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Yes. She was very wispy and inconsequential, and projected no force or grit on screen at all. It was quite an downgrade from Robin Strasser, who was nothing if not determined and strong in the role. I knew immediately she was woefully miscast, and what made it worse, we also lost the wonderful Sam Groom as Euss Matthews in 1971, and his replacelacent, Robert Hover, was just as weak and poorly chosen as Impert.


Imagine Tori Spelling replacing Genie Francis as Laura Webber on GH. Paris Hilton replacing Judy Garland in a sequel to The Wizard of Oz.




Fortunately, neither Impert nor Hover lasted long. VW ultimately worked out as the third Rachel, and while I always found David Bailey bland and colorless as Russ, he was better than Hover.


The odds were stacked against Lynde on AW. The writing was weak, her character was not particularly well defined or interesting, and she had no chemistry with her bland leading man. On Y&R, none of those disadvantages were present, and she fared so much better.

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LOL....good examples. Janice Lynde said if she had it to do all over again she would have stayed on Y&R. I guess hindsight is 20/20. William Gray Espy (Mitch) seemed to never want to be stuck in one place too long either. I remember Linda Dano said he would come on the show and after a few months start complaining he had to get off it and felt cooped up. James Houghton said the same thing when Espy was on Y&R. I think Espy now runs or owns a golf club in his hometown of Dothan, Alabama.

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I am surprised to hear this about Epsy considering he spent a considerable amount of years on AW.  He started in 79 and lasted till the early 80's and returned again in 86 and lasted up until I think 1991. That is kind of long for daytime actors.  The typical gig is only two years for most actors and characters.  He obviously kept re-newing his contract with AW. 

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2 highlights of the episode - (1) We get bitchy Felicia, it's easy to forget that Felicia had an ax to grind when she arrived in Bay City, and (2) Stephen Yates in short shorts


Also Blaine and Clarisse were really victimized by their time in Bay City.  They were both raped, they were scorned, and they were beaten.  I forgot how violent the late 70's soaps were to women until I re-read Blaine's history. 

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This episode followed the aftermath of Alma Rudder's murder when Felicia discovered that Cass was seeing Cecile on the side, so Felicia was a woman scorned.   Felicia was also having Julia Shearer "ghostwrite" some parts of her books.  She confronts Julia at the wedding reception, and Julia pushes Felicia into the Cory swimming pool.  😂

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Speaking of Beverly McKinsey, as we were on the GL thread, @Faulkner avatar reminded me of what I loved about Iris; all of her morning scenes were in the dining room in a loose caftan, either nagging Mac, Robert, or Brian before they went off to work.  I appreciate that before Iris moved to Texas she really had no ambitions in the business field.  It was such a specific choice for her to be in a caftan, or a feathery peignoir set, because she lived a life of leisure.  We knew Ada didn't wake up like that across Bay City at her place, and Rachel always dressed for breakfast at the Cory Mansion because she was going to sculpt or go to the Cory Complex.   Iris was a perfect soap archetype of a rich woman with a penthouse and a closet full of clothes but still unfulfilled by love... 


Also, I don't think Gail Brown gets the credit she deserves for going toe to toe with Beverly.

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I do recall hearing that the Iris of the 70s had no interest in business, other than being a woman who lunched.  So it was interesting to see the Iris of the late 80s and 90s that was knee deep in corporate intrigue.. did anyone ever note this change in Iris?

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