly, the answer is no. After the Oscars, I can't wait to see what else she does, and that includes her next pop album. I like that she's finally doing both everything she's capable of doing, and everything she wants to do, and getting recognized for it, too. smile.png I love the song "Lush Life" from her album with Tony Bennett (I first heard her live version on Howard Stern), and I loved her performance with Tony of "Cheek to Cheek" at the Grammys. (And now she has 6 Grammys! YAY!)

Also, new Madonna interview where she talks about Gaga. Frankly, I love them both, so I find the fan wars over them to be ridiculous more than anything else:


Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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I don't think it's as simple as the haters were shut up now. It was never that simple in the first place. Gaga has gone threw a huge downward trend in popularity, and that hasn't really changed in the three or four days since the Oscars. She gave a performance that was well received by the public, but that is but a scrimmage in the larger war of her career.

I think it's clear that she was chasing after success but clearly lost, so that paints quite a different picture than the one you are trying to spin. It would be one thing if Gaga suddenly announced after the Fame and Born This Way that she was denouncing pop music to follow her dreams to become a jazz artist, but that clearly isn't what happened. She fell on her face in 2013, and now she is trying to find other options to continue her career, not unlike that of Cyndi Lauper. You are right, she doesn't have to have a career in pop music to continue to find artistic prominence, but pop radio and the pop culture audiences basically threw her out the door, she wasn't given much choice in seeking other options.

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She was never suited to the big big time, as she just isn't that type of artist, the one who has the instincts and the stamina (like Beyonce or Madonna). She has raw talent and she should have let her talent speak for itself, instead of getting lost.

I don't think her fans are wrong to call this a comeback, because it is a huge comeback. Not in terms of sales, but in terms of media narrative. The media narrative for her was that she was a colossal failure, a desperate creature trying to reclaim what she never could, and a vanity act.

To be seen by many as the highlight of the night in one of the biggest entertainment shows of the year, to be embraced by Julie Andrews (who is pretty much universally popular), and to show that she doesn't have to go around wearing hula skirts made of pregnancy tests, or whatever - it gives her a chance to start over. And many artists never get that chance on a national or global stage.

She'll never be what she once was, but she never should have been that anyway. She can at least now be something positive and fairly popular, if she plays it right. And given that she did work very hard on this, I'll give her credit and wish her luck, even as I'm not really a fan of some of her recent work or of some of her fans, who seem to go on the attack and don't do her any favors.

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To be honest I don't think you're going to get it, as I don't think she's ever going to have that level of success again. I just think that she managed to - unless she screws it up - change the image of herself as a sad old has-been tromping around like Bette Midler's old Dolores Delago, The Toast of Chicago character. And that isn't easy for an artist to do, because often once the public sees you in a strongly negative way, it doesn't change, especially if you're a woman.

She has the chance now. What she does with it is up to her.

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