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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 3

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I mainly remember her for that odd story, which I felt like was designed to make her more sympathetic to viewers, where she went out walking in the woods in the middle of the night and was beaten near death.

This led to John giving endless variations of:

"What kind of a world are we living in where this can happen?"

Gee, John, I don't know. Remember the good old days when people could walk through the woods in pitch darkness and come out whistling a merry tune?

I don't either.

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Brenda's Ashley was very sweet & Shari was just a disaster.

Eileen is perfect but TPTB have used Ashley as a Victor/Nikki prop so much it's almost ruined the character.

Shari was to Ashley what Judith is to Gloria.

A complete retcon to "fix" a terrible miscast.

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bellcurve, the story was right before she got together with Kurt Costner/Leigh McCloskey. I think he might have rescued her.

Shari's best acting was in that soft core porn movie with Andrew Stevens and Morgan Fairchild. The...erm...love scenes in that were hilarious. There was also a classic scene where Morgan gave a horribly melodramatic reading of her soap script, and everyone gave her a round of applause. I think this was happening at the same time as husband Andrew was dallying with Shari.

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Ashley's story-lines were rather weird or somewhat non-stories for awhile there. After the year and a half long mind-boggling Rick/Blade/Mari Jo story came to an end and Epperson left Ashley was off-screen for a couple months before Shattuck took the role. She was instantly paired up with some guy who was played by Grant Cramer who had played Shawn, Lauren's infamous stalker back in the 80s. After that fizzled Ashley was idle for quite some time until she was beat up and saved by the above Kurt Costner. However, the story went sour and turned into a triangle involving Hope and then Ashley fell for Cole and married him even though he was still torn over Victoria and Nina. Eventually they split but not before Ashley had some possible off-screen fling with her step-brother. Somewhere in the messy story Davidson came back. Shattuck was no match really for Tom's fury.

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Grant Cramer played a chemist at Jabot. Didn't they imply he was obsessed with Ashley or had a weird past or something? I remember cringing a bit at their scenes. Then he vanished.

The one with the stepbrother was something involving forged art.

I don't know if this show has ever had good art stories :unsure:

DeeeDee :lol:

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from episodes thread

Paul used to be the good guy too. Remember his karate moves, like when he saved Peggy Brooks from the rat-infested shed of the New World cult?

Ah, the white slavery story! That was one of Rose's three stints. There was that first one (white slavery) run out of her faux antique shop Second Hand Rose, where Chris and the teenage runaway she was trying to protect almost got sent away. Then, after she got out of prison, she and Vince started that prostitution ring in their "modeling agency" La Plus Belle Rose. Poor Nikki signed up...was shocked she was supposed be a hooker for Walter Addison...and he died of a heart attack trying to chase her around the room. Nikki was so afraid Greg would find out about her hooking. And finally there was Rose's famous brief return as a black market baby seller...she stole Nina's firstborn (who is still out there, older than Chance).

Now that you remind me of that "saving Julia" story. I didn't understand that weird arc where Victor travelled around visiting all his former loves. That was one of Jack Smith's low points. (or was that Kay Alden?)

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Oh, Carl... this show never had good ART. I'm STILL to this day haunted by that FUGLY painting on the wall of the Brooks' living room that looked like it was painted by some weird Salvador Dali imitator trying to paint a still life of a T-bone steak. It was freaking BIZARRE.

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You can bet your sweet ass that Braeden is living vicariously through his character. I imagine his saggy pecs swell with pride every time he imagines all these woman all over the world doing virtually ANYTHING to be with him and to procure his magic, glittery sperm. (for anyone whose seen Doctor Who, "The Brain Of Morbius" Victor's sperm stealing SL reminded me of those "elixir of life" scenes.)

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