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I am very pleased with the DNC results but would've been happy for either man. They're both good.


Meanwhile, yes, some forums I've seen are melting down with younger folks insisting "the passion" was not there for Perez. When challenged as to how passion or millennial support online translates to votes they calm down and listen, at least.


They'll get over it. Eventually.

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There is a very small vocal minority. And with the right candidates and focus people will unite. We will see how good Ellison and Perez will be at doing that. Those who don't want to were never going to no matter what. And they are not reliable voters anyway.

I'm convinced with the right candidates people will. I actually see people like Ellison with more potential than being DNC chair. And you have people like Jason Kander and Buttigieg who can inspire people.  I think someone like Jehmu also has more she can contribute. I am not dishing the DNC chair position but these are people who IMO have shown enough charisma and leadership skills to be able to be more.

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Not really. Trump attracted a lot of people who didn't vote Republican. You're right that GOP voters tend to stay in lockstep but you can see even with CPAC that there is some pushing back from the establishment types against the alt right. There were people who showed yp for Trump who wouldn't have bothered for Rubio or Bush. Honestly if Bernie died tomorrow a lot of the people bitching the loudest now would go right back to not giving a damn. That's why it's pointless to try and win them over. They don't care about the party or the platform. Just Bernie. To your last sentence, these aren't liberals. These are "progressives."



Edited by marceline
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Yes, he attracted a lot of people who were originally for Bernie. The assumed that he was gonna shake up Capitol Hill like Bernie was, but now they see that isn't the case. I know that there are tons of GOP voters, who hate Trump, but I remain adamant that they will vote as a block to ensure the power at least remains on their side while fixing the in-fighting while in power. 


Regardless if they are 'liberals' or 'progressives,' they are stupid. Straying from the party will put us all right where we all are now... in f-cking limbo. 

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Born and raised here....and the comments SUPPOSED Cards fans said to this man was utterly vile and disgusting. people are now calling for the FB page all these comments were posted on to be shut down. hateful, racist, bigoted.....and this crap about STL having the best baseball fans in the nation.....bullshit! which is why, for the 6th season in a row....I'm pulling for the Cubs to repeat. 

and tough-as-nails Orange Man has now apparently said he will not attend the WHPC Dinner. 

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A lot (not all) of the Bernie supporters need to make it all about them. I noticed that when I was reading about their reaction to Ellison losing:




Tensions exploded on the floor Saturday as members of Ellison’s team sent voting members text messages during the first round voting process claiming an endorsement from Buttigieg — which Buttigieg then rebutted on Twitter. Only after voting closed did Ellison forces text out a correction. As the second round of voting finished, Ellison’s team circulated a last-second endorsement from former chair Howard Dean, feeling the need to clarify “This is real."


When Perez won, Ellison backers erupted in anger, chanting “Party of the people, not big money!” But that fury turned to relief and big smiles as Ellison took the deputy chair title.


One of the reasons I am not involved in any party stuff is because I could never put up with this type of narcissism, the equivalent of children crying about someone else getting candy until they get a piece too.


It's been disheartening how much of this DNC race has become one more personality contest. It doesn't really give me hope that the party will be unified. They are lucky that so many people are fighting back against Trump, but that is in spite of the Democratic Party, not because of them. The party still seems to be fascinated by its own navel.

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I was rooting for the Cubs last season.  I fell in love with "Go Cubs Go."  Dexter Fowler has such a great smile and he was a terrific lead-off man for the Cubs and even though I am generally a baseball fan overall, I haven't found any love for the St. Louis Cardinals yet.  It might be in me, but it's definitely not on the surface.

I'm not going to blame them all for the ignorance of some.  And I take no notice of the "best fans" label.  The fact that all it took was a single non-inflammatory word to set them off is what's most disturbing. It's just too bad that people like that reproduce.

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So glad Keith Ellison lost. Bernie bros need to go away with their delusions and petulant childish rants. He lost fair and square. They can't compromise on sh-t and are annoying as hell. Perez was one of the most progressive members of Obama's administration. I have confidence in him. 

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I'm cynical enough to think that not even that would get rid of most tourism, as I imagine most is from rich white people, but we now seem to be moving into a phase where even they are affected, if that Australian author is any indication (if she isn't white then I apologize). They are essentially moving the goalposts from people feeling unsettled and possibly wanting to stay away for a while to make a political statement to people being terrified to come here because they have no idea if they will be locked up.


It seemed like try-hard posturing to me, especially "Call Me Tom." I got John Kerry vibes. I gladly voted for John Kerry but I don't need to see that in a DNC chair. But I'm not the target voter anyway, so what do I know.

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