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Thanks. I was wondering, as I'd read a comment from someone that in the book, Sansa wasn't unhappy about Tyrion being a dwarf (it was that he was a Lannister), and things like this, or people saying we should have seen her react more to the deaths (although the scene I saw was powerful).

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This is one of my favorite scenes so far in the whole series, and when Sansa gives Joffrey that look, it was like she woke up. 



The thing about Sansa is she is a prisoner basically, in a position of no power and very few opportunities to make any sort of heroic decisions.  I do recall though in the big battle of last year where the castle was under siege she was the one who rallied the women and showed compassion to people, while all Cersei (who I also love) could do is gt drunk.

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This is one of my problems with GOT. While I think they do a decent job with the adapation of the book, there are too many boring and useless episodes. I thought this season was poor with too many useless scenes, a lack of overall drama, and some weak dialogue.

It did seem like Sansa was beginning to accept Tyrion and appreciate his humor. Tyrion with Peter Dinklage in the role is the far too old for a 14 year old Sansa. They should have aged her like they with Jon and Robb.

Edited by Ann_SS
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It was not the intent, but it sure came off that way. A set of "brown" people praising their "white" savior. RME. One major problem is that this show has no diversity. TPTB have made little effort in that area. They should say to hell with the books and GRMM and cast people of color in major roles.

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Hey and welcome to the thread if this is your first time posting! And I have no problems discussing GoT. I love the books. As for Sansa, I go back and forth when it comes to her onscreen portrayal. I think there are crucial moments that the show changed which would have shown a lot more development for her (the marriage to Tyrion for example). And there are other places where they've captured the naivete of the character (at least at this point in the books).

Its really not till book 4 that Sansa starts to become a little more intelligent and engaging as far as the plot.

And yeah that last scene rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know what their intent was the whole group of dark skinned people looking up to their white saviors seemed a little out of taste to me. In the books Dany frees slaves of all colors from all the slaver cities. Not just dark skinned individuals.

What really bothered me though was the Jamie scene. It was totally unnecessary and whats worse is that they had him and Brienne arrive before Joffreys wedding. Completely out of sync with the books and will have major implications.

The whole Davos/Gendry scene was well done but again the result of the writers combining several storylines into one. And it doesn't make much sense. I don't know where they're going to go with Gendry from here. In the books he is supposed to be with the Brotherhood but since they betrayed him to Melisandre I don't really think it makes much sense for him to go back to them....

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Yes, it is odd to have Jamie and Brienne show up before the wedding. Also, Jamie's appearance in Cersei's room had no drama and fell flat. The whole thing made no sense to me. What happened to Jamie and Brienne's horses and escort? Also, it was incomprehensible that none of the Lannister banner men or the soldiers at the walls recognized Jamie, dirty or not. He is not just the Kingslayer and Lannister heir, he was their commander for many years for goodness sake. The only positive I can see of Jamie arriving so early to King's Landing is if his relationship with Brienne drives a wedge betwen him and Cersei. He is grown to respect and care about (maybe love a little even) Brienne. Her good opinion means a great deal to him. It will not be easy for him (or it should not be) to carry on with Cersei with Brienne looking on.

Shae is a fool. Trying to protect Tyrion, Varys gave her a chance at freedom. It was insane of her to turn it down to stay a servant and mistress. She just signed her death warrant there.

I did feel for Arya when the Frey bannerman were callously describing Robb and Cat's deaths.

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Scrolled down to the bottom w/out reading the other stuff. I don't wish to be spoiled. The first eppy was unbelievable! I loved all of it.

When you have a character, a grown man, who can push a kid to what might be his death, and still add value to the show, that's some damn good writing!

I just knew it would be the cliche that the kid falls while scaling the wall, but to have him pushed? Holy cow!

Incestuous twins? That is pretty damn ratchet and fabulous!

Ned's wife telling him that the last time he left, he brought back another woman's son? Wow!

A little person as one of the leads, and he is so damn good! I love this guy :) He's plenty aware of his shortcomings, but that will not stop him from getting anything he wants and sticking it to those who deserve it.

I'm tempted to read this entire thread from page one, but I won't. I can't wait to see what happens next! I'm in the middle of eppy S1E2.

