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I'm not surprised by Collins what I am shocked by are the fabrications about his record, comparing him to Merrick Garland (she voted for every Supreme Court justice not one), 


And Her husband is a DC lobbyist so she likely needed to vote this way to continue to secure her husbands business and her own future as a lobbyist

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Susan Collins is trash.


That's all I got.



I hope he does.  We don't need spineless jack holes like him stinking up the Democratic Party.

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She's deluded. I saw that people were saying he was going to be supportive of things like marriage equality, which is insane if she actually believes this is true - he will be an extremist right down the line, as most of the Bushies that got packed onto the courts were. He calls birth control "abortion pills" - what more needs to be said?


This is just like when she voted to repeal the ACA while claiming she only did so if they did what she wanted. They didn't. He won't either.


She is one of those Republicans who cares about her legacy, and deep down she knows she just destroyed it, for all of history. When those far right rulings start pouring in (which they will), Maine will blame her. 


I just hope Manchin won't mess that up. I'm already seeing people say this proves Democrats are no better than Republicans. 

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Well, it better.  If even fat, lazy heffa me can get off MY ass and register to vote, no one -- AND I MEAN NO ONE -- has any damn excuses.  Not. One.


Welp.  I'm going ahead on and posting this message I’ve been sitting on and revising for the past several days.  No, he hasn’t been officially confirmed, but come on, who are we kidding here?




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Are you surprised that Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court?  You are?  Really?  Wow.


I won’t pretend I didn’t see this coming.  I saw it coming.  I always see it coming.  It’s part of the Evil That White Men Do.


But, if you’re like my mother, and you wonder why more women don’t come forward about being sexually assaulted or harassed sooner, or at all — well, now you have your answer.


Christine Blasey Ford could’ve produced grainy, videotaped footage that corroborated her testimony, and all the zippers that sat in front of her and “listened” to her story still would’ve believed Judge Kavanaugh over her.  And Judge Kavanaugh could’ve entered the hearing like a roided-out pro wrestler (which he kinda did), flipping tables and smashing in people’s faces with metal folding chairs, and they still would’ve said, “This man is ready to serve on the highest court in the land.”


And please, don’t get me started again on the FBI “investigation” that was about as thorough as taking one of those sex quizzes in Cosmopolitan magazine while you wait for your doctor to see you.  (Is it even an investigation when you don’t interview the victim OR her alleged perpetrator(s)?  Seriously, don’t get me started again.  Just don’t.)


It’s a sad day when Justice Clarence Thomas’ 1991 response to Anita Hill’s accusations against him is seen as a model of human restraint.  But, that’s where we are, ladies and gentlemen, in the year of our Lord, two thousand and eighteen.


It’s also sad that Professor Ford, herself a picture of grace under pressure as she spoke, had to endure that sham of a hearing, when everyone knew going in that those men’s minds had been made up from the moment “President” Trump presented Judge Kavanaugh as his nominee.  Again, though, it’s just the Evil That White Men Do.


To Judge Kavanaugh, to the senators who voted for him nevertheless, and to all perpetrators of violence against women and others everywhere, know that reckoning comes to everyone.  If it doesn’t come from the courtrooms or the ballot boxes, believe me, it’ll come from someplace else.  (Oh, and Brett?  Any man who has to get [!@#$%^&*]-faced just to approach women is gay.  All the beer-drinking cliques in the world will never change what you are.  ACCEPT IT.)


To Ashley Estes Kavanaugh, I pray your beautiful daughters never come to you and admit they, too, have been victims of sexual violence.  And if they do, I pray you will believe them a lot more than that roomful of men believed Professor Ford.  (Also, your husband is gay.  But, I suspect you knew as much already. 

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To the women who branded Judge Kav’s accusers as liars and worse, who saw him at HIS worst, but who still believe that a “good man” has been unjustly persecuted, begin emancipating yourselves from mental slavery.  (Thanks, Bob Marley!)  You might be cool with everything that’s happened to this country since Trump took office, but the rest of us aren’t; and if and when we do kick that man, his minions and followers to the proverbial curb, we’re gonna make double sure you join them.  So, wise up.


And to Professor Ford, to Deborah Ramirez, to Julie Swetnick, and to all women everywhere who have been harassed or assaulted by those who are supposed to respect and protect them, I can offer only these words: I’m sorry “the system” and people’s blind eyes toward it keep letting you down.  But, while the law enforcement communities and United States government might not ever believe you, others do believe you, and will.  Speak up.


It doesn’t matter if it happened thirty seconds ago, or thirty years ago.  Speak up.


It doesn’t matter if all you have in the way of evidence is your story.  Speak up.


It doesn’t matter if you feel as if you had “asked for it.”  Like, maybe if you hadn’t drunk so much, or hadn’t worn such revealing clothing, or hadn’t been alone at night in his car or apartment - maybe if you had just been smarter, it never would’ve happened.


None of that is true, and none of it matters.  All that matters is that you speak up.  Today.  Now.


Someone is there, ready and willing to listen.

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Democratic Senate candidates can start raising more cash off of this immediately and going into the home stretch more money is always a good advantage. The House is already on track to flip, but the more seats that can be flipped the better. People are really angry about this confirmation and anger drives voters to the polls more than anything else.

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Election Day is a month away, though, so I think it's very important to keep this and other atrocities foremost in people's minds until then.  We cannot let Trump distract us with more inane b.s.

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I have to respectfully disagree with that.  When the person at the top is as corrupt as Trump it seeps through the nation.  The white supremacy didn't start with Trump, but he has emboldened them. Plus Trump has made hundreds of nominations to the lower courts and may very well get another SCOTUS nomination. He is far more dangerous and powerful than a single member of the court can ever be. Oh, and he still has the codes to the nukes. There is always that.

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