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AMC: Monday January 4, 2010

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I wouldn't mind if there was a triangle with Madison/Frankie/Randi if Randi was played by a better actress. Like an actress like Shannon Kane, someone who is young, pretty and talented. I wouldn't even mind if Randi won out in the triangle if she were played by a better actress.

But at this point, I think the show might be better off getting rid of Randi. I don't know if they are going to recast her, and if they don't(maybe even if they do), she could end up being an albatross to the Hubbards, especially Frankie.

Because they are the only reason she has a tie on the show. I'm concerned they might try to tie Frankie to her long term, because there really is nowhere else to put her. I wouldn't mind if they got rid of her character, tried Frankie and Madison out for a while. And then later on if they could bring on someone else to shake things up for Frankie & Madison/pair with Frankie.

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Not every couple can create sparks like Tad and Krustal.

Lorenzo was born in 2001 at the time of Proteus. Proteus contacted Mateo in Hayley's hospital room while they were packing up. They were planning to head for Texas to visit Max with the baby and Proteus called playing Yellow Rose of Texas on dial tone. Max wasn't a toddler because he had to have been born in 1995 or earlier since he was Mateo's love child with Raquel Dion when he was still living in Texas.

Could you imagine the gaps if she had to go on that stage topless?

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I didn't mean toddler as much as I just meant annoying little kid, he had lines and all (this was when Mateo and Hayley and Raquel were living in apartments right across from each other iirc, separated by a little courtyard), but my point is that Max should be at least a couple of years older than Colby. Right?

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I liked the whole episode overall, could've lived without the Madison storyline being in the way, though.

I liked Hayley and Annie's knacks at eachother, they were both hilarious. When Hayley kept rolling her eyes, I couldn't contain myself :lol: .

I almost want to say what the point of Mateo being there was?? I wish they could have brang their kids.

RyICKa, disgusting. I really don't like how SL acts in her scenes with Ryan, always pumping him and making him look better, BLEGH.

Good episode overall, can't wait until tomorrow.

I *LOVED* the Hayley\Annie scenes, made me wish Hayley would stay! It would have been cool to see some more. The Madison storyline was in the way -.-

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Max should be about 5 years older than Colby without SORASing so he ought to be pushing 30 by now!

I loved Hayley's interaction with Annie, Colby and especially Adam.

I agree that the Madison story seemed out of place today and imo with all the promos for the 40th anniversary episodes starting today, I wish some of that airtime had been given to another returning cast member, e.g., Brooke!

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