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OLTL Would Be Wise to Pick Up A Few ATWT Characters

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I actually think that would be a good idea. I think Maura can play older than her age and I'd buy her more than Beth Ehlers or Jamie Lunar. I could see her doing wonders with the role. Maura West would be a great catch for any show. Unfortunately she's not going to AMC because you know her family with five kids isn't moving to LA.

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Y'know---no thanks. I LOVE my show dearly, but I didn't even want GL characters crossing over to ATWT. (Well, I could have lived with Bill, Lizzie, Billy and Vanessa). I gnashed my teeth through the AW invasion, and frankly Tom Eplin's Jake annoyed the living hell out of me.

You just end up alienating the show's fan base, and whatever "transplants" the characters would bring. I've sat through enough "Roger Howarth is an Acting God" posts to know that.

The thing about AW actors being brought over to ATWT because of the P&G contracts is true---but ONLY in Eplin's case. Rumor was he somehow got a "pay or play" clause in his contract---if the show was cancelled, he still got paid. P&G shipped him over to ATWT to fulfill his contract, and it was also rumored the show wanted to sign him once that contract expired. Eplin refused, and ATWT killed off Jake.

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It reminds me of a Degrassi storyline where the rival school burned down (or something like that), and so the school board had the *bright* idea of bringing the students from Lakehurst High to Degrassi, thus pitting their cheerleaders against OUR cheerleaders, their nerds against OUR nerds, their student body pres. against OUR student body pres, etc.

I wouldn't have minded Cass sticking around. I feel sorry for the Schnetz when I see him in those lame commercials. He's so lively and exciting in the early 90s AW episodes on Hulu/YouTube.

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I wouldn't feel too sorry for Stephen. ;) He's making *good* money doing national commercial after national commercial (that run constantly) for high profile products. It ain't "acting" per se, but he can more than afford to do theatre on the side should he wish to indulge in his passion.

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[Thelma Harper]Well, goooood Lord![/Thelma Harper] And we thought Nelson was a desperate OLTL nut.

The Snoop Dogg thing. There are people who really believe that he "loves" the show and is a huge, huge fan or something? Granted, his mother may be a fan and he may be familiar with some of the characters or so, but come on, who really sees him taking time out of his career to campaign for a sinking ship?

And I almost don't even want to respond to the GLAAD and NAACP, but I have to. ABC has never given a damn about OLTL and has always paid more attention to AMC and GH. The fact that she's intentionally calling for people to "spin" it into homophobia and racism is an utter insult to those of us who are LGBT and/or a racial minority. I want to slap her.

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