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OLTL: Discussion for the week January 18

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Why shouldn't she want to help him? He's the best dad ever.

Those scenes were just odd. He really does not see his multiple rapes of her as any kind of a big deal, he even uses air quotes to mock them. And apparently the show agrees. I know people got sick of all the focus on that rape but I never thought I'd see it dismissed so casually. Somehow KAD and Tarty 2.0 have been lumped together as some sort of misguided love story.

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TSJ drives me up a wall. His acting choices today offended me. I just give up.

Jessica and Brody are a sweet couple. He stabilizes her so I understand them but they really worked well off of Natalie and Jared's sparky chemistry. I miss Jared.

If I must accept Natalie and John together is it too much to ask that we at least get new material for them? I've seen this song and dance before when Evangeline was the savvy, smart professional woman who was painted as the interloper in her own relationship. I wish REG would come back.

Initially, I liked Matthew and Daniella and they were numb-inducing today. Is it too much to ask for one minority to have their own story? Rachel has taken over Layla's role as the perpetual best friend.

Charlie and Viki-what are you guys doing to me?? :unsure:

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No. That wasn't the reason she left.

I really think that's unlikely. Not impossible but very, very unlikely. We all have jobs in our past that were fine at the time but we wouldn't want to go back to. Plus, a lot has changed since she left the show. Now she has the child that she wanted so badly and she said in her last interview that she wants to spend as much time as she can with him. At the same time, OLTL has become a pitiful joke. The last lone NYC soap sitting at the bottom of the ratings, hemorrhaging viewers. Bottom line: she doesn't have to return unless she wants to and she knows it.

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I thought REG wanted a lot of 'outs' too, in case other projects came along.

Trevor St. John nor the character of Todd have ever been favorites of mine and I hate when they make Todd such an ass like today. Why does anyone find this character appealing? He's trashed every woman he's been with...Blair, Tea, Marty, etc.... I love Kassie DePaiva and Blair until she has scenes with Todd where she's acting like he's the only thing in the world. Which makes her look like she has zero self-respect for herself.

So...Natalie has all kinds of free time. Is she not working at B.E. anymore? I always wondered how she suddenly became a 'corporate leader' to begin with and this gal has had more jobs than me! (o.k., not more than me....but it's headed that way!)I really don't want to see another John/Nat redux. I would love for Natalie to find someone new. I'd rather she go after Ford for a one-nighter and see how that plays, instead of him being in Langston's orbit.

I'm interested where this Dorian/Charlie/Viki story goes. Just another reason for Viki to later hate Dorian even more. Wonder what will happen while Viki is 'away'.

Who is this psycho nurse? I'd rather this be Alison Perkins back from the looney to take up where she left off with Jessica!

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My mistake, yes, outs and money were what I heard on REG. The common sticking point with ABCD, particularly if you do not own a penis for personal use.

They pretty much destroyed Todd today, both the writers and TSJ. Those scenes were unbelievable. They seem to be gambling on just writing for Tea and Dani and letting Todd be a supporting character. I like FL and I like Danielle but that is not going to work.

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That's a shame I really liked her character, when she left the show I felt a disconnect that the show hasn't been about to fix with me. I watch the show from time to time, lurk here and there on messageboards but there is just nothing that emotionally connects me to the show any more, Evangeline was someone I could hang out with, someone I knew she could have been my family or friend I just don't feel that way with any other character on the show the most I can muster up is a good smack and an eye roll.

As far as her contract negotiations I heard she wanted some outs and some stuff about her salary but since no one was privy to the meetings it is all speculations and/or rumors.

I can't stand Todd and he is my favorite character, the writing for him just seems so off.

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I agree and disagree--Ithink the show is trying to have their cake and eat it too--by showing Marty won't forgive him they want us to think they realize the severity of the rapes, but on the other hand there is some desire for us to root for Todd. It does neither character any favours. Similarly having Danni be so upset about what Todd did and showing it as somewhat justified, etc.


If you asked Ron I bet he'd say he wasn't trying to dismiss ormake light of them at all, but I don't think he realizes what he's doing in this case, at all. I'm all for a soap showing different POVs, etc, but I agree thisis ridiculous.

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