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Yeah I almost forgot about Shae....talk about a character that has been totally whitewashed and rewritten. She doesn't "love" Sansa in the books. She doesn't even love Tyrion? I juts don't get what the writers are doing with this character....the whole relationship with Tyion has just been portrayed very strangely IMO and i just don't buy it.

Even if I didn't read the books am I really supposed to believe that a whore like Shae is truly in love with Tyrion and not using him for his money? Or that she wouldn't jump at the first chance to escape Kings Landing and Lord Tywin...especially with a huge bag of diamonds to start her life all over?

Umm okay....

And yeah that reaction from Cersei to Jamie standing in her doorway was very flat. Your theory on Brienne driving a wedge between them.

The scene with Joffrey, Tywin, and the rest of the Small Council was pure GOLD however. Just about how I imagined it would play out. The look of contempt on Tywins face after Joffrey screamed "I AM THE KING" was just priceless and I loved how he talked back to his grandfather bragging about Robert's Rebellion and Tywin hiding under Casterly Rock. Exactly like it occurs in the books and the reactions were excellent. The only problem was that in the books its Kevan Lannister (Tywin's brother) who takes Joffrey away and then Cersei is left behind embarrassed by his behavior and is cowed by her father....lol

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In the Small Council scene, the deadly silence and Tyrion's quiet chuckle when Joffrey said that Tywin hid at Casterly Rock was classic. Jackie Gleeson is so underated. I loved how he played Joffrey's realization that he had made a terrible mistake saying that when the chill descended upon the room.

I also liked the Cersei/Tyrion scene. One of the few times that she has come off as a half-way decent human being. In her own twisted way, she was trying to help Tyrion and Sansa.

The Tywin/Tyrion scene was pretty painful as per usual. Tywin is a cold bastard.

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She was going to push him off. I don't think she cared if she went with him in that moment.

Sansa wasn't happy about Tyrion being a dwarf on the show either. She's a 14 year old who grew up dreaming about marrying a handsome knight more along the lines of Jamie. Not that different from today's teens who grow up dreaming of marrying Justin Beiber. I think in a couple of years Sansa could have grown to love Tyrion, but after The Red Wedding, all bets are off. I ship them in the books, but I can't really ship a 14 year old with a 40 something, tbh.

That last scene with Dany was very glaring. I don't know what they were thinking. I've seen fan excuses that they are filming in Morocco, so naturally the extras are dark or that Dany has been surrounded by darker skinned people since marrying Drogo, she's on a continent where there aren't many white people and so on. It doesn't matter, imo. They should have found away to make that crowd include some white people.

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The scene with Dany was bad, but it might have been less awkward if the show was more diverse. However, on a show where people of color are a rare commodity to have a mass of them appear as freed slaves deifying a white queen was beyond tacky and inappropriate.

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Uuum... the whole episode felt somewhat disjointed and anti-climactic. Granted, I'm not sure anything could follow the Red Wedding and manage to top it but I expected more from a season finale.

I did enjoy, once again, all the King's Landing shenanigans. The council meetings are always perfect, soapy fun and the back and forth between Joffrey/Tywin, Tywin/Tyrion, Tyrion/Cersei, Varys/Shae, Tyrion/Sansa is always great value. A bit disappointed we didn't see Sansa learn about her mother and brother but I guess it was cut due to time constraint or something. I'm afraid Shae will pay dearly her decision not to leave.

I am so done with Theon. I do feel sorry for him but, at this point, I am willing to forget every single bad thing he did if it means this endless torture porn is done. The whole thing with the sausage would have been more effective if this wasn't the 25th episode of him being tortured. But I am happy Yara stood up for him and decided to find him.

Did not expect Ygritte to shoot Jon (much less three times) but at the same time... I kinda did. It felt SO good to see Jon back at Castle Black after two whole seasons.

I loved it when Sam and Gilly ran into Bran. Nice little collision of stories there. I am very intrigued about what's going to happen with Bran beyond the wall.

Arya finally used that coin!

A big WTF at Jaime strolling into King's Landing. Not too big a reaction from Cersei.

The lighting at the last Stannis/Davos/Melisandre scene was so excellent and unexpected. The sun! Right there! Brilliant move.

The ending... we saw this already! I would have preferred a genuine, shocking cliffhanger.

Edited by YRBB
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