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But aren't independents and others unaffiliated with the major parties prohibited from voting in closed primaries?


Yep, this one's from the New Yuck Times.  Sorry, peeps.




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Paul Ryan briefly grew a spine a few moments ago and said it would be pretty disastrous if Pres. Orange Crush fired Bob Mueller. we now return you to Ryan's spineless lies where he puts party above country already in progress....

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Yes. Only members of the party are allowed to vote on who should represent it. Somehow this became radical this year because...Bernie. A lot of people who wanted to vote for him didn't even know what kind of primary they were trying to vote in and instead of taking responsibility for their ignorance the Berniacs have decided they were the victim of voter suppression (because remember, it's always someone else's fault). Oddly enough they don't seem nearly as concerned with the poor and minorities who are actually removed from the voter rolls.


Firing Mueller would essentially be shooting himself in the head, not the foot, the head. Donnie thinks he can fire his way out of this. Adam Schiff is now at the point where he can't even pretend to take this mess seriously. I read this tweet in Jenifer Lewis' voice.



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Happy Primary Day, Virginia! I really hope this race gets more attention now that the primary will be over after tonight, because, as I've said before, the post-Trump election season (not just special elections) really begins this year, not 2018, and Virginia's gubernatorial race is proof of that. It is, by far, the most high profile example of a state that has elections of some form or another every year, due to the amendment in the state constitution barring sitting Governors from seeking another term in office. (They CAN, however, seek NON-consecutive terms in office--some have tried in the past.) For some weird reason, though, Lieutenant Governors CAN seek consecutive terms. Not sure why the difference exists there, but there you go. 


From what I understand, the real thing to watch tonight--perhaps to no one's surprise--is which of the Democratic candidates wins Northern Virginia (the GOP candidate is all but assured at this point). Ralph Northam--who is from the Eastern Shore of VA--has bases in Metro Richmond and Hampton Roads (which is close to the Eastern Shore), while Tom Perriello, from the Charlottesville area, has his bases in the area known as the Southside (the part of VA south of the James River--Lynchburg, home of the infamous Liberty University, is located there--and this area is really just south of Charlottesville), Southwest (which includes Blacksburg, home of Virginia Tech), and the Shenandoah Valley area. Northern Virginia is the wild card. And I can't help but wonder, with how Democratic NOVA has increasingly become, if that just might be enough for either Dem to carry the state, as both Obama and Hillary did. Especially since Ed Gillespie doesn't exactly strike me as a candidate with much appeal (but with the GOP candidates who have won office recently, what do I know now?).


Luckily, for me, since I'm next door in Maryland, AND I get DC stations, that makes it even easier for me to keep track of the race tonight,

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He has become one of my heroes. Love that man. and JL? from my hometown of St. Louis, Mo. My grandmother and her mother were like sisters since they were little. But....I wouldn't put it pass Trump. He has no thought  process on nothing. He reacts and takes no blame, blaming others when he [!@#$%^&*] up. because no one will tell him no....but from what I saw on tv this morning, apparently many in that admin off the record would LOVE to testify before Congress and blow him right out of that office. they hate his GUTS. 

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The weird thing is that it wasn't Donnie who said he might fire Mueller. It was Chris Huddy who is basically that guy you see on every nightly newscast mugging for the camers telling everyone that he saw the whole thing go down. Donnie and his cabal can't seem to STFU and the more they talk the worse they make it for themselves.

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We get this to look forward to for 4 years.  I could care less about the Sessions stuff - nothing is going to come out of this - and this administration will be 4 years of a Reality TV show with breaking news every single day.  It's like watching a scripted TV program. 


Off topic board I know - and we know soaps won't last forever, but this will be the end of Daytime TV as we know it.  And I don't understand why when something like this is going on - why every single network has to cover it...I tuned in to see Ellen, not this testimony.  If I want to watch it I can find it on like - CNN, MSNBC or 6 other stations.  I'm not watching NBC, CBS, or ABC one over the other for coverage like this especially when it's just testimony....there are no "hosts" or "anchors" while it's going on for me to care which network I'm watching. 

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