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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 3

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Wow... I had no idea you were that young! Your post are always so "seasoned" you seemed like a really LONG time viewer to me. I sure WISH that someplace would repeat Y&R from the beginning, so you all form the younger generation could see the brilliance the show was in the 70's. It was captivating like no other....... and I was a CHILD at the time.

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From SOD

Bill Bell interview re working with Lee.

"We don't write together per se.We talk a lot",Bill Bell explained when asked how he and wife Lee collaborate."Lee is a pipeline and a source for good story material-especially when it comes to social issues-but we don't sit down and write out projected storylines in the formal sense.We just sort of make it up as we go along.Lee is very pivotal to a lot of story and character ideas,but I am the thrust of the show.I do all the daily blocking on B&B,that is I do the outlines for the scriptwriters.i block both shows in the long term sense.And you have to sort of streamline the operation if you're going to be doing the amount of work that we're doing.But there are really no shortcuts in the terms if the thought process.You have to work on something until it feels right.At least I do.I go on my instincts.

"A storyline is really a process of trial and error.I've always said that everyone that I work with that there is no such thing as a bad idea,because any idea can be a catalyst to a better idea,it may open the door to something else.so,there aren't disagreements in that sense of tension.Tension stifles people and that is the last thing you want when you are working as a group to create something.Lee and I tend to mesh.Lee plugs into my psyche and we have developed some very memorable stories together.We read each other well.And I think we understand that the key to a partnership,is that,ultimately one person must prevail.it's never the kind of thing where we are at opposite ends of the spectrum and then I prevail.It's usually that I know I am going to be developing the story and I know what feels comfortable and what doesn't.if it doesn't feel comfortable to me,then I don't do it.I can't do it.I would say that I think there should be a separation of responsibility if you want to keep compatibility.If we're both working on the same words or on the same scene on the same scripts,sooner or later you're going to have a difference of opinion.You're bound to.In a working relationship,those differences co-exist.

"One exciting aspect of working on a new show-and Y&R-is that my whole family is here.The kids are learning so much about the business(Lauralee plays Cricket on Y&R,Bradley is on B&B's writing team,while Bill Jr is involved in production.)Frankly that is one of the reasons B&B exists.CBS had been after me for ten years to do another show and I felt I had my hands full with Y&R.But I wanted them to see the excitement,to see everything that goes into the making of a serial.so,we're all in it together.People ask me what we do to get away from it.The answer is nothing.We don't want to get away from it.We thrive on it."

Seems MAB has learnt from her father-in-law- but was a little selective in following his pearls of wisdom.She only picked up on...'We sort of make it up as we go along'...and....'There is no such thing as a bad idea."

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From Potpourri:


I noticed b!tch kept her mouth shut after that all blew up in her face. Her idea of damage control was to talk to Nelson until she could figure out how to worm her way out of it. Unfortunately for her, fans never forgot what she did or the promises she made.

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I couldn't touch this quote, so many pearls.

Two questions.

Did Bill really to ALL the breakdowns?? for both shows?? That seems humanly impossible...

If Lee was such an important resource...why does it seem like she's not being used that way now?

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You know what, that is true! (not for everyone, all the time, but it is a valid observation)

I've learned it also goes the other way. Sometimes, when the elders age, they would profit from the experience of their young 'uns, but often they don't. (E.g., the senior with financial questions doesn't trust the advice of their financial analyst offspring; the elder with health concerns doesn't listen to the lifestyle advice of their son/daughter who is a health professional).

Not listening goes both ways, :lol:

But your point is well taken.

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Not if you are talented and have a great, strong determination and drive to do it.

Which current headwriters mostly do not.

And, it seems to me that that is basically the way to write really strong, good shows.... all soaps that are known for their awesomeness at one point or another are known to have had the HWs do most--if not all--of the breakdowns. Bill Bell, Marland did I think at least 3 each week, and wasn't Lemay heavily involved as well? As in, rewrote everything? :lol:

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She consults, but could you imagine telling your son or daughter in law that they are lousy, burned out writers and that they have ruined your life's work, fire them and then see them at Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and summer BBQs? I didn't think so.

Besides, Lee is in her 80s and life is short, the Bells are super rich, why shouldn't she just live the life of a socialite?

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Some what of an odd question but since MarkH wondered in the weekly how Murphy would react to a nasty Katherine than to a saint made me think about something. What was the reason Bell decided to kill off Rex Sterling? Rex was the first non-villain since Jessica Blair to die on the show and it been almost five years since that had happened at that point.

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