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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Well, I don't think it's a coincidence that Melisandre just rolled into "town" as Jon died. I may be very wrong, but I'm pretty sure she is going to resurrect him. She thought Stannis was the chosen one, but I think most of us believe it's Jon.

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I doubt it. This show has had people on since the very beginning deserving of emmys and because it is a fantasy show they get passed up. Charles Dance should have won one long ago for Tywin, and the kid who played Joffrey should have won four in a row. Every critic and every article for years and practically worldwide it seems was in lockstep agreement that Joffrey was the best and most hated villain on all of TV. How is it possible the actor was good enough to inspire worldwide love to hate status, but not good enough to be nominated? Meanwhile actors on shows nobody ever heard of or saw get nominated.

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GoT....the show where NOTHING good ever happens. Was beyond pissed at what went down in this episode

Beleive it or not, I actually felt bad for Cersei and I dont like her

I knew that the daughter was going to die the minute she got that kiss. It seemed so suspect and I knew there must have been poison laced in the lipstick

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I'm disappointed Jon Snow died too. sad.png He was one of the few genuinely good people on the show.

Cersei's walk of shame was hard to watch. It took a lot of air time! I just kept saying, "How long is this going to go?" Lena has always been of my favourites. She did an amazing job. I wish she would get some awards love too. I read they used a body double for Cersei's nude scenes. Major props to the woman who had to the walk in front of so many people, with nasty things being thrown and shouted at her. That's a tough scene to do for sure!

I wanted to see Stannis die after what he did to his daughter. I didn't like how he died off screen.

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I liked Jon Snow, but do not care much about his death, and I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of him.

Cersei was great as always, and I'm waiting anxiously to see where the Tyrells end up.

Ramsay Snow needs to die asap.

Overall a great season for me.

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I don't know why everyone is concerning themselves over Jon Snow's "demise", it's painfully obvious that he isn't going to die or at least stay dead.

This season was the worst one to me, it felt like the an overly long and morosely padded YA film, that takes place right before the finale of the triliogy. I feel like so little actually happened this season, and very little has actually changed for the characters involved.

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By far the worst season to date. The only reason it got high marks is cuz of the snow battle and the fighting pits drama. At least they deviated so far from the books that none of it made any type of logical sense. From Dorne, Dany meeting Tyrion, to the drama in Kings Landing. The events with Stannis/Melisandre, Sansa/Theon and the Boltons were especially laughable. There's no way in hell the writers actually know how any of this ends.

The whole season was based on shock and awe (Sansa's rape, Shireen's burning at the stake. Hopefully the next season is the last.

Myrcella's death was semi shocking but it still doesn't make up for all the time they wasted in Dorne. Meanwhile Margaery and Littlefinger just completely vanished for the last 2 or 3 episodes?

It is strange about Jon. Most suspect he's alive in the books but if anything I think GRRM will try to shock people there and have him stay dead unfortunately....but the show of course needs their pretty boy and Kit Harrington is one of the more recognizable folks from the show. So he's definitely going to come back.

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Finally catching up. Watched the battle of Hardhome. Wow. WOW. That was amazing. I had no idea of what was coming and the whole 17 minute scene was beyond thrilling. How is this even a TV show? They did better on a massive scale than most movies. Kit Harrington gave a wonderful performance. His face when the recently murderer were risen? Chilling. And don't even get me started on what happened with his sword.

Also, Tyrion/Daenerys, Sansa finding out her brothers are alive, Cersei's torment. Amazingness.

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Sigh. I was hoping Shireen wouldn't end the way I thought she would. Her burning and Selyse's last-minute change of heart were really sad. And what is there to say about Daenerys, Jorah, the attack and Drogon? After last episode, I thought they were done with grand-scale CGI-fests but this one topped them all. Clarke did some excellent work in her reactions to Jorah. After this, I feel Jorah completely paid for his betrayal and I wouldn't be so surprised if, from now on, Dany could love him. What a shocking moment when the masked men/women appeared and how cool when Dany rode Drogon for the first time. Even the Dorne stuff (the short sister slapping the other one, Jaime's talk with Angry Mistress, etc) was better than before.

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