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I'll admit I don't either, but I do think this is an area where the far left are right about their being a certain amount of propaganda in the US. I had a Chinese roommate when I was in college and that girl was under the influence of serious propaganda, it was pretty surreal at times. I'm not talking about that kind of complete warping of facts. It's just that we very rarely have in-depth coverage of the number of people our bombings have killed. There isn't a lot of talk in the mainstream about the amount of damage we've done in the Middle East over the last 25 years or so.


I'd love to see a poll asking regular people how many people we've killed during these endless wars. I bet it's a small percentage that can even come close to the right number. The difference between someplace like China and Russia and the US is that we can easily find info here if we want to go looking and I'm not down playing that difference.



Edited by Juliajms
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and Spicer.....who took the day off yesterday, but is back at work today. he knows CNN and MSNBC.....they love war so they can help ratings and ad revenue. they dig marching us into one conflict or another...and they are going to talk about this all weekend into mid next week. when they turn back to all his illegal activities....another military strike....

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One of these days CNN is going to wake up and find out how late they are to the impeachment party. While the most of the media gets distracted by Trump's war games, the investigation marches on. I'm pretty sure now that they have evidence of the TrumPutin election collusion and it's now a question of how many are caught in this thing.

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Yeah, I was thinking that too. Although I've seen discussion that might be because they are trying to get people to flip. 


"Comey faces a particular problem, little understood by the public or even by most journalists covering KremlinGate. That’s the fact that classified evidence is inadmissible in court, and top-secret information will never be shown to a jury. FBI agents therefore face the uncomfortable difficulty of knowing (from highly classified reports) what was going on—and finding unclassified corroboration if they want to prosecute anybody.


Hence the pressing need to get co-conspirators to “flip” on each other and, even better, coercing confessions from those facing possible prison time. This is the usual FBI modus operandi, and it’s most effective against smaller fish who aren’t eager to take the rap for bigger ones."



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I don't think it matters. We've had members of Congress and the Senate saying that Trump was going to be impeached or resign which is a much bigger deal. They know that evidence exists, no matter how carefully some of them try to word it. The issue is how to get this done. My mother, who lives in Italy, has called me two days in a row over Trump. Today she told me that included in the dossier they were given on Trump, are pictures that Obama saw. Trump knows that Obama saw the pictures and yet he made those accusations because he must be confident that Obama won't say anything, but he's of course, not the only one who saw them so Trump is just...


I'm glad that Mike Pompeo called out WikiLeaks for what it is. Democracy Now! chose to have Julian Assange on when they should have known that he would play the why on earth would Russia want Trump to win game, by making out as if Trump Towers needs to be plastered all over Russia in order for Putin to favor Trump in the election. I don't know if he ever gets asked why they don't leak Kremlin information and why they didn't leak anything on the GOP, because he couldn't possibly sit there and say that Russia does nothing evil and the GOP is devoid of corruption.

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