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ATWT: November Discussion

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Thanks Greg!

You know I am actually liking Mike's story. Why didnt they give him a story like this when he was on ATWT?? Instead he was constantly fawning over Saint Katie...ugh! The story with his accident and financial problems is touching and watchable.

Friday's show is pretty good too.

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LMAO at Noah's accident!laugh.gif It looked so damn cheesy....lol. Noah's reaction along with Van's awful acting plus the way it was shot was so bad. I am surprised because Maria Wagner directed it. She is a veteran director at ATWT. I guess it shows awful actors bring out the worst in everyone...even directors....lol.

I'm going to miss Mike and his wife. Molly and Simon next week look good!

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They only gave Mike a serious condition because they don't have to follow up on it. (let's face it---the only "damage" Mike was likely to do in Oakdale is sprain his dick) LOL...though it would be nice if Dr.Ben the neurologist went and patched his ol' buddy up.

The set up for Noah's accident wasn't bad---the execution was lacking. But just from the previews, the burn makeup looks very detailed.

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You know your idea could still be done with Mike and Ben but they'd have to pay you for stealing your idea....lol

Yeah, the makeup did look good. Too bad the acting wasnt to par...surprise...nah...not really....well Silbermann sell it??? Nope....lol

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Thanks for letting us know. I don't normally do the whole soap star chat thing, but I did so randomly this time and it was nice. Mostly run-of-the-mill questions, but he provided some good answers. I kept getting disconnected whenever I asked mine!

ETA: Why don't some people realize that you don't type EVERY. SINGLE. THOUGHT. that comes to your mind and press send.

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I am so excited that Simon is back!! He must stay! I remember Simon and Original Lily were so hot.

Molly is ok. The only time I ever liked her was when she was with Jake. All the other times, she bored me.

I like Jack's journey, but the whole thing with him in the race car was so silly. It looked like it was going 5 miles an hour. I like Mike and his wife. However if they really were on the show again, I'm sure they would become unlikeable quick.

Luke is getting on my nerves bigtime. Normally I identify with him and think Noah is cold, but this time I'm feeling sorry for Noah. Jake is doing a good job selling Noah's little crisis. Luke needed to chill out and let Noah handle the situation himself. This whole thing could have been prevented if Luke could just trust Noah. Like Noah says Luke doesn't have any faith in him. And the previews with him not being able to see were so sad. I have heard good things about JS's upcoming performances.

I wish they would find a way to keep Forbes March around and have Mason wreak havoc. You know he's going to want revenge on Luke for getting him fired. Instead of going after Noah though, Luke and Mason need to have a hot love/hate relationship. Their catfights were hot.

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I don't understand how Mike had surgery to repair a rotator cuff and ended up having tremors afterward? Is that even possible. I smirked when I saw "Monte Carlo" (the name of Carly/Craig's doomed design company) written on Mike's car...very ironic. It was good to see Anna again; I really like the actress playing her. Anna mentioned Mike said Carly and Jack were inseperable, but did he also happen to tell his ole wifey-poo of his long history with Carly?

I'm thinking Damian needs to follow in Orlena's footsteps and just fall off a cliff. I've seen enough of him. And the fact that Meg would choose Damian over telling her family the truth about Holden's accident bothers me. And plus, does she not know that she has a better chance with Damian if she actually told everyone? Lily would divorce him and he'd be all hers.

The collar-tugging-while-grunting fight between Luke and Mason that Noah had to "break up" was laughable.

I was LMAO @ Ro's face when Craig said Carly sexually tortured him.

The scene where Carly retrieved the compass..... :wub: Made me get all hopeful! :P


Jack's flirting with death. Ten miles an hour faster and he might have reached the regular highway speed limit of 55.

So sad to see Mark C. gone. :(

Mason didn't act very drunk.

Lily....oy, girl. What the eff has happened to you? Damian's got you dickwhipped.

:lol: at the "explosion". That was funny!!!!!

I'm floving the new crazyMeg.

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Jack's Tour du Amerique is killing me. Every time he sees an old character, he does that excited/surprised shout of their name: "Ben Harris?!" "Mike Kasnoff?!" "Molly Conlan!?" Let's not stop there, please. "Chris Hughes?!" "Andy Dixon?!" "Sierra Esteban!?" "Iva Snyder?!" "Penny Hughes?!" "Judge Lowell?!" "Janice Turner?!"

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I will just chalk up today's show as an off day for the writers :(

After today I realized that Teri is a completely useless character that needs to leave. I really don't feel a connection between her and Janet as sisters and she and Dusty are dull. I much rather Vienna and Bonnie to come back, at least they have history with the show.

Luke was really trying to man-up today. :) However, if Mason wasn't on his way out, I am sure he would have beat the [!@#$%^&*] out Lukey.

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I liked today's show. Van Hansis was so good! I felt bad for Luke since he could not be considered legally family to Noah.

I hate how Holden just blames Damian for anything and everything. Damian also set the fireworks up and pushed Noah down the ladder too I guess. Come on! You know if someone was sexually harrasing Luke, Holden would have done the same thing Damian did. He just won't admit it.

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I'll defend Jack uttering "Ben Harris!" and "Molly Conlan!" Those two have been off the show for years. "Mike Kasnoff!"...that's a little harder...but I suppose Collier's been off the show for a while, even if the character's been gone a year.

BOY, sometimes it's hard to know what comes first---are sucky actors just cast in the Nuke stories, or do they become sucky because they're IN the Nuke story? Forbes. March. was. imitating. William. Shatner. TODAY! Ugh...the entire premise (other than partners not being considered "family" and able to make medical decisions) was redonkulous today. Dr. Bob can't get Noah life-saving surgery? LIFE SAVING surgery can't be performed, period, without someone's consent? REALLY? Then there's the "let's adopt Noah, an unconscious adult"...YIKES. *rolleyes*

Teeheee---I don't care about Dusty and his new, sweet little devotee...let's talk about Jan and the "comfort hug". Let's hope Jan slides under him real soon. <BEG>

At least crazy NUTSO Meg is somewhat entertaining...

Previews for tomorrow look GOOD! MOLLY!!

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